Chapter Thirty Seven

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      I took another drink of my coffee as I watched Charlie fly through the air.
      I had ran some tests and discovered that Wanda and Charlie's powers were remarkably similar. Wanda has been helping him harness them.
      All last week Wanda had been making him work on solely his take offs, pulling the air to him and lifting off the ground until he could do it seamlessly.
      This week Wanda has been working on his maneuvering. She threw small blasts at him and he had to dodge them.
"C'mon Wanda! I haven't been hit once today and I'm ready to move on! I can do so much more than this!"
He had been growing impatient.
"I'm going easy on you, you wouldn't last a minute in a fight with someone who knew what they were doing."
"Oh, yeah?"
She cast a glance at me and I nodded, setting my drink down.
I tapped a few buttons on my watch and my mini-gauntlet constructed around my wrist. I set it to tase.
I stepped onto the grass and aimed my hand at Charlie firing a blast. He dodged it.
"See?" he said.
I fired five more times, the last three striking him and causing him to fall to the grass.
He groaned, pushing himself onto his knees.
"See?" Wanda mocked.
He growled and shot a blast of air at me. I flew backwards and landed on my back.
Wanda was about to interfere, but I held up a hand.
"Alright, Charlie. You think you're ready for a real fight? Let's find out."
I got to my feet and pressed a button on my watch. My mini-gauntlet collapsed and with a soaring sound, my full suit landed in front of me.
I stepped inside and my screen flickered to life.
"Let's fight." I said.
He harnessed air around his legs and flew towards me. I darted into the air and tackled him right out of his cyclone.
We rolled several times, before I laid a knee on his chest and aimed my blaster at him.
"Agh!" he growled.
I heard the rolling of thunder and looked up to see large black clouds.
"You don't wanna do this, Charlie. Don't piss me off."
With a gust of wind I was blown off him. I did a backwards somersault and landed on my knee, then stood up.
"Alright, that's enough. You've pissed me off."
I raised a fist and a dart launcher clicked out of my gauntlet.
I shot him and he fell to the ground as electricity crackled across his body.
He sighed and got up once the tase was over.
"You done?" I said.
He nodded once.
"Again." Wanda said.
His feet left the ground and he began to dodge her blasts.

I pulled my tie tighter around my neck and stepped into the courtroom, making my way towards the table at the front. Pepper and my dad were already waiting. I sat down next to them.
      I waited for the gavel to strike and the session the begin.
      And it did within minutes.
      "It's come to my attention, Mr. Stark, that you've disobeyed the rules set in place for you."
      I took a deep breath, "I did, your honor."
      "And what possessed you to go back on the deal we had made?"
      "It didn't feel right, lying about who I was. I couldn't be someone I wasn't. I'm Y/N Stark just as much as I am Renegade."
      "And it didn't occur to you that you were doing something illegal?"
      "It was well thought through, your honor."
      I turned to Pepper behind me.
      "And you still willingly broke the law?"
      We continued to talk in hushed voices.
      "Mr. Stark?"
      I ignored him.
      "Mr. Stark." he said more insistently.
      I turned back to him, "Yes, dear?"
      A couple people around us chuckled, including my father. Pepper did not.
      He grumbled something I didn't hear.
      "I think it's best we take a quick recess."
      The judge went through some quick formalities, then we were all rising and heading out into the courthouse entrance.
      I wandered out to a discreet staircase and sat down on it, rubbing my face with my hands.
      A few minutes later I heard the door open behind me and I glanced over my shoulder to see who it was.
      "Hey." he said.
      I sighed, "Hey, Pete. I didn't know you were coming today..."
      "I couldn't sit at home while you were here facing this."
      I nodded.
      He sat down next to me, I placed my head on his shoulder.
      "How you holding up?"
      "What am I going to do if I lose again?"
      "Move to another country and start a new life...?"
      "Ha ha. Seriously."
      "I don't know. Let's just focus on right now."
      We stayed against each other for a little while until he sat up straight.
      "What is it?"
      "I don't know. I just hear something outside. Come on, let's go see." he said.
      He held out his hand and I grabbed it standing up and following him out down the hallway.
      We looked over the railing and down to the glass doors.
      "Oh my god..." I said grabbing his arm.
      There were hundreds of people standing outside the courthouse, holding signs and chanting phrases.
      I looked at some of the signs.
      'Save Renegade' 'Don't quit on Stark' 'Let Heroes Be Heroes' among many others.
      They were chanting 'Don't quit'
      I looked to the front of the crowd and saw four familiar figures.
      And at the very front, in the very center, Officer Jones.
      I smiled and laughed.
      "Now that, is the miracle we need." my dad said coming over and standing next to me.
      I looked over to see some of the jury members standing together and looking out the windows as well.
      "Jones might have just saved me."
      When court was called back into order, we continued with more debate and technicalities. The jury was sent away to make a decision, then brought back to announce the decision.
      An envelope was handed to the judge by the bailiff. The judge took the paper out and read aloud from the paper.
      "Now that the jury has had time to process the new information, they have come to a decision. The jury hereby grants Y/N Stark, known as the vigilante Renegade, the ability to operate and work by doing his so-called 'hero work' so long as he operates inside of the law."
      My dad shot to his feet and hugged me, cheering. Followed by Pepper and Peter in the row behind me. I hugged Pepper, then wrapped my arms around Peter's neck.
"We did it..." I mumbled.
He laughed into my shoulder, "Yeah, we did..."

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