♦ .Fighting Friends. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

As the battle in the battlefield raged on, Xerosic made his way to the front where the 4 other admins stood, with the chopper roaring to life from the engine. There were already a few grunts in their but there was enough room for the five admins.

"Hop in, you five! We're going to the lab once Lysandre gets here!" The grunt in the pilot's seat shouted. They all hop on to the chopper, and awaited for Lysandre so they could fly off to Lysandre Labs to receive other things they needed to destroy their current world. Geo's group kept on getting lost in the hallways of the tower while defeating many grunts left and right while trying not to lose anyone, and Ash was just destroying the interfering Pokemon, Lysandre silently watching with a grin.

Eventually, they'll fall.

"Sceptile, Frenzy Plant!" Sawyer shouts. The others prepared themselves for the Frenzy Plant roots to appear. And so was Greninja. Sceptile slammed his arms on the ground, causing olive colored roots to appear from the floor. The trainers jumped to the side to avoid the roots, while the Pokemon hopped onto the roots. Though most of them were struggling, Greninja was able to avoid the roots with ease.

Sceptile tried to aim the roots at Greninja, but it was no use; Greninja was too quick on his feet, evading each one.

"Chespin, Pin Missle! Bunnulby, Mud Shot, and Luxray, Discharge!" Clemont shouted among the roots. The three heard him loud and clear, and aimed their attacks. However, Greninja was alerted, and knocked the moves back with Water Shuriken.

[What?!] Bunnulby reacted in surprise. The three attacks bounced back, hitting the trio with a direct hit.

"Oh no!" Clemont reacted, seeing his Pokemon were unsuccessful.

"Floette, hurry over to those three and use Heal Pulse! And don't get spotted!" Mairin says in a whisper. Floette nods, flying over to the Lumious Gym Leader's Pokemon as discretely as possible so she wouldn't be spotted.

"Just perfect, Ash and Greninja. Keep up your good work." Lysandre says to Ash in his earpiece. Ash grinned blankly. That was, until he noticed something in the roots.

Greninja was clearly amused. However, he turned around to see three more Pokemon were climbing up the roots. Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon were effortlessly climbing up the roots as fast as possible. The roots they were climbing on had a blue glow to them, as if a Pokemon was using Psychic.

"Hurry! Hit him with all you got!" Serena shouts. The three leap up in different directions, thrusting a Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, and Fairy Wind at his way. Greninja has no time to dodge, and the three moves landed a direct hit. Greninja fell hard to the ground, and because of the Bond Phenomenon, Ash clutched his stomach harshly from the impact.

"Garchomp, Hyper Beam!" Sycamore commanded.

"Gardevoir, Moonblast!" Diantha shouts.

"Blastoise, Hydropower!" Tierno commands with a quick spin.

"Ivysaur, Solar Beam!" Shauna commands.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!" Trevor and Alain shouts in unison.

Clemont looked at his Pokemon, who were all still a little dizzy, but in good condition.

"Are you three still okay?!" Clemont asks. The three nod.

"They're still good!" Bonnie says. Clemont smiles.

"Thank Arceus... now, Chespin, Pin Missle! Bunnulby, Mud Shot, and Luxray, Discharge!"

"Heliolisk, Parabolic Charge!" Clembot shouts.

Many attacks were launched. Greninja was enveloped in a large explosion, and the pain that Ash felt made him fall to the ground.

"Gh...!" Ash breathed, sucking the air through his teeth. The group took in the explosion, waiting for the outcome. The Pokemon landed in front of them, witnessing the large cloud of smoke that was left behind. Lysandre gritted his teeth.


"Did... we do it...?" Mairin asks, holding Floette close as it landed on the palm of her hand, exhausted from using up most of its energy.

"I can't tell..." Blaziken Mask says.

[Huh...?] Gardevoir stared at something.

"Gardevoir? What is it?" Diantha asks. The others then saw it too. Two pairs of glowing red eyes pierced through them, giving them the most empty yet pissed off looks. Ash and Greninja were struggling to get up, but they were still able to. They also noticed that the shuriken On Greninja's back was no longer blue, but a crimson red. They were still standing... and they were out for cold blood.

"You bastards...!" Ash said, his voice full of rage.

"Guess not...! It seemed to just anger them...!" Bonnie stated, shivering and backing up. Serena looked a little closer, and saw that their eyes were glowing redder. And instead of them glowing a bright red, their eyes were the color of crimson blood.

"So you guys want to do things that way? FINE!" Ash exclaimed. Lysandre smiled, relieved that Ash was still in his grasp, and even started to chuckle.

"You can try all you want, but nothing will work! Ash is forever under the control of Team Flare. Now, FINISH THEM!" Lysandre commands. The two nod, with Greninja heading back into the battle.

"Get ready! Sceptile! Frenzy Plant again!" Sawyer says. Sceptile pounds his hands on the ground once more, and the roots appear again. Greninja then hopped on the Frenzy Plants, with the others heading back on. Sceptile runs up to Greninja about to use Leaf Blade, but Greninja ducks and slides under him.

[What?!] Sceptile turned around to see Greninja behind him. The blue frog grabs the tree gecko's tail, with a smirk.

"Gren, Greninja."
[Nice try, asshole.] Greninja spats at him. Greninja then throws Sceptile to his trainer. With no time to react, Sawyer and Sceptile collides and were pushed back into the wall, creating a cloud of dust.

"SAWYER! SCEPTILE!" Everyone shouts. In the cloud of dust, they could see a glow. Once the dust disappeared, there sat the two, Sceptile no longer in his Mega Evolved form, and the two barely conscious. With Sceptile down, the Frenzy Plant started to lose control and flail like tentacles.

"Flo Floette!"
[Don't worry! I'm coming!] Floette stutters, flying over.

"Wait; Floette!" Mairin exclaims, chasing the fairy. Greninja throws a normal sized Water Shuriken towards the two. Alain turns to see what Greninja was about to do, but it was too late; Greninja tossed the Shuriken towards Mairin. The move nearly missed, and it caused Mairin to lose her balance and collide with her Floette. The little fairy falls to the ground. Next to Mairin's head.

"Floette!" Mairin shouts, scooping her tiny Pokemon up. Floette was knocked out. Mairin tried to stand, but ultimately fails, collapsing back to the ground.

"Mairin! Are you okay?!" Alain asks in a panic.

"I-I... think so..." Mairin says. Alain nods, and turns back to Ash and Greninja. He takes a deep breath.

I'll avenge you, Mairin... and I'll save you Ash and Greninja... whatever it takes!

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now