Chapter Forty Nine

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      I collapsed down onto a metal bench and dropped my helmet, creating a loud bang.
      I leaned forward against my knees, putting my face against the cold metal around my hands.
      I groaned, even though my hands muffled it.
      "Do you wanna talk...?" my dad asked.
      "No..." I said into my hands.
      I dragged them down my face then let them fall. I met the unlit eyes of my helmet on the ground.
      "What have I gotten myself into...?" I muttered.
      "A hell of a tough life."
      I scoffed, "Yeah, no kidding."
"You've gotten yourself involved in some crazy shit. Ultron, Sokolov, Bloodmetal, Paradoxe, and now Cipher. It's been a wild ride."
      "One hell of one."
      "But would you trade it?"
      "Not for anything..."

I pushed my glasses a little higher on my nose as Peter and I crossed the street. He tugged on my hand as he traveled a few feet in front of me, clearly concerned about being in the street too long. He released my hand and held the door open to the restaurant we were going to.
      "Thanks," I said heading inside and asking for a table for two.
      The waitress took us to our table and we sat down across from each other.
      "I feel like we haven't done this in ages..." he said, smiling at me.
      "I know. I've been so busy lately we haven't been on a proper date. At least we get to go on one today of all days."
      "I know. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, believe it or not."
      "Yeah, I've always just loved the atmosphere and the aura it gives off. I just love it."
      "It is kind of nice, I guess. It's a nice reminder to tell those you love that you love them."
"Yeah?" he smiled, cheekily.
"Is there...anything you wanna tell me?"
I rolled my eyes, then smirked, "Hm...I don't think so..."
His face dropped.
"Maybe you'll just have to wait and see if I come up with something..." I took a sip of my drink.
He chuckled, "Y/N Stark, you love to torture me, don't you?"
"I do..." I smiled.
A few moments later the food arrived and I dropped the subject.

After dinner, Peter got into a cab and whispered something to the driver, he was determined to keep the last part of our date a surprise.
"Can I at least get a hint?" I asked sweetly.
"Knowing you, I give you one hint and you have the rest of our night planned out. I'm not telling you anything."
I shook my head.
After a short ride we arrived at a small park on the outskirts of the city.
He led me out near a lake and I saw many other people milling about, setting down blankets and chairs.
"What is this?" I asked.
"You'll see. Come on," he took my hand and led me to a blanket that was laid out.
He sat down and pat the ground next to him.
"Peter Parker, what have you gotten me into...?"
"Just shush and relax."
I leaned against him as I waited.
"What exactly am I waiting for?"
"You have absolutely no patience."
"We've been here for ten minutes."
I sighed and leaned against him a little more.
Five minutes later, a loud pop made me jump. Hero's instincts kicking in, I guessed.
A large pink heart exploded into the sky, followed by two red circles.
Many other fireworks exploded in the sky, lighting up the whole sky.

Peter's P.O.V

I smiled as Y/N's face lit up.
His eyes grew wide as he watched the fireworks explode above.
The reds and pinks and purples of the fireworks cast lights across his skin and his E/C eyes reflected parts of the same colors.
His eyes searched the sky, exploring and soaking in every single thing he could see.
I smiled at the sight of him before me.
I leaned a little closer.
"I love you, Y/N."
I kissed his jaw and neck.
He looked down to me.
"I love you too, Peter."
He pressed his lips against mine and my body filled with heat.
      I smiled and blushed as pulled away and went back to looking at the colorful sky above us.
      Once they were over and we had gathered our belongings, I led him over to the street and hailed a taxi.
      "If you don't mind, I'd like us to make one more stop for the night. Although, it won't be as romantic. I was hoping we could just hang out, you, me, and Ned. He doesn't have anyone like I have you and I don't want him to feel alone."
      "I don't mind at all, Peter. I could even invite Mj, so she's not alone either. We'll watch a movie, order a pizza, the whole deal."
      "Yeah, okay, that sounds nice."
      "Do you wanna do it at my house or yours?"
      "It would probably be easier for them to come to mine."
      I nodded, "Smoak, text Mj, would you?"

Y/N Stark's P.O.V

      There was a knock at the door and I got to my feet, grabbing my wallet out of the pocket of my jeans. Ned, Peter, and Mj were still laughing about something.
      I opened the door and greeted the pizza deliverer, taking the pizzas and paying for them, leaving a generous tip.
      "Alright, guys, pizzas here."
      They immediately reached into the boxes grabbing slices and situating themselves around the living room.
      "Where's May tonight, Peter?" Ned asked.
      "She went out with someone. Wouldn't tell me who."
      "Ooh, a mystery man." Mj said.
      I chuckled and turned on the TV, going to Netflix.
      "What do we wanna watch?"
      After a few minutes of arguing about what to watch we had settled and began to binge episodes. I laid down, resting my head on Peter's leg, as Mj and Ned found their own comfy positions around Peter's living room.
      A few episodes in, I stood up and made my way around the couch. I grabbed Peter's plate off the ground, which he had left and made my way into the kitchen. I set the plates in the sink and began pouring myself a drink.
      I saw the door open slowly and I heard the giggles of two people. I looked over to see who it was.
      May was stepping inside and was trying to shoo someone else away. Someone who it took me a minute to process.
      His smile faded away as he saw me behind her. She realized he was staring too and turned to see me. Her face dropped and I picked up my drink, a smile creeping onto my lips. I took a sip.
      He cleared his throat from the entryway and smoothed his suit.
      "Good night, May," he turned a little, then stopped and looked at me. "Night, Mr. Stark."
      "Night, Happy." I said, the smile still on my face.
      May said a few things to him before closing the door and coming into the kitchen quickly.
      "Don't worry, Aunt May. Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell Peter."
      "Oh. Really? I thought this was going to be harder. I thought you tell each other everything."
      "There's plenty he doesn't know. And he doesn't need to know this. I won't tell, May. You're fine."
      "Thank you, thank you, Y/N."
      I smiled and nodded, then headed back into the living room. I sat back down next to Peter and leaned against him.
      Peter and I didn't have that kind of relationship, where we needed to know everything about each other at all times, we were okay with a little mystery.
      That's what I love about us, there's never a dull moment.

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