♦ .So Few People. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

The TV turned off.

The group was left speechless.

"That two-faced son of a bitch..." Geo scowled, staring at the TV like she was going to break it any second. However, she turned to Bonnie before she could do anything.

"She's not... d-dead... right...?" Shauna stammered.

"No need to worry. She's still alive." Blaziken Mask states, causing everyone to sigh in relief.

"However, she's pretty injure-"

"Ngh..." Bonnie started moving around slightly.  Open her blue eyes slowly, she began looking around slightly.

"H-huh...? Where... am I...?" Bonnie breathes out.

"Bonnie?! Are you okay?!" Geo asks in a panic. Bonnie turns her head towards us.

"Wha...? What do you- OW!" She flinched.

"Hold on, young lady, let me set you down. Diantha, help me out." Blaziken Mask says. Diantha grabs her head, and the two place her down gently.

"My whole body... it feels... so numb..."

"Take it easy. Don't move." Geo says, taking out a handkerchief and rubbed on Bonnie's bloody wounds.

"What in the world happened to you?!" Alain asks, taking Squishy and Dedenne.

"I-I... don't remember... I need some time... to think..." Bonnie says.

"Deep breaths, Bonnie. Just take it easy..." Diantha says in a hushed tone.

"Blaziken Mask, do you know what happened to her?" Sawyer asks.

"I don't know much, but it seemed like a man, a boy and his Greninja were using some sort of red beam on her and her partners Dedenne and... that green thing." He says, unsure of Squishy's name.

"That must be Lysandre, Ash, and Greninja!" Geo whispers to Alain.

"Seems so..." Alain replies.

"But before something happened, me and Blaziken jumped in and saved them." Blaziken Mask explains.

"Red beam? That sounds like..." Alain starts to say.

"It's a Mega Evolution energy beam. He's using that to control Zygarde. And Ash and his Greninja because Lysandre wants to use his Bond Phenomenon." Geo interrupts.

"It's some sort of mind control beam?! Are you saying Lysandre was trying to control Bonnie?! That's horrible!" Shauna says.

"N-no... he wasn't..." Bonnie speaks out. We turn to her.

"Then what was he trying to do?" Trevor asks.

"Y-you're not wrong about the mind control part... but it was Sq-Squishy who he was trying to c-control... but I jumped in to protect it... and I felt so much pain..." Bonnie says.

"You risked your life to save Squishy...? Damn. That's really brave of you, Bonnie." Geo says.

"I felt like when I was losing my consciousness, I could here his voice... Lysandre's voice, I mean... his demands on how he wants to... wipe this world clean..." Bonnie explains, eyes starting to water.

"That sounds really scary... especially for someone your age." Tierno says, his voice full of concern.

"Question; how did you get all of these cuts and bruises, anyway?" Trevor asks.

"They're from Greninja and Ash... they launched me into a pile of rubble. I called out for them, but they didn't listen... like what Alain and Geo said, they must've been under Lysandre's control. The real Ash and Greninja wouldn't hurt anyone like this..." Bonnie says, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"And before they could control Squishy... I..."

"You jumped in to save it?" Blaziken Mask asks. Bonnie nods a little.

"Well... it's great that you want to protect... uh, Squishy... but you could've really hurt your body more than it could handle." Blaziken Mask says.

"He's right. What would Clemont do if you got hurt?!" Shauna exclaims. Bonnie looks down.

"I know... but I don't want to sit around and do nothing..." Bonnie says.

"I can see that, but one can only do so much. Including us. Including you. We are doing everything we can to stop Lysandre and save Ash, but with so few people..." Diantha explains, "...we need to take things one step at a time."
Geo then thinks for a moment.

So few people...
So few people...
What if I...
Yeah, I should. They can probably help us out.

"I think I have an idea." Geo says, placing her blood-covered handkerchief in her bag.

"Really? What is it?" Tierno asks.

"Diantha said that there's few people trying to stop the attacks, right? Well, I have a lot of friends that I think can help us out." Geo explains.

"What?! Are you insane?!" Alain exclaims.

"No, Geo. We've already nearly lost Bonnie; we can't put more lives at stake here!" Diantha explains.

"Trust me, Diantha. I've known these guys for a while; we took down other evil organizations before; we can do it again together!" Geo pleads.

"But Geo-" Diantha starts to say, but before she could finish, Geo was already up and running.

"Vanillite, return!" Geo says, returning her Vanillite into its Pokeball.

"Pikachu, you and the rest of Ash's Pokemon are coming with me! Hop on my head, Froakie!" Geo shouts. Ash's Pokemon gave concerned looks towards each other, but followed her anyway. Geo's Froakie then hops on its trainer's head.

"GEO!" Diantha calls, running for her.

"Don't, Diantha!" Blaziken Mask shouts, grabbing her wrist.


"I'm sure the girl knows what she's doing."

"Froakie Froakie...!"
[I hope you know what you're doing...!] Froakie tells his trainer.

"Don't worry, I do. Use your frubbles to make a path!" Geo calls out. Froakie hops and makes a steppingstone-like path for the trainer and the Pokemon to run on. The girl and the Pokemon then make a break for it, running to the Pokemon Center where Geo and Ash first registered for the Kalos League as fast as possible.

"Let's get to Clemont, Sycamore, Mairin and Serena!" Alain says, standing up.

"Good idea. But where do we find them?" Sawyer asks.

"They should be at Prism Tower..." Bonnie says, still sitting down.

"Got it. Let me help you up." Blaziken Mask offers, picking up Bonnie and placing her on his shoulders. Alain gives Diantha the two little Pokemon, and places them into their respective pockets in Bonnie's bag, letting them rest.

"Gardevoir, use Psychic to float us out of here!" Diantha calls. The Pokemon nods, and its eyes begin to glow a light blue. Suddenly, everyone was lifted up into the sky, including Gardevoir itself.

"Lead the way, Bonnie!" Shauna shouts.

"Got it!" Bonnie calls out. Then the group floats around, in the directions that Bonnie points out, on the search for the other group of trainers and professor.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now