♦ .Stronger. ♥

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Clemont's POV:

"Just a little further..." Sycamore says. And he was right.

The Lumious Gym was so close. And I have to get there. Fast. It's my gym after all, and it's my duty to protect it.

"The sun is starting to set..." Serena said, panting.

"Have you noticed something else about the sky? It looks like it's changing... colors..." Mairin adds in. We all look up.

She was right. The sky wasn't only becoming darker, it was becoming a dark red. It reminded me of... nope. I don't even want to think about it.

"Clemont! Do you know why this is?" Bonnie nagged, tugging my suit.

"B-Bonnie! Stop pulling on me like that! A-and no... I don't know why this is..." I answer, pushing Bonnie a little bit. We were silent for a bit.

"Clemont... you haven't heard from Ash, Alain, or Geo yet... have you?" Serena asks.

"No... I haven't. Let me try sending them a message." I say, taking out my walkie-talkie. I turn it on, and speak into it.

"Ash? Geo? Alain? It's Clemont. Can you hear me?"

No answer.

"Ash? Geo? Alain?"

Again, no answer.

"Hello? Are you guys alright?"


"Oh no..." Bonnie said, her voice full of fear.

BZZZT BZZZT. We could here some static noises come from the walkie-talkie.

"I here something! Maybe one of them heard us!" I say. Everyone gathered around me, desperate and hopeful to hear that the other group was okay.

C: "Ugh... this thing won't turn off. Must be the Lumious Gym leader boy's inventions. Hey, uh, Geo and Alain, right? How do you shut these things off?"

G: "Why would we tell you that?"

C: "If you don't, I could just let you join your friends on the floor over there. Or maybe, I could possibly kill them here and now-"


C: "Damn Alain, I didn't heard you yell like that in a while. Did I strike a nerve, perhaps?"

A: "You psycho! When we get out of here, I'll make sure to kick your ass so hard that those smirk on your face will be wiped off clean!"

G: "A-Alain! Settle down!"

C: "Hmmmm.... yeah, just for that, I think it'll be better if I just DESTROY these things instead. One of you grunts, get me a mallet."

G: "Wh-What?! N-no! Don't do it!"

A: "Don't you even dare! Stop-"


Not long after, the other line went dead.

We were all left speechless after what was played back to us.

"What... the heck...?" Serena gasped.

"No... no no no..." Bonnie said, on the brink of crying.

"What... just happened...?" Mairin said.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now