Chapter Fifty Eight

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I wrapped my arms around Peter's torso and held him close, leaning against him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.
"Stay safe. I'll see you soon," I said to him.
We pulled apart and he smiled and nodded.
"I will. I'll call you when I land, okay? Say hi to Wanda for me, would you?"
I nodded, "Of course."
"Oh, and I love the hair by the way," he smiled, cheesily.
I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair, which was dyed back to its usual H/C.
"Oh, yeah, thanks," I said.
He brought me into a kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The kiss sent ripples of heat through my body and made my knees feel weak. Fireworks went off in my head as he bit my lower lip.
When he finally pulled back I was breathing quickly.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said.
He pressed his lips to my forehead, then turned for the stairs into the S-Corp jet. I watched and waited for him to board.
"Hey," I called out.
He stopped halfway up the stairs and cast a glance my way.
"Yeah?" he said.
"See you in a minute," I said.
He smiled and nodded.
As soon as the door shut, I felt my powers flare up and a pain shot through my head. Charlie saw me stagger and rushed to steady me.
"You okay?" he said.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a migraine, I think. Let's get off the runway. They need to take off."
We walked far away from the jet and several moments later the jet engines powered on. A few minutes later the jet launched forward and took into the sky.
"Y/N. We both know that wasn't a migraine. Your eyes are glowing. What's going on?"
"It's my powers," I said with a hand on my forehead.
"What about them?"
"They're warning me about something. Something bag is going to happen soon..."
"How bad? Something with Peter?"
"No. I didn't feel anything until after he was away from me. I would've felt it when we were close if he was in trouble. It's something else's something really bad..."
"What do we do?"
"We need to get to Scotland. We need to get to Wanda..."
I exhaled and lowered my hand, standing straight up and making my way towards the old quinjet. I saw Steve, Nat, and Sam waiting outside it. We quickly walked over and when they saw us we all began boarding.
"Next stop, Scotland..." Steve said.
"Smoak?" I said into my glasses, quiet enough so no one would hear.
"Yes, boss?"
"I want you keeping tabs on the news, world-wide. If anything mysterious or bad happens anywhere you tell me immediately, okay?"
"Yes, boss."
"And make sure to update me about Peter's flight."
"Yes, boss."

Charlie lifted us up to the roof of a building and lightly set us down on the rooftop. A girl about our age was waiting on the ledge.
She turned to us as we landed.
I noticed a long black bow leaning against the ledge.
She was a little shorter than me and had short brown hair, cut just before her shoulder. Her eyes were a bright green and her pink lips were pulled tight across her face.
She was wearing a black hoodie and black leggings. There was a quiver attached to her back, the arrow feathers appearing behind her head. She lowered the hood as we approached.
"Long time no see, Lucy..." I said with a twang of sentimentality.
We shared a brief hug before stepping back.
"It's been awhile, Stark. I've missed our old adventures," she said, with a slight English accent.
"Me too."
"Who's this?" she asked, gesturing to Charlie.
"I'm Charlie Beaufont. Nice to meet you..."
"Lucy," she said, shaking his hand.
He shook her hand and smiled a little.
"My father and I rescued him from some bad people and we took him in. He's also got some...unique abilities, to say the least, so he's also become something of a partner," I said.
"Abilities?" Lucy said.
Charlie held up his hand and electricity danced across his finger tips.
Lucy appeared unimpressed, but her eyes widened a little.
"So, were you able to locate her?" I asked.
"I was..." she said walking over to the ledge.
She picked up her bow and pointed down at the street. There were two figures walking down the street side by side.
It was clearly Wanda and Vis, now appearing as a human, rather than his usual colored android skin.
"Thank you, so much, Lucy. You just saved me a lot of trouble."
"No problem," she said raising her hood and placed the bow on her back.
"I'll make sure you're rewarded," I said.
"No need. You can just repay me sometime in the future, if I were to ever need your help, okay?"
"Got it," I said, as she made her way to the opposite ledge.
