Chapter Twenty Eight

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After a night of tossing and turning, I sat up in bed and looked towards the windows.
The windows changed, to let the light in.
I sighed and made my way to my closet, getting ready for whatever the day held. I put on a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt, then a pair of high tops. I slid my glasses onto my face and made my way out to the kitchen.
Pepper was standing next to the counter, phone to her ear.
"No, no. I said I need them here today. It has to be today. We need to get ahead of this and to do that it needs to be today. Do you understand?"
There was a pause.
"Good. Get them here by six."
She hung up and set the phone on the counter returning to her laptop.
"What's up?" I said nervously.
"We need to get ahead of this. And that means, coming out on your own terms. Which means you need to do it soon. I set up a press meeting today, where you can talk about it. Okay?"
I gulped and nodded.
"I'll be here by five." I said, then headed down to the lab.
I opened the door and pressed the button for the roof shutters to open.
I stepped into my suit, then blasted into the sky, headed towards the city. My breathing was heavy and I felt tears pricking my eyes.
God, what is happening to me...
      I landed on a rooftop and placed my foot on the ledge.
      "Smoak, access police scanners and search for anything going on interesting."
      "Yes, boss."
      A moment later a voice box appeared on my screen.
      "Attention all officers in the area. We've got a suspect headed through Queens, driving a black sedan. All available officers help in the arrest of the perps."
      "Alright, let's get him, Smoak."
      I jumped off the building and took to the skies, soaring just above the roofs of the cars below.
      I navigated through the streets until I saw the car and a few police cars chasing the black car.
      I flew past the police cars and flew next to the suspect.
      I saw three men in the car. The driver, the passenger, and one in the backseat. Their eyes widened as they saw me.
      The backseat window rolled down and aimed a pistol out the window. He began to shoot at me, but the bullets bounced off.
       "Alright, that's enough." I said grabbing the gun and ripping it from his grasp. I threw it to the side then punched the guy.
      He fell unconscious.
      I aimed my fist at the back wheel and a device fired causing the wheel to go wild. The car veered to the side and crashed into a telephone pole.
      I landed next to the car and poked my head inside. The men were alive.
      A few cops jogged up to the scene.
      "Thanks for the hand, Renegade."
      "No problem. First responders are already on their way."
      "Thank you." they said, going to the car.
      I took back into the sky and landed on another building.
      I sighed and had my helmet retract.
      "Decided to help out early, huh?" a voice said.
      I turned to see Peter, dressed in his Spider-man costume.
      "Yeah, well, it turns out I had something to do during the night shift."
      "Yeah, what's that?"
      "Dealing with the press."
      "Oh." he was visibly saddened by the statement. "I'm sorry that happened. You shouldn't have to do this."
      "I'm not mad that I have to do it. On some level, I always knew I would have to. But, I guess I just thought I'd get to choose when."
      "Now, literally everyone is going to know...everyone."
      "Well, I couldn't keep it a secret forever, right?" I said with fake enthusiasm.
"Yeah, still."
After awhile Peter and I stopped a few more criminals, I headed back to the compound and landed in the lab taking off my suit.
I went up to my room, showered, changed into nicer clothes, then went out to Pepper's office.
She was pacing back and forth. My dad was there.
"You sure you wanna do this kid?" he asked.
"I'm sure."
He nodded and Pepper led me down the hallway to the doors onto the stage of the press conference room.
"If anyone asks about anything other than the topic, just answer it the best you can or spin a story. Okay? Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble. And if you're feeling uncomfortable or you're not sure what to say, your father and I will be right there next to you to help you if you need it."
I smiled and nodded.
The men standing by the doors opened them and ushered us inside.
Flashes began to go off and muffled voices spread throughout the room. I walked over to the podium and adjusted the microphone towards my face.
I didn't know what to say. I had been so sure that I needed to do this. That I needed to do it on my own. That I never even began to think about what to say.
Words Steve had said to me in the past flooded into my thoughts: 'Take your time. The words will come to you. They always do.'
"I guess I'll address the elephant in the room now, the answer to the question that's been on your mind since last night, is yes. Yes, I am dating a man. Yes, I'm gay."
I saw Tony nod on the corner of my eye.
"Now, that may come as a shock, or...maybe it doesn't, but no matter what you believe, it's true. And nothing will change the feelings I have."
Pepper nodded at me encouragingly.
"This is me. And that won't change."
Reporters left and right held up microphones and hands to ask questions.
"You. Pork belly." I said to a chubby man.
      My dad chuckled.
"How long have you been keeping this away from public eye?"
"Eh, three months give or take."
"Next." I called on another person.
"Who is the man you speak of?"
"No comment. I'm sure that will be the next thing on the media, you'll just have to wait."
I answered several more questions, before one was asked that stopped me dead in my tracks:
"Rumors have been spread lately, and people are beginning to suspect that you, son of Tony Stark, are Renegade. Care to respond to this?"
I didn't answer. I stared the reporter in the eye. I saw Pepper about to step forward to reach for the microphone, but I held up a hand, stopping her.
Pepper's words echoed in my mind.
"...just answer it the best you can or spin a story. Okay? Don't do anything to get yourself in trouble..."
Then something Wanda had told me:
"...that's the beauty of it, but also the fear. The truth, it always finds a way out, it's best to beat it to the finish line then to let it beat you..."
"The truth is..."
I turned to my dad and smiled.
"Don't you dare, Stark..." Pepper whispered.
My dad smirked.
"I am Renegade."
Everyone stood up as shouting and flashes sprung up.

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