♦ .Cold Blood Murder. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Alain, can you back me up?" Trevor asks. Alain nods.

"Alright Charizard, Double-Flamethrower!" Trevor and Alain shouts in unison. The two Charizard launch their moves, but Greninja moved to the side and launched another Water Shuriken. Alain's Charizard barely dodged it, but Trevor's Charizard wasn't so lucky; the Water Shuriken hit his stomach, falling to the ground and crashing into Trevor. Charizard then returns to his normal form.

"TREVOR!" Tierno and Shauna scream. Facing Greninja, they knew they needed to avenge their friends.

"Ivysaur, lift up Blastoise with Vine Whip!" Shauna says. Ivysaur spawns two Vines from its neck, wraps them around Blastoise's stomach, and lifts him up.

[Damn, you're heavy...!] Ivysaur says to themself.

"Alright Blastoise, Hydropump!" Tierno shouts. The large turtle starts shooting out waves of water, but Greninja already prepares himself by creating Water Kunais and deflecting it.

[But how?!] Blastoise exclaims. Greninja then transforms the Kunais into two more Water Shurikens, and launches them at the two Pokemon. Blastoise falls with a large THUD, and transforms back to normal. The large vibration causes Tierno to fall over, and Shauna regains her balance. However, Ivysaur gets knocked back into Shauna, knocking her to the ground.

"Shit...!" Alain says under his breath. Lysandre begins to laugh.

"What now?! You can't possibly defeat him now!" Lysandre taunts, Ash and Greninja giving them blank yet taunting smiles that read, Come closer, I fucking dare you...

"Clemont...! This isn't looking too good!" Bonnie says.

"Don't worry... we'll win! I'm sure of it. We'll avenge the ones who were knocked down!" Clemont reassures his little sister.
"Now, before the Frenzy Plant disappears! Get to Greninja and attack!" The three nod, and start making their way towards Greninja, with Chespin and Bunnulbey on Luxray's back.

"Hurry, Heliolisk! Follow those three into the Frenzy Plant!" Clembot commands. Heliolisk starts dashing into the Frenzy Plant, not far behind Clemont's main trio.

"You three follow them! Same strategy as before!" Serena calls out. Braixen gets her stick ready, hopping on the roots. Pancham hops on Sylveon's back, and Sylveon starts frolicking onto the roots, following Braixen.

"Blaziken, follow them!" Blaziken Mask calls out.

"You too, Charizard!" Alain shouts. The two fire types nod, and starts dashing or flying into Greninja's direction.

"Be safe in there, Garchomp." Sycamore says, rubbing Garchomp's head. Garchomp nods, then glides into the sea of roots.

"Gardevoir, follow them while using Psychic on the roots like last time!" Diantha advises. Gardevoir nods, then starts dashing onto the roots as well, using Psychic on the roots that she and the others ahead of her were on. Greninja went in head on, preparing to attack. It was hard to run on the roots with Gardevoir's Psychic in effect, but it was able to manage with his fast reflexes and speed, and made sure not to make the same mistake he did last time. He also kept a close eye on the Pokemon. Ash kept his eyes peeled too.

"Chespin, Ches-Chespin! Chespin!"
[Sorry Greninja, but you're going down! Vine Whip!] Chespin exclaims, leaping off of Luxury and launched a Vine Whip his way.

"Sylveon Sylve!"
[I'll help you out there!] Sylveon calls, using her feelers. They headed towards Greninja, trying to wrap around one of his limbs, but he leaps up before getting caught.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now