"If you ever need my help again, you know where to find me," she said, before jumping off the ledge onto the building next to it.
She began to run between the buildings making her way down the street, only by rooftops.
"That was...interesting..." Charlie said.
"Lucy's one of my oldest friends. When I was running, the first place I went to that was out of country was London. She was a runaway like me. We became friends and kind of relied on each other, when I decided to move to Berlin she came with me, and after that she came with me to Paris. But then she had some business to finish, we parted ways. But we tried to stay in touch. She's the highest ranking agent in the Ivin."
      "Huh," he said as he held up his hands.
      He lifted us off the ground and over the ledge, then down to the street.
Wanda and Vision were stopped in front of a small corner store, with several tvs displayed inside.
Before we had the chance to cross the street my phone began to ring, it was Peter, I answered it immediately.
"Hello?" I said.
It was loud on the other end, the wind was blowing, and I heard the distant sound of screaming.
"Y/N! Y/N, where are you!? How far away are you from New York!?" Peter yelled.
"What? Peter, I'm in Scotland. I told you that. What's going on?"
      "It's a space ship, Y/N! A freaking space ship! I'm going to help! I see Mr. Stark! I gotta go help him! Y/N we're gonna need your help, get here as fa-"
The call was cut short.
"Oh, god...did you hear that?" I turned to Charlie.
He nodded, wide-eyed.
"C'mon we gotta get Wanda and Vis then regroup with Natasha and Steve."
I began to make my way across the street. I saw a tv playing behind them, with footage of the chaos in New York, my heart stopped for a moment when I saw my father.
"Wanda!" I called out.
She turned to me, "Y/N?"
I stopped in my tracks as Vision was thrusted into the air, a blade protruding from his chest.
"Vis!" Wanda screamed.
The alien creature threw Vision aside.
I pressed a few buttons on my watch.
Wanda was blasted across the street and into a window.
"Wanda!" I rushed after her.
"Charlie, help Vision!" I said, running for the shop.
I stepped in through the window and began to help Wanda to her feet.
"You okay?" I asked.
She took a breath and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."
She got up to her feet and summoned red energy to her hands. She staggered to the window.
Charlie was grappling with the male alien. He was pressed down on his back, holding the lifeform's arm back as he tried to lower a blade to his throat.
I watched as his eyes lit up and he growled at the alien. He let out a scream of frustration and lightning cascaded towards the alien, throwing him aside.
Wanda blasted the female off of Vision and lifted him into the air, then began to fly.
As she took into the air I saw an arc of light coming towards us.
"About time, Smoak..." I said.
"My apologies, boss."
My suit landed in front of me and I stepped inside. My systems powered up and data appeared on my display.
Charlie turned to me, he was panting slightly.
"Duck," I said.
He immediately got down into a crouching position. I raised a hand and shot the male alien who was standing behind Charlie, ready to strike again.
Charlie stood up again.
"Thanks," he said with a goofy smile.
I turned my gaze to Wanda who was soaring high into the air.
"C'mon we gotta meet up with them," I said, getting ready to take off.
Just as my feet left the ground I was thrown forward and I collided with a car, then collapsed onto the brick road.
"Shit..." I groaned.
"Y/N!" Charlie yelled running towards me.
He helped me into a crouching position and I slowly gathered my bearings.
I pushed myself to my feet and my eyes wandered around the street. The two aliens were gone.
"Come on, we gotta find them," I said, immediately taking flight off towards the way Wanda went. Charlie followed closely behind.
I saw Vision and the male life form grappling and throwing each other against buildings. Wanda and the other alien were viciously fighting on the ground, though Wanda seemed to be losing her footing and struggling to block the woman's spear.
"Help Vis!" I called out, as I soared down towards Wanda. I tackled the alien away, then blasted back to my feet.
Wanda and I slowly got closer to each other until we were standing right next to each other.
"Stay down," I said.
"Never," the alien said.
She swung her spear and took my legs out then swung at Wanda who barely had time to recover.
