♦ .Recovery. ♥

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3rd Person POV:

At Lysandre Labs, the remaining Team Flare members, and scientists were gathering any extra equipment that would be needed.

Lysandre peered out into the world, crumbling down.

He smiled, knowing everything is successfully according to plan.

"It's a relief that I've gotten the main problems out of the way. It won't be too lon-"

"LYSANDRE!" Xerosic and the other admins ran into the room in a panic.

"What is it?" Lysandre asked, turning around.

"Seems like Zygarde has broken out of our control!" Bryony announces.

"WHAT?!" Lysandre exclaimed.

"That seems to include the boy and his Greninja as well." Aliana adds.

"Seems like the news are making an announcement as well. Take a look." Celosia says, pulling out her tablet. Lysandre and the admins gather around to see what was happening.

"According to officials and witnesses, one of the staples of Kalos' culture and buildings, Prism Tower, has collapsed from a large explosion. Two children around their teen years have been found. They have not been confirmed deceased, but they are in critical condition and are being treated immediately. One of these teens is one the attackers of Kalos who assisted Lysandre. And from witnesses, the girl is a friend of his. We will get more information once both have recovered."

"So those people blew up the tower to destroy the device. Bold move." Mable says.

"Well... without Zygarde, we can't destroy the city for much longer. Those roots will eventually freeze up and stop destroying the city; not to mention the world. Do you have any sort of back up plan, Lysandre?" Bryony asks.

Lysandre was clearly pissed, but kept his cool.

"Yes. I do. Come with me." Lysandre says, walking outside. The admins gave each other looks, but followed him anyway.

"If we can't get Zygarde to listen to us now, we're gonna need to go to Anistar City." Lysandre says, walking to a large circular opening in the cement.

"And how is that gonna benefit us?" Celosia asks. Lysandre smirked.

"By using this." He says sinisterly, and taking out a remote. He pushed the red large button on it, and the circular opened up. Rising up was a large life-sized robotic version of Zygarde.

The admins stared in amazement at the beast, while Lysandre just smiled.

"We're gonna need to use that extra Mega Evolution that we stored. And we'll take this version of Zygarde to Anistar in just a few days once its charged up." Lysandre explains. He looks out into the distance, where Prism Tower once stood, now a pile of rubble.

"Bryony, Mable, Celosia, Aliana. Send some of the admins to the hospital. There's these collars and control devices that I want to take with them; let them know I'll be joining them."

"Right!" The girls say in unison, and run off back inside.

"Xerosic, charge up the machine with the energy."

"Of course!" Xerosic answers, and goes inside following the admins.

He takes out his screen-like device, and displays the purple crystal of Anistar City, the Sun Dial.

"I will make sure my perfect world is created. No matter the cost."

Ash's POV:

[REWRITE BEING MADE] A Hero's Flare-Lit Shadow: A Pokemon XYZ Self-Insert AUWhere stories live. Discover now