♦ .Corrupted World. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

The attacks were spreading. Not just around Kalos, but around the world too.

In Kanto...

"BROCK!" A girl with orange hair name Misty yelled, running up to a guy with tan skin and brown hair named Brock.

"Misty! Thank Arceus you're okay!" Brock yells in concern. "Do you know what's happening?!"

"Do I know what's happening?! Like I would fucking know! If anything, do YOU know what kind of fucking nonsense is going on here?! I was in the middle of a gym battle until these weird-ass roots appeared!" Misty exclaims in frustration.

"How in the world should I know?!" Brock exclaims. He then notices another root appear behind her.

"WATCH OUT!" Brock yells, grabbing Misty's wrist and running out of the way.

"GAHH!" Misty yells, realizing that she would've been impaled.

"Thanks..." Misty says, catching her breath. Suddenly, the roots come to a halt.

"What the fuck...?" Misty says.

"Look! On the public TV!" Brock yells, pointing to the big TV.

The TV popped on with a fire symbol on it, with the scene soon changing to a orange haired man; one whom the two of them Kantonese Gym Leaders didn't recognize.


In Sinnoh...

"Attention, everyone. There have been strange roots appearing all over Sinnoh, and our world. Over 400 casualties have currently been reported here in Sinnoh; there is currently an estimate of 3000 casualties that have occurred around the world in total. It is unknown who the one creating these roots are, but we do know now that the main source is from the Kalos region. Please stay indoors at all times until we say it's safe to go outside." The news reporter says.

"Dawn, May? Stay inside!" A mother with blue hair shouts up her stairs.

"We figured!" A blue haired girl named Dawn shouts back.

"What the heck is going on out there?!" A light brown haired girl by the name of May asks, holding her little brother Max close.

"I don't know!" Dawn replies in a panic, holding her shivering Piplup close.

[I'm scared, Dawn!] The little penguin says, voice shaking. Piplup was usually full of pride and confidence, but not this time.

"Do you think someone could be behind this?" Max asks.

"This isn't some normal natural disaster, so possibly..." May answers skeptically.

"Hey! Look on Dawn's TV!" Max points to the blue television, the screen that was once the news now a symbol of a flame.

"What? What's going on?!" Dawn stammers. Suddenly, a man with orange hair pops on screen.

"Who is that...?" Max asks. The two shrug, also unsure of the man.

"Greetings to citizens of this world. I am Lysandre; leader of Team Flare. This broadcast is to tell you that I will be destroying this world to create a new world."

"Destroying... this world?!" Dawn exclaims.

"That's terrible!" May shouts in fury.

"Only the chosen ones shall survive, and if you rebel against us, our legendary Pokemon, Zygarde, shall destroy you." Lysandre continued. "Here's an example for those who goes against us."

The camera soon cut from behind Lysandre to a raven haired boy, without any remorse in his eyes, attacking a city with a blue frog-like Pokemon. Pure shock bubbled inside the three, as they recognized the boy's face anywhere.



In Unova...

"No... no no no..." A girl with big hair named Iris started to panic, her Axew trying to process what it was seeing on the screen.

"This can't be possible... there's just no way..." a young man with green hair named Cilan stammered.

The two, along with Cilan's brothers Chili and Cress, were gathered at the Stratiton City gym as shelter for the weird roots that have been appearing, only to be greeted that their friend has been working with this strange man who wants to destroy their world.

The TV then cuts back to the strange man.

"It would be wise for you to accept your fate. This is punishment for the greed that humans like you have caused. Team Flare's goal is to make a world where no greed exists. And for that to be accomplished, we must wipe out those who are against us and our cause." The screen then goes black.

"He wouldn't do this..." Cress says, clenching his fists.
"Why Ash... why?"

"Yeah, he's right... Ash wouldn't do something like this..." Iris says.
"What has gotten into him...?"

"He's probably doing it against his will..." Cilan says.

"What the hell does that mean?!" Chili asks.

"That man must be using some sort of force to make Ash help him out. Like Cress said, Ash wouldn't let anyone, or let alone help someone, do anything like this. This is clearly not the Ash we know..." Cilan hypothesizes, looking at the blank TV screen. The others stayed silent, processing what they saw on the television.


No matter where someone was, the broadcast was shown to them. Lysandre's message was sent to everyone; including Ash's, or what used to be Ash, friends and rivals. That included his other Pokemon back at Oak's lab.

No matter who it was, the people Ash met and became close companions with....

The rivals that would piss him off to the very core of his soul...

His family that encouraged him to achieve his dream...

The Pokemon Ash caught and created a close bond with...

...they had to witness their dear friend do something that they thought Ash would never do.

Or what they thought was Ash.

Because what was in Ash's place was a sick, twisted, puppet-ized monster.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now