Wendigo story

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I honestly don't know where to start or if I'm ready to be posting this story of mine. But hopefully it'll help. I know you won't believe me, and honestly I won't even blame you guys. It still doesn't make sense in my own head. I've heard stories about unknown creatures in woods but never thought I'd encounter one myself you know? I posted another story about some creepy old people that I had encountered in the woods but that's nothing. This makes a good horror story for people but it eats me everyday. But here we go.

I love to go hiking. I go with my 3 year old German Shepherd, and let her go unleashed since we like to go to secluded places. Now I have been hiking all over Utah mountains, and wanted a new hike that wasn't too far from me. I have an app that tells me about hikes near me, if it is a hard hike, reviews and if it's dog friendly. Now I was scrolling through All Trail looking for possibly something new but I wasn't too hopeful. But to my delight, there was something new. I don't know why I don't remember the name of it, but I do remember it was at the bottom of the list and it had one review saying 'good' I thought that was kind of strange, mostly because people love to review hikes and try to tell the city what they can do to improve the hike and make it more safe, but I figured it wasn't a popular hike. So the next day Kairi and I packed up our stuff and went up towards the hike. I always carry first aid kit, extra food, a knife and just emergency stuff in case I get lost. It's important to mention now that Kairi eats a raw diet. Meaning she eats raw meat not cooked, and since we were going so early in the morning I thought I could bring some with us. I put it in her blue backpack I make her wear and decided when it was getting warmer we would stop to eat. Where I live, there's a long drive through the canyon and many roads going towards the hike you'd like to go on. This one was a little further than I'm use to but I didn't care it was new and I was excited so was Kairi. She cries in the car until we get there.

Now I was following the directions on my phone and saw that it had lead me towards a thin road that was hidden. 'No wonder I haven't heard of this place' it was hidden and far up the mountain. The road only fit one car so the whole time I was so anxious that another car would come down, and how I would handle that but there never was. I never saw another car. When I got to the "parking lot" (if I could call it that), I noticed there was only space for like three cars. All in a tight space. It was small, so I decided to park my car with the front facing towards the road. I thought maybe it was private property, checked the app but it didn't say anything about private property. I shrugged it off, got Kairi out, prepared us and saw the trail.

Now even though I knew there wasn't anyone parked there, I kept Kairi on a leash. I didn't know if there were bikers along the trail, but after thirty minutes or so I didn't see anyone I decided to let her off leash. It was a steep hike for the first half, but it was beautiful. We were deep in the woods, and I felt at peace. I use to wear headphones when I hiked but didn't anymore so I was enjoying the natural sounds of the forest. It was still early in the morning so I wore a light jacket and decided when it got warmer I'd give Kairi her breakfast. Now before you start to hate, I know. I know bringing Kairis raw meat was absolutely stupid and ignorant of me. I had never seen a bear or wolf or anything so I got cocky and just thought it was okay. I learned my lesson the bad day, so no need to tell me I was dumb. But honestly I wouldn't blame you if you commented that.

Now here is where we begin the bad part of this story. The trail finally stopped being steep and sort of an easy hike from here. When you got to the top, you could see through the trees a beautiful open meadow. On the other side of it, you can hear a river and a waterfall. The trail went around the meadow. The meadow was absolutely beautiful with the mountains in the background, the sound of the water. This hike was almost the most beautiful one I had ever been to.

When Kairi and I were sort of in the center of the meadow, she stopped right in front of me and looked towards the meadow. Kairi always walked ahead of me and when she stopped I stopped since I trusted her judgement. Before I could look, the smell hit me first. You know the typical rotting smell but oh my god. Words cannot explain how bad it stank. It burned my nose, and started to make me tear up. I put my shirt over my nose, feeling nauseous and looked over to where Kairi was looking. In the middle of the meadow was a deer. Now I've only seen does but never a male deer in person. But his antlers were huge. Have you ever seen Princess Monoke? When he sees the deer spirit walking across the water, and how big his antlers were? Almost like that.

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