♦ .Captured. ♥

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Ash's POV:

"Gah! This is a huge damn mess!" Alain shouted.

We were running around the Kalos League area to see if the source of these weird plants was anywhere. We decided that while Alain, Geo and I would look around the League, the others would check the Lumious Gym if the main source was there.

"Yeah... this is all crazy... who in the world would do this... and lack of better questions... why?" Geo added in.

"I'm not sure. But it's clear that we won't be able to go anywhere with our search with this many people." I reply.

"Pika Pika?"
[What are you saying?] Pikachu asked, giving me a confused look.

"I'm saying that we get help." I tell him, taking out 5 Pokeballs. I look at them for a brief moment. I exhale, and tossed them up into the air.

"Alright, everyone, come on out!" Once I threw the Pokeballs into the air, 5 blue beams shot out of them, and dispersed into Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Goodra, and Noivern.

"Everyone, we're gonna need your help with looking around the Kalos League for the main source of these strange plants. Can you help us?" I explain. All of the Pokemon nod in unison.

"Well, why the hell are we still standing around? Let's go-" Before Geo could finish her sentence, a Sludge Bomb attacked her from behind.

Luckily, she looked behind her, and moved away last second to avoid getting hit. However, she still lost balance, her right leg bending a little incorrectly and fell hard.


"Ow..." Geo writhed in pain, clutching her right ankle. We ran over to her.

"A-are you okay?! That looked like a hard fall." Alain asked.

"I think so... but I think I twisted my ankle..." Geo said, massaging her ankle a little bit to relief the pain.

"Who even did that?" I ask. We turned around towards the direction where that Sludge Bomb came from, and saw a woman with purple hair, smirking at us, with a Drapion.

"Well, aren't you sweet? Aiding a friend that's been hurt! How cute..." She said tauntingly.

"Is that...?" I started to say.

"Celosia. A Team Flare admin." Alain states. I remember her... she tried taking Squishy a few times. We looked around to see more Team Flare Grunts with other Pokemon. We were surrounded.

"Well, someone has been studying." Celosia says.

"What do you want from us?!" Geo shouts, standing up despite her ankle making her wobble a little bit.

"Hmph. What do I want? I'm here for you guys. You're the ones I'm looking for. You're what Team Flare is looking for." Celosia exclaims rather cheerfully.

After spatting out those words, she then pointed to me and Greninja.

"You two; YOU'RE our objective." Celosia announced. That's when our confusion turned to panic.

"W-What?!" Alain and Geo exclaim in unison.

"Pikapi Pi Pikaka?!"
[Ash and Greninja?!] Pikachu exclaims in horror.

"Hell no!" Geo shouts back, pointing at her.
"In your dreams we'd turn our friends in!"

"How adorable... but it would be a shame to defy someone who works for the company your father owns- oh! Did I say too much?" Celosia says with fake shock, placing a hand on her mouth.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now