The Noise

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In the dead of night, a man returned to his home after working an afternoon shift. He was tired, and during his sluggish trip to his bedroom, he felt his dog brush up against his leg. The man loved his old dog's rough fur, and always found comfort in these gentle greetings. "Come to bed, pup," he leaned down to pet his dog, who was so happy to finally see him.

The man entered his bedroom. He carefully pulled back his sheets, and slipped beneath the covers. His dog stayed at the foot of the bed, curled up like a ball. The man looked down to his friend, smiling. He was happy that the day was over.

Always before he slept, the man enjoyed thinking about tomorrow. What would he eat for breakfast? What would he wear? Where would he take his pup for a walk? He always considered these simple questions, and always found comfort in doing so.

The man's thoughts were interrupted by an unearthly noise. It was a growl, demonic in nature, unlike anything that had ever been heard before. It was deep, like the humming of an engine, but it was organic, and the sudden inflections in its tone resulted in a frightening unpredictability. The man was stunned, incredibly scared, and not knowing what to do. The noise was coming from the foot of the bed, right below his poor dog. It continued. It was a deep growl, like a million dying men, burning, suffering. The noise filled the small room, it was loud. It had a purpose. It was as if the gates of hell had opened right in front of him.

The old pup began to bark ferociously at the source of the awful noise. The room was dark, and so the man could not see whatever unearthly creature was present. Deep down, however, the man knew that he did not want to see the being. He hoped it was a demon that would pass in the night and leave him alone.

The man reached for his barking dog, grabbed its collar, and brought him quickly under the sheets. He pulled the blanket over his head and prayed for an end. The rough fur of the shaking and frightened old dog gave the man a momentary comfort. After what felt like many years, the noise finally stopped, and the man was able to close his eyes for some rest. He felt defeated, frightened, and hopeless.

Many hours later, still dark in the night, the man awoke to the familiar feeling of rough fur on his legs. He would have been relieved, but his whimpering old dog was still between his arms.

Posted by u/yungohall

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