♦ .New Leader. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

"W-Wait... what...?" Geo says, surprised.

"Vy, Snivy-Snivy-vy-vy. Snivy, Snivy-vy."
[Geo, we're gonna need SOMEONE to lead the way. You know Kalos, so you're our only chance.] Snivy states.
"Snivy Snivy... Sni... Snivy-vy."
[Along with Pikachu... and uh... whoever the hell they are.]

"I guess..." Geo says, unsure.

"Scep, Scepti-"
[Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fi-] Sceptile starts to say until a large Water Shuriken starts coming their way, causing a large explosion of water.

"GAH-" Geo exclaims, falling to the ground.

[What the fuck was that?!] Krookedile shouts. They turn to where the Water Shuriken came from, and saw the two they were looking for.

[It's Ash!] Ash's Pignite exclaims. The others look to see what was supposed to be their trainer, but it wasn't.

Ash, along with Greninja who lept back down next to him, just stared at his childhood friend and his Pokemon, giving them empty stares. Geo tried getting back up, and heads towards him.

"Ash!" Geo calls, trying to run towards the two.

[GEO, DON'T!] Pikachu shouts. But it was too late.

"Greninja, Water Shuriken." Ash commands. Greninja leaps back up, and throws a Water Shuriken towards her way.

"Axew, Dragon Rage!"

"Metagross, Psychic!"

"Pansage, Bullet Seed!

"Pansear, Flamethrower!"

"Panpour, Water Gun!"

Suddenly, Geo and the Pokemon were lifted up in the air by a mysterious force, and 4 attacks collided with the Water Shuriken.

"Scraggy? Scrag-Scrag...?"
[What the heck? How are we...?] Scraggy questioned. They turned to where the attacks came from, and saw many trainers on the clear path.

"It's Ash's other companions!" Geo shouts, staring at Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Cilan, Chili, Cress, and Iris; and everyone's Pokemon were out.

In front of the group was Steven Stone himself, and his Mega-Evolved Metagross, who was using Psychic.

"Are you guys alright?!" Cilan shouts.

"Yeah! We're good!" Geo shouts back. She turns to where Ash and Greninja were, but they were both already gone. She looks around, but they're no where in sight.

Damn it...! Geo thinks to herself, now that the two disappeared.

The group of trainers run towards the girl and the many Pokemon, while Steven's Mega Metagross set the floating group down.

"Are you sure you're all alright? That first Water Shuriken must've caused a lot of damage to all of you." Steven says. Geo looks over to all of the Pokemon, with a few marks here and there, but all still in tip-top shape.

"Yeah, we're fine." Geo replies.

"Was Ash with you?" Misty asks.

"Well, I guess... he was up on that building with Greninja, but then they disappeared. They must've ran off after that Water Shuriken collided with your attacks." Geo explains.

"Where did they head off to?" Brock asks.

"They might be heading towards Prism Tower. The control device is probably in there, so they might be making sure that no one's in there." Geo says, pointing towards the triangular building.

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now