♦ .It all begins. ♥

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Geo's POV:

There's one scene that kept replaying in my mind. I remember it so vividly. The night before Ash's battle with Alain. Ash was with his Kalos Pokemon, getting ready for their battle.

"You guys are really pumped up, aren't you?" I say, walking over.

"But, of course! It's our first full battle with him, after all," Ash replies.

"And we finally are able to battle Alain using the Battle Phenomenon without any problems," Ash added in, turning to Greninja.

[Heh, thank goodness for that. It's going to be a heated battle tomorrow, no doubt.] Greninja replies.

While Ash gives a few potential ideas and strategies for his Pokemon could use during the league, I turn around and walked to the railing of the field to get the view of the League's stadium.

I took out my partner Froakie's Pokeball and looked around. The lights and lamps around us were all on, but with the moon shining so brightly and the stars sparkling in the dark, inky blue sky, were these lights needed?

Looking up at the stars, I looked for a star that would probably fit my mother most. It's up there; she's up there... somewhere.

"Geo? What are you looking at?" Ash asked.

"The stars. I just find them really, pretty, y'know?" I reply, not breaking my gaze. Ash and his Pokemon walked over to where I was, looking up.

"I can see what you mean..." Ash replies.

"Yeah... doing this kind of helps me escapes reality, and gives me time to think... especially with..."

[Especially with what?] Talonflame asked.

"Pika... pikapika?"
[Oh... I guess she never told you yet, huh?] Pikachu said solemnly.

[What do you mean?] Greninja asked.

"It's fine, I'll tell them, Pikachu," I say. Ash's expression molds into a worried face; he knew I was going down this Buneary-Hole (A/N: this means Rabbit Hole) since I've explained it to a lot of people.

"Thing is, my mother was really ill when I was little... and eventually, when I was 5, it got so bad that she..." I paused for a second, tears welling up in my eyes.

In that second of silence, the Kalos Pokemon realized what word I was gonna say. I noticed the sorrow on everyone's face after I said that last sentence.

[G-Geo... I'm really sorry...] Goodra solemnly said.

"It's okay... really... just been holding in this piece of information about me for a while... I never told many about it since I didn't want to drag others down with my problems..." I say, my voice quaking slightly.

Ash then placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him, and he had a hopeful smile.

"Geo, if you are ever in need of someone to talk to, you can always tell me and our Pokemon."

"I-I know... but y'know how hard it is living without one of your parents," I say. Until I realized that what I said was true.

"Uh... yeah, I do." Ash replied slightly coldly. I realized his father left him and his mom when he was little.

"Oh god! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"No no, it's fine. But really. If you ever need anyone to talk to, we'll be right here." Ash said.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now