♦ .No More. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Oh! Hey Alain!" Korrina exclaims, waving as the Kalos League Campion, with his friend and the professor following not to far behind him.

"Hey Korrina. How've you been?" Alain asked, clutching his stomach where the stab wound was.

"Scared, honestly. Especially since my grandfather went off somewhere in Shalour City to help the citizens there, and told me to go here for shelter."

"I understand. Hope he's doing okay."

"I'm sure he's fine... how have you been?" Korrina asked, eyeballing to his stomach.

"I've been recovering. My scar does still hurt a lot, but I've been through worse." Alain replies.

"And what about Ash and Geo? I just got the news from Clemont and Bonnie about what happened." Korrina asked.

"Ash is resting right now. He's been having a bit of a rough time." Sycamore replies.

"Oh, I'm sure. Hope he feels better soon. What about Geo?"

"They said that she should wake up in the next day or so." Marian replies.

"Well, that's good news! And have you seen Serena anywhere? I didn't see her with the other trainers." Korrina asked. The three exchanged concerned looks.

"We don't know. We had a quick chat with Ash, and mentioned that Serena went to check on him an hour ago. Hasn't seen her since." Marian replies.

"Serena's not back yet?" Shauna asked, walking into the waiting room with Trevor and Tierno.

"No... it's so strange." Marian says.

"Well, since outside is so devastated, she couldn't have left the building." Trevor says.

"I can go look for her, if you want." Shauna volunteers.

"Okay. Be careful, though." Sycamore warns.

"I'll be fine! What could go wrong?" Shauna asked, heading down the hallway.


Serena's eyes were heavy. It took a lot of strength to open them. She eventually was able to, and noticed the TV that she saw earlier was in front of her.

"...huh...? What is... going on...?" Serena wonders. She goes up to investigate the TV, but then noticed that she couldn't move any of her limbs.

"What the...?" She looks to see that she was strapped down in the chair that was also in the center of the room. She desperately tried to break out of the restraints, but to no avail.

"Who ever is doing this, it isn't funny! Let me go!" Serena exclaims.

"So, you're awake..." a man's voice says. A voice that she recognized. She turns around, and sees... him.

"Lysandre?! What are you doing here?!" Serena exclaims, surprised to see him in the hospital. How did he even get here without anyone spotting him...?

"Don't worry. I'm not hear to hurt you; I'm here to help you." He replies.

"Help me? Help me what?!" Serena asks. Lysandre smiled sinisterly.

"To help you see the world how I see it... I've attempted to do it to Ash and his Greninja, but you saw how well that turned out."

"Oh please. I may be less likely to be able to resist your control, but that doesn't mean I won't fight your Mega Evolution energy!" Serena retorts.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now