45: Road Trip

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"Please tell me you're joking. "

You look up at the huge contraption with distaste.  Compared to the nice cosy houses on the side of the road filled with food and warmth and space, this looked like a prison. And  there they were fanboying, over this rusty painted caravan. 

"Road triiiiiiip~" Jimin sang cheerily as he pulled you along. "It's beautiful!"

"Are you blind?" Yoongi says at once, agreeing with you..  You turn to him with relief,  nodding,  glad that someone was on your side but then-

"Have you seen the size of the bed?  It's tiny!"

"Shut up and get your asses on the vehicle, " Jin commands at once. "Everything's loaded.  We're just waiting for you two grumpy kids to stop being such spoilsports and get on the van."

"B-bu... " You protest. From inside you can hear Jungkook and Taehyung bouncing around doing tiktoks with Hoseok while Namjoon tries to fit his giraffe tall head through the door.  It was like living in one room.  On wheels. 

"No buts, " Jin says at once.  "We all agreed on this.  If this isn't our planet we have to find out how we got here and sitting around on our bums isn't gonna help us. We have a spaceship or UFO or whatever it is that brought us here to find."

"How do you even know it's a spaceship," Yoongi begins protesting with a lame theory.  "It could be a portal or like some spell or-"

"Cuz this ain't Narnia," Jin reaches to grab Yoongi and pull him on board but Yoongi swerves and dodges. Despite the laziness the man was very alert and a good catcher.  You guessed Yoongi would be a beast at basketball.

"And we ain't delulu, " Hoseok pops into the doorway. "Lil meow meow, " He drawls at Yoongi. 

"What the fuck did you just call me," Yoongi glares,  stepping towards them, triggered.

Jin swipes forward at once and grabs Yoongi. His huge arm clamps over Yoongi's bicep and lower back hauling him onto the steps. Together Hoseok and him pull the struggling man on board like a group of gangsters kidnapping a kid. They push him into the clutches of the maknae line and turn to you.

"Your turn. "

"Hah, " You fold your arms in front of your chest.  "I already told you nasty boys that I don't like this idea.  We don't need a full road trip,  we can just camp out in the houses on the side of the road like we've always done and it's so much more practical because like this we all have our own privacy and our own beds and I won't go crazy with your noisy lit-"

"Jungkook tell your girlfriend to shut up and get on the van."

"I'm not his girlfriend! " You snap,  angrily.

"Aish,  why are the girls always so much trouble. Let's go,  Y/N,  you know we're not going to leave you here."

"Exactly, " You say.  "So this is no-"

Hoseok rolls his eyes. He jumps down in one swift movement, picks you up before you can run, and throws you over his back.


"Thanks, " Jin mumbles and peels Jungkook off Taehyung pushing him towards the wheel. 


He shuts the door and you are placed down beside Yoongi like some hostage as the shitty van wheels screech on the cobblestones and roll. 

"Let's play some music, " Taehyung decides as Namjoon flicks open all the windows letting the fresh morning air whoosh in.  "What should I play?"

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