63: Into The Night

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"Hyung can't we stay up here for a little longer until we start?" Jungkook complains in a pout. "It's so... Dark and creepy and claustrophobic down there. There's no sun."

"The longer we wait, the harder it becomes." Namjoon raises his hand shooing Jungkook away from him.

You groan inwardly not looking forward to fall through the Alice in Wonderland's rabbit hole again only to land in the zombie horror movie sort of scene.

But you had to. You all knew that.

The question of what you all were going to do now had been pretty evident. As much as you didn't like the idea of it because it seemed pretty unachievable, you'd figured that it was the next best thing you could at least try to do. After discovering the truth, none of you were so eager to unite yourselves with the place. You'd figured everyone would still be pretty shook up by the truth, but the reality was much different. Instead of moping around and crying (much like you had done) you'd realized that if this horrible verity had done anything to their morality it was to boost it instead of tear it down. Like Jimin had reassured you, you weren't alone. There were eight of you...eight different minds no matter how inexperienced to work together and figure it all out. So being exposed to the truth just made you want to start right away. You wanted to leave and there was only one way out.

Yoongi holds his arms, agreeing with Namjoon as he states the plan.

"We gotta fix that thing and get back home."

"If only it was that easy," Namjoon bites his lower lip. "We're talking about traveling through the universe hyung. There are countless possibilities that we could die."

"How do we know it's broken?" You want to know, knowing that perhaps you were just making excuses to stay up here in the fresh daylight. "And how do we fix it if it is?"

Yoongi shrugs. "I was just stating the obvious."

"Ah seriously, " Jimin says, annoyed. "This is insane. A spaceship, a different planet...even if we were sent here by someone... " He looks up, indignantly. "Wouldn't some people reject the idea of sending people to a strange experimental planet?"

"Like who?"

"Like our families, for example."

"You never know, " Namjoon points out. "The public is danger-loving. All freaky things... Well they're entertaining and they sell. All through history people have supported the most horrible, terrifying things because the way they were manipulated to look at it in a different way."

"But still..." Jimin argues, whining slightly. "We're talking about our lives here."

"I'm sure lots of people would be against me being part of a crazy experiment like this, " Jin boasts, with a slight grin. "Ah they must be worried about me."

Everyone rolls their eyes. It was enough to know that Jin had been famous, no doubt a feature that contributed to his confident characteristic but it didn't make him any less important than they rest of you. You knew he was just goofing around although others knew it less.

"You know what hyung," Jungkook begins, looking fed up. "I've never heard of you."

Jin's eyes go wide in incredulity. "What? Have you been living under a rock or something?" He waves his hand in the air carelessly. "You must have forgotten."

"I'm sure there are people who remember us... And are waiting. " You look at Yoongi as you speak, as he's sitting right across from you. He catches your eyes, holding them for a second, realizing that you're speaking to him.

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