Chapter Thirty Five

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      I walked up to the ice cream parlor and scanned the tables surrounding the building. I caught sight of a woman wearing a green jacket and a baseball cap, with aviator sunglasses under the cap.
It was unmistakably her.
I walked over to the table and she rose as I came over, I immediately melted into her embrace.
"I've missed you." I mumbled.
"I miss you too." she replied.
I sat down on the bench across from her.
      "Handling it well?"
      "The business? Things could be worse."
      "Could things be better?"
      "Things could always be better."
      She smiled and shook her head.
      "Boy, have I missed you." I smiled at her. "As much as I'd love to spend more time with you, I'm here on a business call."
      "Our work is never done is it? What can I do for you?"
      "I need you to look into something for me, the business you took down: Luxe Corp. I need you to look into some of the other projects they were working on."
      "Anything specific you're looking for?"
      "A name...Charles Beaufont."
      My face went pale. "Charlie?"
      "Charlie...? You know him?"
      "Yeah, I know him. Steve, Nat, and I rescued him. The Avengers took him in."
      "Could I talk to him?"
      "Yeah, I could set a meeting up."
      "Thank you, Y/N. Do me a favor and still look into the experiments done on him, would you?"
      "Of course, Wanda."
"I'll call you tomorrow so you can give me an update."
"Okay then, I'll talk to you then. Will it be too much of an attention dragger if we hug?"
"Well we've done it already once, I'm sure we'll be fine."
I leaned across the table and hugged her.
"I'll see what I can dig up."
"Thank you."
I walked away and began to head towards the phone booth on the familiar street corner. I dialed a specific sequence of numbers and then the windows around me dimmed. The floor opened beneath me and machines began to move around me. A moment later, the Renegade suit was surrounding me.
The ceiling slid open and I blasted off into the sky.
Screw whatever that judge said.

      As I flew towards my tower, Smoak chimed in in my ear.
      "I have a reported armed bank robbery taking place. The cops are on their way, but I don't think they'll make it in time if my calculations are correct. And they always are."
      I sighed.
      "I'm on my way, let's try to make this quick."
      I swooped down towards the bank and slammed through the skylight in the ceiling.
      There were three masked men in the atrium, all aiming guns at civilians.
      "Prepared, boss." Smoak said.
      Three small pieces of tech dropped out of my suit and quietly attached to the men's guns.
      "I think it's time to give up. You can't win this."
      "Yeah, but we sure as hell can leave some damage." one of them said.
      I heard a click as the man pulled his trigger. The civilians all screamed and cried.
      No bullets came.
      "Technical difficulties?"
      "What did you do?" they all snapped as they pulled their triggers, to no avail.
      I darted forward and shouldered one of the men, he flew backwards and landed on the ground. I punched another one of them and shot the last one with a laser blast.
      "Don't worry, you guys are safe. Go now." I said.
      All the civilians got to their feet and ran for the exit.
      "Boss, the cops are here."
      I took a step toward the vault, but I was quickly stopped.
      "Put your hands in the air!"
      I slowly turned around and sighed.
      "Listen boys, there's several armed men in that vault, all ready to kill. Let me take care of them."
      "We're under strict orders to take you in if you're caught. We'll take care of them."
      Several other guards came into the building and trained their guns at me.
      I sighed and began to reach for the click on my helmet, but Smoak interrupted me.
      "Boss, behind you!"
      I spun around just as I heard a shot go off.
      I kicked the gun out of the man's hand and tackled him to the ground.
      The other men came out and aimed their automatic guns at the cops.
      "Take cover!" I screamed.
      They all dived to different places, but there was two left in the open. The cop that was hit, and the cop helping him.
      I blasted over and grabbed them in my arms, pulling them behind a large pillar.
      "Stay here. I've got these guys."
      "Thank you, Renegade." the unharmed cop said.
      I nodded once then stepped back into the open. Bullets began to strike my suit, and ricochet off.
      "That won't work on me."
      I fired four blasts and all of them were taken down.
      "First responders on their way, Jones. Your brother will be fine. Renegade, you need to come quietly." one of the cops said.
      "I- I'll be right back."
      I stepped over to the injured cop, officer Jones, ignoring the sound of guns all clicking behind me.
      "Come here. I'll get you to the hospital."
      I lifted him up bridal style and blasted into the air, ignoring the cops protests.
      I blasted towards a hospital, "The hospital has been notified, sir."
      I landed at the front door and several doctors came running out with a stretcher. I laid the cop down on it.
      "He was shot by a 5.56 caliber 45mm bullet, shot out of a M16 rifle. The bullet entered the right side of his lower abdomen and perforated the large intestine. The bullet is still lodged behind it."
      "Alright people, you hear that? We've got a GSW to the abdomen, GP to the large intestine, and a lodged bullet, let's get him to an OR." one of the doctors said.
      "Good job, Renegade. You may of saved this man's life."
      I smiled behind the mask, then blasted back towards the bank. I landed in the main atrium and stepped out of my suit.
"Smoak, Manual Transportation mode."
The suit condensed into a small case.
One of the cops went over and grabbed it. I raised my hands in the air.
      "All due respect, but I did just save all your asses."
      "You have the right to remain silent. Anything said can and will be used against you in a court of law."
      "Blah blah blah, just take me in."
      I grunted as they tugged my arms into the cuffs harshly.
      I chuckled, then they began to move me outside towards the police cruiser.
      I was forced down into the seat and I sighed as the door shut me in.
      "Sir, would you like me to contact your father?"
      "No, no. I'll do it later when they offer me my call."
      The police officer got into the drivers seat and then officer Jones, brother of the injured officer Jones, got into the passenger seat. They began to drive me downtown.

I tapped my fingers against the bars, as my head rested in between two of them. My eyes followed one of the officers who was pacing back and forth in front of the cell.
"Listen...Officer Matthews is it?"
The cop didn't turn around.
"I think this is all just a big mix up."
"I don't think it is, kid. You had a target placed on your back and all you did was amplify it."
"Well, I was hoping it didn't have to come to much?"
"What?" he said turning around.
"How much to get me out of here?"
"Yeah, that's not how this works, kid. Keep trying."
I sighed and walked farther into my cell, sitting down on the bench in the back.
The door opened.
"Matthews, can I get a minute with the kid?"
"Sure thing, Jones. Sorry about your brother too, I heard."
"Thanks, he'll pull through. He's tough."
Officer Matthews nodded, then exited the room. Jones closed the door behind him.
He came over and stood in front of the cell door.
I gave him a bored glance.
"My brother just came out of surgery. He's stable, for now. The doctors said if he'd arrived a minute later he would have been dead on the table. You saved him."
I shrugged.
"Not many fourteen year olds can do that. Why? Why save him?"
"My entire family are all literal heroes. It's what heroes do."
"So this was to impress your family?"
"Heroes don't save people to impress, they do it for the joy they feel afterwards." I cocked my head at him. "The joy, officer Jones."
"I talked to the chief. Told him what you did. He's letting you out." he began to unlock the cell. "Expect a court summons coming your way."
"I'd expect nothing less. So, where can I grab my suit?"
"You're not. That stays with us until the court decides you're allowed to use it."
"Seriously, kid. Now get outta here."
I smiled and headed for the door.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. A moment later it began to rise up the side of the building. I stepped into my office and sat down at my desk, unlocking my computer.
      "Smoak, bring up a S-Corp wide spread search engine for me, would you?"
"Right away, boss." he said.
When the engine popped up, I contemplated what to type first, I began with: Luxe Corp.

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