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3rd Person POV:

"Where are those two?" Ash asked, pacing back and forth.

"Serena's sure taking her sweet time." Miette says.

"You think she got lost?" Bonnie asked.

"I mean, we've been in here for a few weeks... she should know her way around by now." Brock says.

"Speaking of the Darkrai, there they are!" Bianca says.

Shauna was waving ecstatically while Serena was also smiling, but a little less emotion in it. Ash noticed this, and began to feel a little uneasy. Serena locked eyes with him, and he immediately turned away.

That's a little odd. That look in her eyes... it seems so... empty...

"Took you long enough! Where the fuck were you, Serena?!" Misty asks.

"I don't really know. She said she got lost. But we don't have time to worry about that. How's Geo?" Shauna asks.

"They're checking on her now. Let's hope for the best..." Cilan says.

Just then, Nurse Joy walks out with a smile.

"Good news! Geo is finally awake! She's really eager to see you all!" Nurse Joy says cheerfully, walking out of the room. The group all got up and ran into the room as fast as possible.

"GEO!" Ash ran into the room first, and there she was. She didn't look that tired, but she did certainly still look like she was not in good shape.

"Ash! Hey!" Geo exclaims, getting up slowly to not hurt her body. The two embraced each other in a tight hug, and just felt tears of joy streaming from their cheeks.

"Thank Arceus you're still alive!" Ash says, backing up a bit.

"Back at you, Ash; you look like your in good condition!" Geo replies.

The others ran into the room as well, equally excited.

"Hey Geo!" Brock and Misty say.

"Brock, Misty!"

"You're looking so much better!"

"Sanpei? No way! Hi!"

"About time you woke up, Geo-bud!"

"Hey Georgia! See you haven't changed a bit! How did you all get here?"

"Steven was lucky enough to get all of us over here with the help of different news crews helicopters." Drew explains.


"Yeah! How are you feeling?" Nini asked.

"I'm pretty sore. But surprisingly a lot better. I was actually awake on and off. Still tired to the point I felt like I had sleep paralysis, but I was still awake. But I never really told the staff. Plus I don't know if it would've benefited you guys that much either if I slipped in and out of consciousness." Geo explained, rubbing one of the bandage wrap on her arms.

"Well, at least you are awake now." Serena responds, smiling sweetly.

"Thanks, Serena! Glad to see you're doing fine too." Geo says, hugging her.

"I'm fine. Thank you." She responded, embracing Geo.

"Do you want to talk for a bit? You need to catch up with everything that has happened during these past few weeks while you were out cold." Serena asked.

"That would be great. Oh! And how are my Pokemon, Ash?" Geo asked, turning to him.

"They're with Nurse Joy for any damages. I'll go check on them. The rest of you guys can check on yours, too." Ash says, leaving the room. The others follow him, while saying their "get well" wishes while leaving; this left Serena and Geo all alone in the room.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now