Chapter Nineteen

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Peter P.O.V

I tapped my foot anxiously on the floor as I watched the clock tick away.
Ned elbowed me and I jumped.
"What's up?"
"I'm just...worried about Y/N."
He nodded with a familiar look. He asks me this question often, and every time the answer is the same.
I turned back to the clock just as the bell rang, I quickly gathered my stuff and hurried to my locker. As I slammed my locker shut, a hand landed on the locker next to mine. I turned to see Michelle standing in front of me.
"Tell me the truth. Where's Y/N?"
"I-I don't know. That's the truth."
"And it's been the same truth for days, Peter. He's your boyfriend, you should know where he is."
"Well, we're not exactly official..."
"Oh please, you basically are. Where is he?"
"If I knew where he was, he would be right here next to me. I'm serious, I don't know where he is, Michelle."
"Ugh!" she groaned before wandering down the hall.
I ran out the doors and ran home.

After I talked to May, I headed for the Avengers base. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Tony, Steve, and Nat all suiting up in the entry way.
"What's going on?" I said confused.
"We found him," Mr. Stark said.
"What? How?"
"I had every single scanner I have running, one of them picked up an increased amount of energy downtown. I'm betting it's Y/N setting off some sort of beacon."
      "We have strong reason to believe so," Smoak said.
"Let's hope." I said stripping off my clothes revealing my suit.
"Let's head out." Mr. Stark said blasting off through the skylight.
Wanda came up to me and took my shoulders.
"I'm not coming, but..." she met my eyes. "Bring him home."
I nodded then tugged on my mask and jogged after Steve and Nat towards the Avenger quinjet.
As the plane took off, again I began tapping my foot. Nat rested a hand on my shoulder.
"He'll be alright. We'll bring him home."
I smiled slightly, then nodded.
      The quinjet landed a few blocks down and we finished on foot. Mr. Stark and I headed for the roof and were going to make our way down, while Steve and Nat make their way up.
      I snuck down the hallway, opening doors here and there, Mr. Stark doing the same.
      "C'mon, Y/N..." I whispered. "Where are you...?"


