♦ .Pas de Deux. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Pas de Deux, motherfucker." Geo spats out.

"Pikapi, Pikachu Pika!"
[Sorry Ash, but this battle isn't over!] Pikachu says, leaping off of Geo's shoulder.

"Listen to me, Ash. We don't want to battle you like this..." Geo says.
"But if this is how it's gonna be, then so be it!"

"Well then, if that's what you-"

"But..." Geo starts to say.

"But what?" Ash asks, his voice full of intensity. Geo then pulls up her hair in a ponytail, and looks at Ash dead in the eyes.

"If we're gonna battle, it'll just be you and me. Geo vs Ash. Combat style." Geo states. The duo stared at her, confused.

"I want to battle you head on. No one interfering." Geo says, holding out her blade and pointing it towards Ash. Ash stares at the knife-shaped blade, observed it for a few seconds, then looked back up.

"As for you, Greninja, I want you to battle with these guys." Geo explains.

"Well? Do you accept?" Ash looks at her, unsure. But then his smile returns. The Pokemon prepare themselves.

"Very well. Go for it Greninja; give them hell." Ash says. Greninja nods, dashing towards the Pokemon.

[Look out!] Pikachu exclaims. The group jump out of the way, splitting up in different directions.

"You guys know what to do." Geo says, catching her breath and walking towards Ash. Everyone nods. The Trainers head off to where the Kaloseans were.
The Pokemon head off to a space to get ready to battle their strongest opponent. Greninja turns around, and he's clearly amused.

"Gren, Greninja..."
[Heh, don't cry if you lose...] Greninja states.

"Pikachu, Pipika..."
[Back at you, Greninja...]

"Damn, Ash. That was uncalled for. Even for you." Geo says, her voice now more serious than before and still slightly out of breath from the sudden attack. Ash just chuckles at her remark.

"No such thing as something being "called for," in battle. Now shut up. Like you said; Pas de Deux." Ash replies, holding up his blade. Geo exhales sharply. She tears her skirt off so she can battle easier with her shorts.

"Right. Pas de Deux." Geo replies. She gets her blade ready, and starts charging, with Ash doing the same. The two land equal attacks on each other, barely missing each other with their blades. At points, they even did close hand-to-hand combat, each side landing a few kicks and punches.

If only I can jog his memories...! Geo wonders while in combat; she needed to find out how to get Ash to stop fighting and bring him and Greninja back. Suddenly,Geo then feels a sharp pain in her left thigh. She looks down to see her peach skin with a red knife slice in it; Ash had stabbed her thigh.

"Ah-!" Geo steps backwards while clasping her thigh, covering her wound to stop it from bleeding.
"You son of a...!"

"Don't try losing yourself in your thoughts; or I may find more places to stab you to get you to battle me." Ash retorts. Suddenly, Ash grips his chest as if he's been kicked there.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now