Chapter Eight

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He kissed me twice tonight. Once when we were talking, and once to say goodnight. I kept replaying the night over and over in my head.


We had laid there for hours, just talking and laughing until our stomachs hurt. Then I got a message on my glasses:
"Y/N, your father is on his way home and he is talking to Colonel Rhodes. Saying that he swear if you aren't in bed he's going to kill you. I don't know if he is serious or not."
"What time is it, Smoak?"
I sat straight up, Spider-man followed quickly after.
"I have to go. I'm sorry. My dad will probably kill me."
I got up and straightened my clothes, then jumped the ropes of the ring and hopped down. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door.
"Wait!" he called.
I turned in the doorway.
He jogged over to me, my eyes followed him across the room. I watched as he walked right up in front of me.
He cut me off by connecting his lips with mine. Then pulled away a moment later.
"Goodnight, Y/N..."
I smiled sheepishly and blushed, then nodded and jogged up to my room.


      When I got there I started stripping to my under garments.
"He's coming, Y/N."
"Distract him."
I jumped in bed and pulled the covers over me.
I heard him talking to my dad.
"Y/N fell ill quickly after dinner. I think something might've upset his stomach. He was vomiting profusely. He went to bed several hours ago and has not woken since. I've administered medicine, Mr. Stark."
"...thank you, Smoak. If he wakes up in the middle of the night tell him to come to me if he needs it, and that I hope he feels better."
      "I will, sir."
      There was silence.
      "He has left, Y/N."
     I sighed and turned to look straight up at the ceiling.
      A smile slowly spread across my face. I was in total bliss.
      I picked up my phone and texted Mj.
      • You up?
      ~Yeah, haven't you figured it out by now? I'm a vampire.
      I called her.
      She picked up instantly.
      "What's up?"
      "I...uh- I kissed someone." I said containing my excitement.
      "What? Who?" she said, excited.
      "You're never gonna believe me..."
      "You live in the same house as Captain America and Black Widow, nothing's impossible for you, Y/N."
      "Well...I kissed Spider-man..."
      "Haha. Good one. Who'd you really kiss?"
      "Told you."
      "You're for real?"
      "Uh-huh. Twice..." I added, proud of myself.
      "Damn. Nice catch..." she said, proud of me.
      "I was not expecting it, like at all. But then he did, and everything just fell into place..."
      "I didn't even know you liked guys..." she mumbled.
      "If I'm being entirely honest, neither did I."
      "Huh. Well, what are you gonna do?"
      "What do you mean?"
      "What are you gonna do about it? Just gonna kiss and tell, or are you gonna talk to him?"
      "It's four in the morning."
      "I didn't say you had to do it now..."
      "I don't that like I said: 'everything clicked into place', I'm starting to realise something about someone else..." I said shyly.
      "What? Who? Wait, that doesn't matter. You kissed fricking Spider-man and you tell me that you wanna go date some normo from our school?!" she shouted into her phone.
      "...yeah..." I muttered.
      "Who...?" she said slowly.
      "I'd trust you with anything, Mj. But I'm not telling you. Especially cause you'll just make fun of me more..." I said.
      "I would n-" she paused. "I probably would. But trust me when I say that I will find out, and when I do, oh you're in for it."
      "Okay, Mj."
      I set my phone on my stomach and put an arm behind my head. Smiling again to myself.
      Then sighed.
      "So many decisions to make, all with so much weight..."

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