I was lying on the floor of my large, dark cell. Staring at the ceiling. I'd been stuck here for two and a half weeks, these new powers, similar to Wanda's, were beginning to drive me crazy. Whenever my emotions flared my head launched into a splitting headache.
Blood splatters covered my cell, both others and my own.
      They had stopped the attacks with the Ghouls and had moved onto attacking me with normal people, every time they would have new gear, more powerful than the last. They kept telling me that if I died, I died. They didn't care, they just wanted me to keep getting stronger.
The cell was so dark I could barely see my own hand in front of my face. It was about the size of a small gymnasium. I always cowered in a corner when I wasn't being attacked. It was the only place I could feel safe with things around me.
Whenever they came in, all I could hear was the sound of their voices, not what they were saying, just that they were speaking. Something about the room just distorted them.
As the attacks went on I began to attack more ruthlessly, I would pounce as soon as they came in.
I heard the all too familiar beep, causing me to jump. I jumped into a fighting stance and called the energy to me.
The beep sounded over and over causing me to grow more and more angry. I was getting out of here, if it took every ounce of my being. I will tear this place apart, brick by brick.
The doors whooshed opened and I threw a barrage of energy at the doors. I heard shouts and voices, but I couldn't understand them.
There was two of them, they never sent in more than one.
My energy blasts grew bigger and bigger and soon it was as if I was throwing boulders at the two people.
I was simultaneously gathering energy and throwing it. The blue energy floating around me was reflecting my face in it. I saw my eyes glow a blue light so bright it was as if they were two headlights.
      I drew my hands up to my head and grasped it as my headache split me in two. I screamed and my hands shot away from me releasing blue energy off in an explosion. I saw the two men fly against the walls.
      I hit the ground and landed on all fours.
      My hair was sweaty and matted down on my forehead. There was thin layer of dirt, sweat, and blood on my skin. I saw my tears hit the ground as I tilted my head up.
      I saw two silhouettes slowly walking towards me.
      I saw a soft blue light from one of them.
      Is that some sort of gun or weapon?
      The energy gathered around my hands as I pushed myself off the ground, I wound my hand back as if to throw a baseball, when one of them jumped forward and ripped something off their head.
      "Y/N! Y/N, it's okay." the man said.
      The voice was distorted and hazy due to my headache and I couldn't see their face clearly due to the dark.
      "Wh-Who? What...?"
      "It's me. It's us. It's Peter..."
      "Mr. Stark, some light, please?"
      Light appeared from the other man and my powers faded out, the headache and pounding subsided.
      "It's me, Y/N."
      I was overcome with emotion as I staggered forward and landed in his arms. I held myself as he wrapped his arms tightly around me, as if to make sure I was real.
      "It's okay, you're okay..."
      Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed.
      "Peter..." I whispered as I cried.
      "I'm here."
      I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my face into his shoulder crook.
      "I thought I'd never see you again..." I cried.
He didn't respond just held me tighter.
He started to let me go, and I was confused, but let go. The other person stepped forward.
"Dad!" I yelled as I wrapped my arms around him.
I heard his helmet retract.
"Y/N..." he said, I could tell he was getting emotional.
"It's me...I'm here, dad..." I cried.
"Y/N." he said firmly, holding me tighter.
"Mr. Stark, we gotta go. I think someone's coming." Peter said.
"What is this? Powers?" Tony said.
"I'll explain everything later. Let's go." I said pulling myself together and setting my jaw.
He nodded then put his helmet back on and headed towards the door with Peter in tow. I pulled up the rear, right before I turned into the hallway. I looked back into the dark room.
As much as I resented that room, it gave me a lot of time to think. It taught me a lot about myself.
"So long." I said jogging after Peter and my dad.
As we rounded the corner we saw six men, with heavy armour and large guns, jogging towards us, and at the back. Trudy Sokolov.
My face become stone as we met eyes.
"Told you people would come for me." I said to her.
"If they resist, attack them." she said before briskly walking the other way.
I looked over my shoulder to Peter and my dad.
"You can handle these ones, Sokolov's mine." I said smirking, then raising my hand at the men. I felt my eyes tingle as they glowed a bright, unnatural blue. Then I calmly walked through them.
They were looking around not understand where I went.
A simple but effective ability I learned, changing what they saw. And as far as everyone in the hallway was concerned, I disappeared into thin air.
I jogged after Sokolov.
I caught up to her heading into the stairwell. She had on a trench coat and a leather brief case. I swung the door open after her and raised my hand as she ran up the stairs.
I threw her up against the wall and walked up to her.
"If you leave, all this will go away," she began. I saw Peter walk into the stairwell behind me, that was quick. "Without the drug, your powers will vanish. You'll go back to being entirely normal. I made you this way, you owe everything to me. I gave you these powers."
"Well you made that mistake." I said pushing her harder against the wall, she began to groan.
"Y/N!" Peter shouted.
I pushed harder and harder, my anger seething. My energy sunk into the floors and walls and I could feel and sense everything in the building.
I felt Peter take a step forward, then I held him in place with my powers. Tony, Steve, and Nat came into the stairwell as well, I held them in place as well.
"You tortured me! And ripped me away from everyone I love!" I screamed.
My powers flared and I saw cracks spread up to walls.
"I'm...sorry-" she choked.
I pushed more energy around her as she said it.
"No! You're not! You're just saying that so maybe just maybe I won't kill you right here!"
The cracks spread more and I felt a slight rumble.
"You don't have the guts." she grumbled.
"Don't tempt me." I snapped.
"I really wouldn't! Tempt him. I wouldn't do that!" Peter shouted to her.
"You're pathetic. And you always will be. And when those powers wear off, you'll be even more so. You deserve to rot in hell, right next to your mother." she scorned with an evil smile.
I screamed and I felt the building begin to crumble.
Energy cascaded out from me throwing the walls apart. The walls fell apart and the ground we were standing on crumbled. I held us up as the floor fell to the ground. I dropped us onto the ground and the rubble cleared letting us stand on the flat ground.
Sokolov fell to her knees and grunted as I pushed my energy on her.
"Y/N! Don't do this!" Steve shouted.
"You're better than this!" Natasha yelled.
"C'mon, kid." my dad said.
"You told me you've done bad things in your past, well, you can't take those back, but you can change your ways, starting now! Don't do this!" Peter said.
I scoffed, then sighed as my face collapsed and my energy faded away.
She fell onto all fours coughing.
I released my grip on them and the all staggered forward, groaning.
"Happy?" I asked, sarcastically.
"Yes." she said behind me.
I heard a click and I turned just in time to see her pull the trigger to a gun.

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