♦ .Reunion. ♥

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The scream of anguish and despair was enough to give even the strongest and the bravest goosebumps and shivers down the spine.

Mairin collapsed to the floor as she sobbed uncontrollably while repeating his name over and over again, trembling. The others were dead silent... they couldn't believe any of it, seeing their friend unmercifully kill another friend.

"This... can't be real..." Clemont says, voice shaking as Bonnie was trying not to cry. Everyone was speechless. And they had to come to the tough realization; it was over. Their quest was over. Two of their friends were gone; one killing the other by his own hands, and he wasn't even himself. And there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.

Ash stared out to where he knocked Alain off. He didn't move in what felt like forever. And he had these odd thoughts.

What was... I doing just now...?

Did I just... kill my friend?

Why would I... do this...?

What is... happening to me...?

However, before he could snap out of it, a voice in his head said,

You're doing great. Alain was an obstacle that needed to be eliminated. He was a traitor and nothing more. Now eliminate the rest of the group and you're done. Just one more thing to do.

That voice overpowered his previous thoughts, and the energy kicked backed in. Ash snapped out of his thoughts, forgetting his doubtful ones and wiped the tear off his face.

Are you alright, Ash? We have work to do.
Greninja said telepathically. Ash turned to his partner.

Never better. Don't worry.

Ash and Greninja walk over to the group. Ash had a blank yet sinister smile on his face. It felt like for everyone, time around the world had stopped except for their bodies, like they could travel through time. They couldn't do anything about Alain, either.

"Ash... please... you're... still in there... are you...?" Serena stuttered.

"Serena..." Diantha stared at the girl, desperately jogging her friend's memories as best as she could, to no avail.

"You have to be... you wouldn't do this..." Clemont adds in.

"Come back, Ash...! Please...!" Bonnie cries out.

Ash stayed silent. He just gave them that emotionless smile.

They suddenly felt a large rumble under them and heard a roar that was as loud as a dragon-type's roar. They look out the large hole to see a helicopter flying away.

"What's that...?" Bonnie asks.

"It's a helicopter... and from what I think... it's probably Team Flare's..." Clemont hypothesized.
"I wonder if Ash must've been in that helicopter with Geo and Alain a while ago...?"

"Maybe... maybe not..."

"Hmph. Can't say I was surprised. You should've just surrendered; it would've been much easier and you wouldn't be feeling this much pain right now." Ash says in a low, emotionless, cold voice.

"But Ash... we want the real you back... a dependable leader, a compassionate and caring trainer... and our friend...! Where did that Ash go...?" Serena asks, tears forming and already stumbling down her cheeks.

For a split second, Ash felt touched by Serena's words. But immediately, he squandered those feelings right back down.

"Well, no matter now. You're time is up." Ash says, as he and Greninja raised their arms up, forming a large Water Shuriken above their heads, preparing to launch it at any second.

"Any last words?" Ash asks. Everyone stayed silent; what could they say? It's not like it mattered anyway. Their words couldn't possibly get through him now-

"I'd say that this battle ain't over yet!"


A lightning strike appears from the Challenger entrance, evaporating the Water Shuriken and causing a short-circuit explosion. Ash and Greninja jumped out of the way before being shocked, and everyone covered their faces to block the smoke and light.

"What the hell...?! Who said that?!" Ash asked.

"Me. Turn around." A voice says.

Everyone turns to the direction of the voice to see a large group of people and Pokemon standing right in front of them. All from different regions.

In front of the gigantic group leading them were Ash's 4 other Pokemon; Talonflame, Hawlucha, Goodra, and Noivern, along with many trainers, who happened to be Ash's old companions and enemies:

Jessie, James, and Meowth; part of the evil organization Team Rocket who always caused him and his friends trouble.

Misty, a girl who was tomboyish and hot-headed, and was a water-type Gym Leader in Kanto.

Brock, a flirtatious Pokemon Doctor and another Kanto Gym Leader who specializes in rock types.

May, a Pokemon Coordinator in Hoenn and daughter of fighting-type Gym Leader Norman.

Max, May's little brother and son of fighting-type Gym Leader Norman.

Dawn, a Pokemon Coordinator from Sinnoh and daughter of Pokemon Coordinator Johanna.

Iris, a new apprentice to dragon-type Gym Leader Drayden in Opelucid City and upcoming Dragon Master.

Cilan, Chili, and Cress, all Gym Leaders in Striaton City. Chili is a fire-type specialist, Cress is a water-type specialist, and Cilan, who aims to be the world's best connoisseur, is a grass-type specialist and Ash's other Unova traveling companion.

And then Steven Stone, Hoenn's current champion, and son of the president of the Devan Corporation. With him was his shiny Mega Metagross.

In front of them all, however, was a girl with a Pikachu and Froakie on her shoulders. The brown-eyed girl had brown shoulder length hair that were bleached at the ends, she wore a white and purple themed school uniform, her purple skirt blowing in the wind from outside, and brown and purple boots. She was also covered in many bruises and cuts; and had a few faint blood stains on her clothing. But notably; she was wearing Ash's hat, adjusting it like he would when he gets ready for a battle. Ash and Greninja step back, slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people and Pokemon that were originally his "friends."

"Geo...? Is that really you...?" Serena asks, squinting. The brown-haired girl smiles at her.

"At your service." She says with a wink. Mairin stared in shock to see Steven here, but looked closer, and saw on the Metagross was...

"Alain?!" Mairin exclaimed with surprise and relief while tears streaming down her face, her friend still in one peace.

"Don't worry. He's still alive; along with Charizard. He's just in his Pokeball." Steven says. Mairin breathes a large sigh of relief.

Turning back to Ash, Geo then looks up, points at him, and her lips part to say,

"Pas de Deux, motherfucker."

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now