♦ .Assistance. ♥

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Bonnie's POV:

Hang on, Bonnie! Squishy shouts, as more roots kept appearing out of nowhere.

"GOT IT!" I shout, holding onto Squishy for dear life. Dedenne was inside my bag, shaking around from how fast we were going.

"You know, I never asked this before, but where are we going?" I ask while trying to make my voice sound so vibrate-y.

My friend, or the other Zygarde Core; Z2. The one that's being controlled by Team Flare. Squishy says.

"Y-you're friend is being controlled...?!"

Unfortunately, yes. That Zygarde Core was already captured when I first met you. Or at least, we were separated when I first met you, but it was eventually captured. And what you're witnessing now is only part of Zygarde's power. Once we get together and transform at the same time, we will reach our full power. Squishy explains.

"F-full power? Wh-what d-do you m-mean by th-that?" I ask, catching my breath.

Our transformations... how can I explain this... depends on how many Zygarde cells we gather. Our 25% form is the one I'm currently in now. The serpent-like form is our 50% form. That's the form that the other Zygarde is currently in. And if we gather MANY cells when we're together, then we'll reach our 100% form. Squishy explains.

"That sounds really complica- wait! Look over there!" I shout, pointing forward. There was this strange red glow in the distance.

"Do you think that's the other Zygarde?!" I ask.

It must be. Now hold on tight! This might get dangerous! Squishy warns. Trusting it, I hold on to it's scaly skin, gripping on for dear life. And Squishy was right about this part being the most dangerous. We had so many close calls with dodging the roots. It was so nerve-racking I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for it to be over. After about a minute or so, Squishy then suddenly stops. Were we on solid ground?

There it is. Squishy says.

I didn't want to open my eyes to see the other Zygarde, but I couldn't keep my eyes closed forever. I opened them slowly, and what I saw just chilled me to the very bone.

The serpent-like creature was practically 20 times bigger than me, and it's red glow and aura would easily confirm to a mere preschooler that something was amiss.

Stay back, Bonnie. You don't want to get hurt, alright? Squishy warns, facing me. As much as I wanted to help, seeing the size of Squishy's friend, and the chances of me getting hurt were over the roof, I knew that Squishy was right.

"Okay... but be careful..." I tell Squishy, stroking the snout of the dog-like creature. Squishy nods.

Backing up, Squishy then starts to glow a light green, and several little green beams of light, which I can only assume to be the cells that it was talking about, were being absorbed.

Squishy then grew, until it was the same size as the other Zygarde. Once the glow dimmed, I notice that Squishy was now practically the same Zygarde as the other, except Squishy's scales were a glowing shade of emerald green, while the one controlled by Team Flare, Z2, was glowing that eerie bright red.

The two then started to go all out in a real Pokemon battle, but at the same time, I noticed that Squishy was using its attacks to not hurt it severely, but probably to snap the other Zygarde out of Team Flare's control.

Please... be careful Squishy...

Alain's POV:

"This is it." Geo replies. The storage room had a lock on it where you had to swipe a keycard in it.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now