♦ .Countdown. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"Well... is Clembot ready to go?" Geo asked, turning to the Mega Evolution Energy Control Device.

"I think so... well, Clembot? What's the status?" Clemont asked.

"All set: charged up and ready." Clembot says confidently. Clemont nods.

"Clembot, activate the fail safe." Clemont commands. Clembot nods, saying "Activating Fail Safe" through his speaker. A glowing blue rectangular-shaped screen appears in front of Clemont, asking him, "Are you sure you would like to shut down?" Below the question box were two options; "OK" and "CANCEL."

Clemont held his hand up to press OK, but stopped at the last second.

"Clemont...?" Geo realized Clemont stopped moving.

"I guess I'm not as ready as I thought... I don't know if I can do this...!" Clemont says, pulling his arm away.

"Sir... you know what you need to do." Clembot says, looking up to his creator.

"I know... but I just don't know anymore! I can rebuild you, sure, but it wouldn't be the same! All of the memories we built up with you would be history! I just can't... throw that all away just yet-"

"Clemont..." Geo placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned to her and the others, who all had bittersweet smiles on their faces.

"We know how you feel. We don't want to lose Clembot either."

"But like you said; if we don't do anything now... we won't have a future. And even if Clembot is gone, the memory of him will still live on." Ash explains, placing his hand on his other shoulder.

"He's right... even if he'll be gone, we won't ever forget him." Serena says, grabbing his hand.

"Mhm! We won't ever forget Clembot! We will keep him in our hearts forever!" Bonnie exclaims, grabbing Clemont's wrist. Clemont looks at the group he traveled with for months... a year, even... tears began to form in his eyes.

"Thanks you guys..." Clemont replies. He pulls them in a tight hug; the 4 of them wrap their arms around his. They stand still for a while in silence, until Clemont breaks out of the hug. He walks over to the screen once more; preparing himself. Geo, Ash, Serena, and Bonnie stack their hands on his.

"Before we press it, can I tell you something, Clembot?" Clemont asked, turning to his robotic friend. Clembot turned to his creator, who had a smile on his face.

"I... I'm really happy that I built you a while back..."

"I'm glad too... I'm glad you were the one who built me. I enjoyed every moment I've had with you and your friends, Pokemon, and the adventures we've had... I enjoyed every single one. And I know that your future will shine brighter after this... even though if this will destroy me, it would be worth it. What I'm saying is... thank you. To you five for taking care of my creator... and Clemont... thank you for creating me."

Clemont felt like he was going to collapse to the ground any moment now, his legs wobbly and began to melt down in his tears. However, before he could, he smiled bittersweetly, looking at Clembot one more time.

"Oh Clembot... I'm so glad that I created you...!"

"We're going to miss you..." Geo smiled.

"Are you ready, everyone?" Ash asked. The group nodded.

"Alright. Let's show the world and what those Team Flare bastards what the Lumious Gym is really about!" Clemont exclaims through tears. In unison, the group shouts,

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now