♦ .But No One Came. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

Days flew by. After having that breakdown, Ash ran back into his room, and completely shut everyone out.

"He hasn't talked to us for days... is he okay?" May asked.

"He hasn't done anything to himself. But I think the shock of seeing Geo in her current condition was just too much for him." Nurse Joy explains.

"Can we go talk to him?" Cress asked.

"I think he needs some space for now. We just need to let him clear his mind a bit." Nurse Joy says. She walks off to Alain's room to check on him.

"I'm really worried... what do you think we should do?" Dawn says. Serena was silent for a bit. She then heads off into the direction of Ash's room.

"Serena?" Clemont noticed her walking off.

"I'm gonna go check on him." She replies.

"What?" Chili asks. "But Nurse Joy just told us to give him some space!"

"Yes, I know. But I don't care what she says. I'm gonna go check on him anyway." Serena says.

No one objected to what she answered them with, but decided to just head back downstairs to check on Ash and Geo's Pokemon; who were being checked on for anymore injuries.

Serena walked to Ash's room. She took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Hey... Ash?"

Serena braced herself for the worst, but a wave of relief washed over her to see Ash still okay.

Well, sort of. Ash turned around to see who was there. Serena noticed the wet streaks on his cheeks. He was definitely crying.

"Oh, hey Serena." Ash said in a silent, monotone voice.

"Hey Ash... do you... want to talk for a bit?" Serena asked, walking to his bed.

"Sure... I guess." Serena sat down next to him. With the situation they were in, and from being massively tired for quite a while, she didn't have that energy to feel lovestruck as she used to. She slept for a lot less amount of time now, from being worried sick and from meeting and getting to know more and more of Ash's friends and rivals that came down from other regions to see him, and from getting to know Ash's other Pokemon and companions.

"How have you been?"

"All over the place."

"I have been feeling that way too. A lot of your other rivals and friends were somehow able to come in control with us to send you get well wishes too."


"Yeah. Some of them being Gary, Bianca, Barry, Paul, Ursula, Drew, and even the gym leaders and the trainers we've met here on our journey; like Sanpei, Nini and Miette. Those three are here right now, actually."

"Wow... really? Even people like Paul are that concerned about me...?"

"Uh... yeah. And... about Geo-"

"Please... don't mention her name right now."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want to talk about her. Still feeling pretty upset about it."


The room and atmosphere just became silent.

"Hey... Serena...?"

"Uh- y-Yeah?"

"Throughout these few days, and the day when I woke up... I began hearing this... strange voice..."

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now