♦ .Losing my mind. ♥

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Ash's POV:


Pitch black darkness. A void.

That's all that surrounded me.

I try to move, but I can't. It's as if I was being held back by some sort of invisible force.

Whenever I try to move, I feel a strange pain in my wrists and ankles. Was the force holding me back pushing into my wrists and ankles?

"Hello?" I call out.

No one answered.

No one was around.

It was just me, surrounded by pitch black.

What the hell's going on?

Then I see something. A beam of light. Right in front of me.

It was dim at first. But it got brighter and brighter, to the point where it blinded me. I closed my eyes to shield them from the light.

And when I open them, I'm in the air.

A couple feet off the floor of Prism Tower. At least, I think. My vision was a little blurry. It did adjust however.

And all around the city of Lumious was just those roots and destroyed buildings.

Okay, Ash. Calm down. Try remembering what happened. Okay... so the Kalos League ended with Alain beating me after an extremely close match, then those weird roots appeared. Once we met up with everyone, me, Geo, and Alain were searching for the main source of the roots, we were ambushed by Team Flare, then...

"How adorable... but it would be a shame to defy someone who works for the company your father owns..."

"You know, I never said thanks to Alain yet, now that I think about it..."
(flashback ends)

Geo and Alain. Two of my friends... one who stuck with me ever since I started my whole Pokemon journey, and the other was my strongest and closest rival I've ever faced. They were people I've called my friends.

"Geo... Alain... I-I have to get to the- huh?" As I tried to run, I realized I was stuck. That same force on my wrists and ankles came back. I looked to my left. There were these metal spheres around them. I pulled and pulled to set them free, but to no avail.

"Wait... Pikachu?! Everyone?!" My Pokemon were with me, looking around and trying to free themselves. Greninja was under us, in the same restraints as me.

"Are you guys okay?!" I shout. The others nod.

How about you? Greninja asked telepathically. I can tell what he says telepathically because of the Bond Phenomenon.

Same... I reply. I look out into the city once called Lumious. It was devastated... and to think my friends are out there... hopefully they didn't get hurt... or even worse... no. I don't want to think about that. I can't. There's no way.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt to break us out of the restraints!" I say. Pikachu nodded.

"Piiikaaacchuuu!" Pikachu shouted as he sparks up with lightning. But the Thunderbolt was then absorbed into his own restraints.


"The Thunderbolt was absorbed?!"

"It seems like you've come to. Don't try breaking out of the restraints. It's useless." A man's voice said. We looked down to where the voice came from. And there he was... a tall, orange haired man, with a red and black suit, or known as Lysandre, Geo's so-called father.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now