I pushed myself to my feet and joined the fight, throwing punches and kicks at the alien. She was just barely managing to handle both me and Wanda, but she was struggling.
As we were fighting yellow beams began to cut through the courtyard as Vision's blast was reflecting off the other alien's blade.
I saw Charlie get blasted in the chest by the beams and thrown off the roof. His screams followed him as flew through the air.
I watched as he just barely managed to catch himself before hitting the hood of a car.
The woman shot a blast at my chest when my attention was on Charlie and I flew backwards. I hit my back hard and winced.
Wanda blocked the woman's blade with her powers once more.
I heard Vision's pained screams echo through the courtyard. I pushed myself to my feet and got ready to take off. Wanda threw the woman towards a flaming car, breaking it in half.
We both flew up to the roof, Charlie not far behind us.
The male alien had his blade to Vision's head, trying to pry the stone out.
He turned to us as we landed.
"Hands off," Wanda said.
She winded up and threw a blast of energy at the alien, throwing him into the cathedral we were standing on.
Wanda put Vision's arm around her shoulders. I watched as Charlie peered down into the building where the alien fell.
"Come on," Wanda said as she took to the skies.
I flew up after her, Charlie a few yards behind me.
I saw a blue blast hit Wanda and she began to fall, before I could even go to catch them, my flight path was thrown off as I began to flail through the air.
An error message appeared on my screen.
"Right boot thruster damaged...not operational." Smoak said.
"Get it working!" I snapped as I smashed through a window and crashed into the cement ground.
I groaned and winced.
I saw Wanda a few meters away dragging Vision against a piece of fence, they began to share some words.
I didn't see Charlie, he must've been hit and fell outside.
I rolled over with a grunt and pushed myself to my feet. I staggered over to Wanda and tried to help her get Vision to his feet.
There were two smashes of glass and I turned to see the aliens standing a few feet away. I met their eyes.
The woman looked ready to pounce, but she got distracted by something behind us. She stared at it.
Wanda and I simultaneously turned to see what was there. A train was soaring past and I could just barely make out a figure behind it.
When the train passed I saw the silhouette of a man. The female alien threw her spear forward, but the man pivoted and caught it. He stepped forward into the light to reveal Steve in his old suit, except much darker and damaged.
I turned back to see Sam swoop in and kick the female alien across the room, she slammed into many shops and tables. He circled back and fired missiles at the other alien, but he managed to dodge them. Steve threw the spear over my head and Nat caught it across the way. She began to attack the other alien, managing to drive the spear into his stomach. She moved her body then used her momentum to kick him backwards.
The spear shot out of her hand and was caught by the alien who was leaping towards her. I saw Steve roll into the picture, pick up the other discarded spear and block the attack on Nat.
I shook my boot as it sparked and ran into the fray. Nat, Steve, and I began to attack and block the woman's strikes. We held her off until Sam came swooping in and kicked her aside. She crawled over to the male, who was laying on the ground, reeling from his stab wound.
We all stood above them. Sam aimed his guns at them.
The alien hovered over her friend protectively.
"Get up," the woman said.
"I can't," the man said, holding his wound.
"We don't wanna kill you, but we will," Nat said.
"You'll never get the chance again..." the alien seethed before pressing a button on her gauntlet.
Blue light flooded the air around then and they were sucked up into the air. Steve's spear was ripped free of his grip and taken up with them.
I could make out the shape of another space ship, much like the one in New York.
We made our way back over to Wanda and Vision. Charlie staggered into view and I saw a deep gash on his thigh. He came up to me and I immediately helped him walk.
Sam helped Vision up and Vision looked at Steve.
"Thank you, Captain," he said.
Steve nodded, "Let's get you on the jet."

After we got situated on the quinjet we slowly took off into the skies.
I helped Charlie sit down and I began to stitch his wound.
"Now, I thought we had a deal," Nat said, "Stay close, check in, don't take any chances..."
"I'm sorry," Wanda said, "We just wanted time."
Sam turned around slightly from the cockpit.
"Where to, Cap?"
Steve looked at me and Charlie.

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