Chapter Twenty Nine

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      I sat at the wooden table next to my father, the crowd behind us, and the judge in front of us.
      "It just is simply irresponsible, having a fourteen year old flying around in a nuclear powered suit fighting baddies? It's unethical."
      "I could think of far more unethical things to do, your honor." my father said.
      "Mr. Stark, he is a minor. He shouldn't even have access to the materials to make such a weapon, let alone have the authority to use it."
      "Sir, all due respect, but I think that decision is up to me." I said.
      Pepper sighed on the other side of Tony.
      "That's just it. That isn't your decision. You can't even drive a car, let alone make the decision to become a vigilante."
      "Is that what you call the Avengers?" Pepper said.
      "They are sanctioned by the government, he is not under our registration. And from what I've heard, the Avengers are at an impasse, are they not?"
      "I have the materials and the resources and the contacts to help me be a hero. I may be fourteen, but my IQ nearly matches that of my father. I may of been known to not be the most mature, but I do have the responsibility to make the right decisions. You can tell me whatever you want. You can take away all my money. All my resources. But just as my father, you can't take away one thing from us. He is Iron Man. And I am Renegade. So do what you will, your honor."
      The formalities and debates continued to advance, lasting several hours.
      "The jury has come to a decision." he said.
      I was on the edge of my seat, I had a knot in my stomach. I love being Renegade, I love being a hero. Please don't take that away from me.
      "And as a minor, we will not allow him to continue his work as a vigilante. If Renegade is found continuing hero work, they will be apprehended."
      I sighed and my expression fell. I leaned back in my seat, giving dirty looks towards the jury. My father placed a hand on my shoulder.

       I opened the door to the base and marched up to the kitchen. I swung open the fridge door grabbing a drink and slammed it shut behind me. My father and Pepper came up and stood on the other side of the counter, giving me looks of sympathy.
      "Don't give me those looks..." I muttered as I grabbed my drink and headed down the hallway to the lab.
      I began to code and design for a new project.
      A while later, I sighed and sat back in my seat. My eyes scanning the room. My brain felt fried. My eyes landed on the Renegade suit, causing a sad breath to escape my lips.
      "We'll work it out, kid." my dad said from the doorway.
      "Will we? The jury seemed pretty set on the idea that I should not be Renegade."
      "Maybe. But that doesn't mean that can't change. They didn't want me to be Iron Man, but did that stop me?"
      I thought about it.
      "" I said, thinking.
      "What?" he said confused.
      "Yeah, they didn't like you being Iron Man, but they let it slide because you were Tony Stark. Most of the public adored you, they thought you were a genius. A public figure. You were already a hero in many ways. You were the CEO of Stark Industries..."
      "What are you saying?"
      "I need to get in the eyes of the public. Make some change. Do some good. Get on their good side."
      "And how are you gonna do that?"
      "...I'm gonna start my own company."

      "And this...will be your office." my father said swinging open the door.
      The room was large, and the window looked out on the whole city. There was a glass desk in front of the window with a fancy computer on the top. I sat down in the spinny chair, and twirled around a few times.
      "Now, this is the stuff."
      "You know this is just to get you started, I'm selling this tower, it's just until you can get your own company started."
      "I know. Although, I have a feeling that I won't be here long."
      "I've got a few ideas in mind, to get me started."
      "I have no doubt in my mind."
      "Well, I'm gonna leave you to it. You have fun, do great things, and I'm gonna go have dinner with Pepper."
      I smiled and nodded.
      He left and I went onto my computer and began to make plans and calls to get my company off the ground.

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