Chapter Twenty One

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      Wanda and I stepped inside and jogged up to the kitchen to see all of the others scattered about the kitchen. I looked to the dining room door and saw that it was closed, I could see a few figures moving around through the foggy glass.
      "What's going on?" Wanda asked.
      "Steve, Pepper, and some of the workers are finishing setting up. We're just waiting." Sam said.
      "Yeah, but some of us are getting hungry!" Tony shouted, throwing a spoon at the foggy glass of the dining room.
      Steve swing the door open and peeked his head out.
      "Really, Tony?" he said sarcastically, "It's ready."
      He held the door open the whole way as everyone filed in.
      Tony sat at the head of the table with Pepper next to him, I was on his other side and Peter was next to me. Wanda sat across from me.
      "How was the gallery?" Peter whispered.
      "It was good." I said, "I told Mj. About me being Renegade."
      "I need to tell you something, later. Talk after dinner?"
      I nodded.
      The workers came out with trays in their hands. They placed plates of food in front of us.
      We immediately dug in, and conversations began to spring up. Peter was talking nerd with Tony and Pepper and Wanda were talking about something girly. I silently ate my food, waiting for an interesting conversation to come up.
      As I swallowed a bite, an ear splitting headache rattled my brain. My head filled with hushed voices and murmuring. I dropped my fork onto my plate, and a hand covered my forehead.
      Peter looked over to me. He set a hand on my knee.
      "You alright?" he asked, quietly.
      I nodded and swallowed. Then sighed and creased my brows.
      I looked up to Wanda where she was also rubbing her forehead with a pained expression on her face. Peter noticed as well.
      I turned back to him.
      "Maybe not..." I mumbled.
      His eyebrows furrowed.
      "I'll be right back."
      I slid out of my seat and walked for the door. I walked over to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I drained the glass in a matter of seconds and gripped the island counter.
      Wanda came out and came up to me. Her hands on the side of her head.
      "You feel it too?" she seethed.
      I nodded slowly. "What is this?"
      "It's a prescience. Whenever something is about to happen that we absolutely need to know about, our powers will tell us. I've never had one this bad before...they usually feel good. Something really bad is about to happen..." she groaned.
      "I don't even have your powers..." I seethed through teeth.
      "You said it yourself, on some level you do."
      "How do we figure out what's going to happen?"
      Her eyes flared red, something that happened when she used her powers.
      "Y/N, your eyes..." she said.
      I turned around and looked into the window above the sink. My eyes were glowing an unnatural blue.
      "Give me your hand." she said, holding her hand out to me.
      I grabbed her hand and we were launched into a vision.

      We were standing in a forest.
      Vision was slumped against a fallen tree, a gaping hole in his head.
      The other avengers were scattered around.
      Wanda and I turned in circles.
      There was a deep, throaty laugh from in the trees. We turned in circles as the laugh echoed.
      "Who's there?" Wanda said.
      We pressed our backs together.
      We continued to circle.
      The feeling of Wanda's back left, and I heard a choking sound.
      I whirled around saw a large purple man, in golden armour, holding Wanda in the air by her throat.
      "Stop!" I yelled running forward.
      The man was huge and his hand was the size of Wanda's head. I punched and smacked his arm trying to get him to let her go.
      "Who are you?" Wanda choked out.
      "You sound just like every other human in this universe, always worried about the insignificant details." he said in his deep voice.
      "Let. Her. Go." I said.
      "Why does it matter? She's destined to die anyway, it's written in stone, Y/N Stark. Everyone fears the future, but the truth is it's inevitable. You can't fight it."
      Tears were streaming down my face.
      He dropped her to the ground and she fell into a coughing fit.
      "I'll spare you, for now..." he said walking away into the trees.
      "Are you okay?" I said crouching down to her.
      She nodded.
      Her eyes flashed red, while mine flashed blue. Then our surroundings melted away.

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