♦ .New Life. ♥

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Geo's POV:

"...if you've got no where to go, why not come along with me?" Ash asked.

I felt my heart skip at least two beats.
Maybe three. I don't know.

"W-wait, what?"

"Yeah; you know, since you've lived with me for almost your whole life, you're pretty much like my little twin sister. Right?" Ash says.

I didn't know what to say. I grasped his hand, and he pulled me up.

"Pikachu, pika."
[He's right, you know.] Pikachu complies.

"Pikachu... well, I don't know... I'm still trying to process the whole thing about my dad- I mean, Lysandre, and-"

"And you can't always do that on your own. Right?" Ash asked, stunning Geo a little.

"Sometimes, you'll eventually need the support of your friends and family. Right? You can't always find the answers on your own." Ash says.

I looked among the others, each giving me a heartwarming smile. These guys...

"You guys..." I was at a lost for words.

Ash extends out his hand to me.

"What do you say... sis?"

Of course... these guys... they're the ones I should consider my family.

I mean, they basically are my family; they're the ones who helped me become the person I am today.

They stuck with me through thick and thin.

Hell, they came all the way to Kalos and risked their lives to save our world... and helped me escape this family turmoil I never thought I'd be in.

Oh, shit... here come the tears...

I grasp his hand, and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you... thank you so much... you don't know how much this means to me...!" I say, my voice breaking a bit from crying. Ash holds me close.

"Welcome to the family." He whispers. His Pokemon and mine ran up to us, and we all had a tight group hug.

So... this is what it feels like.

"Ash! Geo! Everyone!" Professor Sycamore and Diantha ran over to us with concerned looks. Me, Ash, and our Pokemon broke out of our little moment to listen to what they needed to say.

"Are you all alright?" Diantha asked, catching her breath.

We all nodded.

"That's a relief. Officer Jenny and some of the others in the police force are taking care of the admins. They told us they have questions to ask you all." Sycamore explains.

"Oh, what does she want to ask?" Alain asked.

"Just questions about the incident; from start to finish. They're especially paying attention to you, Geo, Ash, and Greninja." Diantha says.

"Me, Greninja, and Geo?"

"Yeah; you three are basically the most prominent keys to the whole thing, since you guys were involved in the majority of the whole thing. So they're going to be asking a lot of questions. You think you're up to it?" Diantha asked. The three of us nodded.

"Alright, come on everyone. Let's head out." Diantha says. As everyone headed out, I stayed put. I turned to Lysandre's corpse.

It's so odd... looking at him like this. What happened mere minutes ago, I had thought we would be on death's row. I thought he'd turned out victorious.

But no. He didn't. Really is a bittersweet victory.

"Hey, Geo?" I turned to see Alain and Ash standing in front of me a bit ahead, waiting for me.

"Aren't you coming?" Alain asked. I looked back at Lysandre's corpse.



He might be my father... but... I can't forgive him for what he's done.

He's my father... but that shouldn't mean that this gives him a pass.

He manipulated us like puppets, and nearly killed all of us for his pleasure. Who'd would forgive a person like that?

Not me. Not ever.

Damn it all... it's times like these I wonder why I didn't notice this much earlier.

He wasn't a good father.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just give me a minute." I call back to the two. They smile, and start making their way over to Professor Sycamore and the others.

I took out the photo of me and parents one last time. The one I showed Ash and our Pokemon the day before the league.

We look so happy together...

We were so happy together...

We were a normal family...

...but then Lysandre had to ruin that relationship between us; apparently, his likings are more important than his families.

I ripped off the picture, separating Lysandre from younger me and my mother. I peered down at his corpse, and tossed the slip with him on the picture I ripped into the crater, and watched it float downwards towards him.

It landed on his bloody body, and the ripped photo began to turn into a dark, crimson red color as the blood was soaking into the picture.

"Ma'am?" A police officer approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I peered up to him.

"It's time for you to go. We'll take things from here." He says. I nod.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Of course. Thank you and your other friends for protecting Kalos and our world. Be sure to get some rest." He says, giving me a small smile.

"I will. Thank you." I replied. He released my shoulder, and started to head around the crater for their investigation.

I peered down at the body one more time.

I guess you could say this is essentially ending the hell that was my old life...

...and stepping into the great breath of fresh air that is starting a brand new life.

A life with the people I want to be around.

A life... where I get to spend the rest of my days with the greatest friends I could ever ask for.

A new life... where I can finally be happy. Staring at the body one more time.

"Cad." I say under my breath towards him. Damn... that did kind of feel good to say after these past events.

I turned my heel away from the crater, walked away from it...

And I never looked back.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now