Flare Arc 1: Prolouge

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Geo's POV:

It feels like forever when the biggest, most dangerous incident of Kalos history ever happened... and our world's history too. Many lives were lost, people and Pokemon alike. Our world plunged in chaos and disarray... where it all started with a man who's twisted mind and past lead up to this twisted event. And that man used to be... my father.

How does this involve my friends and me? We were in the heart of it all. What do I mean that? I mean that... well... we were involved in it the most... especially me and my childhood friend, Ash Ketchum. And because I didn't know any better, I made my own dad commit something so... horrible; using Ash and me against our own will to nearly kill our friends and each other. And because of that, the lives of me, my friends and others were put in danger.

Heh, I've been rambling on for a little bit, haven't I? I haven't even introduced myself yet.
My name's Geo. And this is the story full of bloodlust and tears, emotion and fears. Anger and happiness. Hope and despair. Love and hatred. This is how a bright flame was transformed into a shadow of evil.
And how we were able to fight against that evil, with our own flame.
A story where we fight, fire with fire.

Flare Arc 1: Start!

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now