♦ .Teamwork. ♥

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(This is basically what was happening with Geo's group at the time during the Ash vs His Friends battle)

Geo's POV:

"Hey! What's that over there?!" May asked, pointing to something in the distance.

"I think it's a helicopter..." Max says. And indeed it was. Once we ran closer, I recognized it almost immediately.

"Wait- I know that helicopter!" I exclaim. The others looked at me, shocked.

"What?! You know it?!" Iris exclaims.

"Yeah. Me, Ash, and Alain were captured by my fath- I mean, Lysandre, and were taken to Prism Tower." I explain.

"Alain?" Cilan asks, clearly unfamiliar with the name.

"He's a friend of ours. He actually defeated Ash in the Kalos League Conference earlier this afternoon; before all of this." I explain once more. I even smile a bit. And Ash was so close too; so so close...

"And that reminds me... what happened to Ash? Why is he helping out this guy?" Cilan asks. The others expressed concern also. Well, except for Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Kalos team. I exhaled, bracing myself for heartache.

"Well... right after the league ended, Ash and his Kalos team, Alain and I were captured by Team Flare. Lysandre had me and Alain separated from Ash so he could use the Mega Evolution Energy to take control of him and his Greninja. And I thought Ash would be capable of being able to resist it... but that energy must be really strong stuff; I mean, it's able to control the legendary Pokemon Zygarde, but still..." I look down, still trying to comprehend that moment. I could just hear the echos of their painful screams. I stopped in my tracks. The others turned to me, confused.


"...I'm such an idiot."

The others stared back at me, shocked and worried.

"Geo? What do you mean? What's wrong?" Cress asks. I look up, full-well knowing I look like a hot mess as well.

"I-it's just that... I could've p-prevented this... all o-of th-this... wouldn't have happened if I just... I don't know... talked to Lysandre more or spent more time with him... I should've actually called him and not just put him off... sure, I was busy with my journey... but I could've done SOMETHING. SOME FUCKING THING that would've changed his mindset on the world... but I didn't... and because of me being oblivious, my closest friend is pretty much gone, I put the lives of people and Pokemon that I love in danger, so many people and Pokemon out there are dead..."

I felt my knees give out, and I collapse to the ground but trying to stand; sobbing like no tomorrow. This was my fault; I was to blame for Lysandre's destruction.

"Geo..." Chili whispers.

"I-I'm sorry..." I choke out, holding back tears. The trainers and Pokemon stared at me with looks of worry.

"Stop..." Misty says. I look up, aware I look like a hot mess. Misty walks up to me, and...


A dozen gasps left the others mouths. A burning sensation is slapped onto my left cheek, as I stumbled onto the ground. Placing my hand on where I was just slapped, I look up to Misty. She had tears in her eyes also, but these seemed to be out of frustration and anger.

"Stop blaming yourself for this... this isn't your fault..." Misty explains, giving me sharp eyes that pierced through my skin.
"It's that fucking psycho's fault. He was the one who didn't open up to you about his problems. If he did, you'd know something is wrong and then help them out; but he didn't. The bastard should've said something was up; then you'd be able to talk to him."

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now