Chapter Three

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Darkness. Peaceful darkness. This might be the most comfortable I've been in years.
"Y/N, your father is on his way to your room right now."
My eyes slowly open and a groan escapes my lips.
"Lock the doors."
"He'll just unlock them."
      "He can do that...?"
      "Yes. The best thing for you to do is to simply wake up."
      Smoak changed the windows from being shaded to becoming fully transparent, allowing the light to stream through. Then the light on the ceiling turned on. I squeezed me eyes shut as the light stung my eyes.
      I heard the door slide open.
      "I know school's the last thing you wanna do. Trust me, I agree with you. But you have to go. It's law. Get dressed and get ready. You need to leave in the next ten minutes. Peter's already downstairs waiting for you. Boston has the car started."
       I groaned then slid off the side of the bed. I stood up and glared at my father, then walked to the bathroom and started fixing my hair.
      "I heard you scared Peter shitless last night."
      "Hey! He never asked for my last name. Not my fault."
      "You deliberately didn't tell him, then waited till he was vulnerable to make him scared and nervous all over again."
      "So? It's not my fault that he got so nervous just cause I'm your kid."
      "Y/N. You're my kid. He already works his ass off to impress me, and he doesn't know the relationship we have, so he probably assumes that whatever he says to you or does to you will come straight to me. He thinks you'll tell me everything about him."
      "I think it's the other way around..." I mumbled, toothbrush in my mouth.
      "Peter isn't my spy, Y/N..."
      "That's what you think."
      I finished in the bathroom and slid past my dad, who was standing in the doorway. He followed me and wandered my room as I dressed in the closet.
      I settled with a blue long sleeved shirt, and black skinny jeans, along with blue checkered vans.
     "This may sound weird, but I figured out your prescription. All those glasses have your prescription." Tony said.
      "I haven't worn glasses since I was with my mom. I lost them shortly did you know my prescription...?"
       "Medical records. I'm your father, and Tony Stark. I can access them."
        "Huh." I said as I grabbed a pair of black and gold, browline glasses, sliding them onto my face.
       My vision hadn't been proper for years, it was weird for it to be correct again.
      I slid on a fancy watch, then turned to the door.
      When I walked out of the closet, my dad was holding a black backpack out to me. I grabbed it with a sigh then slung it over my shoulder.
      "Peter's in the kitchen."
      I nodded, "See ya later, Smoak."
     "Good luck, Y/N." he responded.
     "Huh..." I heard my dad say as he inspected Smoak on the window screens.
      I walked out to the kitchen where Peter was sitting at the counter island eating cereal. His back was to me.
       I walked around the island.
      "Morning, Peter..." I said.
      He choked a little on his cereal.
      "...morning..." he squeaked.
      I popped a S-Cup into Tony's coffee machine he created. It was much faster than any other coffee machine.
      I slid a to-go cup under it and had the coffee start brewing.
      I turned back to Peter. He was eating his cereal while reading two textbooks at once.
      "Holy shit, and I thought Tony was a nerd..."
      "Okay, let's get some things straight..."
      He gulped and looked up to me, setting his spoon in the bowl, then folding his hands in his lap.
      "You don't have to be all nervous around me...okay? I'm not gonna tell my dad anything about you. That being said, I expect you to hold those same standards to me. Number two, you seem like a huge nerd. Like colossal..." His cheeks grew red. "So, you can show me to the office, and my locker, but after that? I'm gonna need you to stay away. I might only be here for a week, so I'm not gonna spoil that time by being made fun of for hanging with Peter Parker. Got it?"
      He frowned, clearly disappointed, but he nodded.
      "Great. Glad we got that sorted out."
      I checked my watch, picked up my coffee, popped the lid on, then headed downstairs for the front door. Peter shoved his mouth full, scrambled to get all of his things together, shoved them in his backpack, then hurried after me.
As I walked down the stairs Cap was coming up. We shared a smile.
"Good luck, kid. See ya later."
I nodded.
      I walked down the long sidewalk to the driveway and saw a 2019 Audi Q8. The front driver window rolled down. I leaned one arm on the roof and put my other hand in my pocket.
      "You Boston?"
      "That's me."
      "Y/N." I said holding my hand out.
      He shook it.
      "Nice to meet you." he said.
      I walked around and got in the rear right side. Sitting down and pulling out my phone.
      Peter rushed to the door, and sat down next to me. As soon as he sat down Boston pulled the car out of the driveway and onto the road.

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