Stopping Keith

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Hello, Jess here!

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about His Rival let me know, I'd like to hear from you :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter

"Hey (Y/n), wait up!" said James as he called after you. You were on your way to lunch at the galaxy garrison, a school that trains the next generation of space explorers.

"What do you want?" you curtly replied, turning around and stopping to face him. You didn't like how he had been pestering you recently, you just wanted him to leave you alone.

"Can't I just talk to my girlfriend without her sassing me?" He responded with a flirtatious grin.

"For the thousandth time, I am NOT your girlfriend!" you replied while glaring at him. You were getting sick of his flirting.

"Geez, rude. I thought we were friends? We've been friends since we came to the garrison, remember?" You rolled your eyes in response, you definitely weren't his friend anymore. You didn't want to talk to him any longer, so you turned around and began to walk away.

"Anyways, I found out something big about a certain black haired boy. James continued calmly while catching up to you. "When I was on patrol earlier I saw him planting some explosives close to the garrison."

This made you turn around and face him. Keith was your and James' rival when he went to the garrison with you. As much as you disliked James, you were willing to talk to him if it involved bringing your adversary to justice. You thought for a minute, wondering why Keith would do such a thing. You then replied,

"Maybe it's some sort of distraction for some scheme of his. Where were they planted?"He responded,

"The eastern side of campus. This means that he plans to enter the west side of the campus, as those there will be busy on the other side."

"Well whatever he is planning must not be good" you said, with his past behavior in mind. "He has to be stopped. This is Keith we're talking about. Keith who never cared about anyone else at the garrison but himself and Shiro. Keith that disrespected the teachers and didn't care if he hurt someones feelings." You thought for a second before you continued,

"Maybe he's trying to get revenge. He always got in trouble with the teachers here. Who's on the west side that he could be after?"

"There are no classrooms or offices there, the only thing that's on the west side is the med bay. What do you think he's after?"

"Maybe some of their equipment" you reasoned. "He seemed to have a thing for knives/sharp objects. Who knows though? I'll go over there a bit before the explosives go off. What's the timer set for?"

"14 hours. Well now it's been 2 hours since I saw them so 12. Do you need me to come with you and protect you?" He said while smirking at you. This made you sigh and scowl.

"No I can handle myself thank you very much" you sassed him. "Besides, we aren't allowed outside our dorms past 8."

"But you are going to be in the med Bay area at 10? Isn't that breaking the rules?" You rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"I'm willing to break the rules to stop Keith" you stated. "He's going to or could hurt someone. I can't let him do that."

"Ok then, good luck" James replied. You were now in the lunch line, so you let a couple of other students go ahead of you. You wanted to put as much distance between you and James as possible.

Even though you were planning on facing Keith 12 hours from now, you were starting to get a bit nervous. You knew that you had to stop him though. You couldn't let him hurt anyone like he had hurt you.

*11 and a half hours later*

You were running outside the school building, your black hoodie and ponytail fluttering in the wind. You could hear your heartbeat and you could feel adrenaline coursing through your veins. You stopped by the entrance, catching your breath on a nearby wall.

As you were catching your breath, you saw an unearthly purple beam streak across the sky. You then froze as you saw it crash around 20 feet from your current location. What the heck was that and what was going on? You hid in a corner as you saw the garrison's vehicles race over to the crash site. You saw them load up a body from the ship and take it over to the med bay. You ducked even more, still confused and curious about this whole situation.

You checked your watch, it was 9:59. The explosives were going to go of any second now. You put your hands over your ears and closed your eyes as you braced for their explosion.

After you heard them all go off, you readied yourself. You saw a red hover bike with white and aqua details draw near, with a figure on it who had a black mullet and a red jacket. Yep, definitely Keith. You hid and let him enter first, wanting to do a surprise attack. He jumped down from the bike, acting like a ninja and stealthy running towards the med bay.

When you saw him enter, you tiptoed inside. You were about to blindfold him and take him away when you felt a sharp pain in your wrist. He had grabbed your wrist, and before you knew it he shoved you against the wall. You felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. He then took a close look at you and realized who you are.

"(Y/n)?" He gasped, his eyes wide.

The last thing you saw before you blacked out from the impact was a pair of dark purple eyes which had locked onto yours.

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