Chapter Fifty Six

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      I groaned a little at the hazy voice.
      I mumbled a string of incoherent words.
      Wait, am I sleeping?
      I shot up at the sound of Smoak's loud voice.
      I took a look around at my surroundings. I was leaning against my steering wheel, my glasses crooked on my face.
      The car wasn't running but some numbers were flashing on the windshield display.
      7:00 am.
      My eyes widened and I quickly fixed the glasses on my face, then reached for the ignition.
      I pressed the button and nothing happened.
      I pressed it again.
      I leaned forward and looked at the dash.
      I was out of both electricity and gas.
      "Shit," I said.
      "You left the car running all night, boss."
      "I tried to turn it off, but you did not give me that ability because of the fear of someone hacking into your car. After we ran out of battery it automatically switched to gas."
      "Yeah. I know, I know."
      I began to reach into the glove box searching for deodorant or body spray, anything to help me.
      "Smoak, how far to the school?"
      "About a mile, a little more."
      "Okay, I have time, right?"
      "Yes, sir. Plenty of time."
      I leaned back in my seat and rubbed my eyes.
      I jumped at the sound of a knock at my window.
      I turned to see Peter standing on the curb, his knuckles to my window.
      I rolled it down.
      "What are you still doing here?"
      "I fell asleep here last night..."
      He sighed, pitifully.
      "Come on. I'm walking to school, and here," he reached into his bag and tossed me a can of spray deodorant. "You stink."
      I chuckled a little and reached into my shirt, sprayed it on my underarms, then tossed the can back to him.
      I grabbed my bag out of the backseat and opened the door, stepping out into the road.
      "Lock the doors."
      The car clicked as the doors locked.
      I walked around the front and over to Peter on the sidewalk.
      "Don't take this the wrong way, Y/N, but you look like crap."
      "Yeah, I know, Pete. I feel like crap too."
      He sighed and started walking, I started walking next to him.
      "Listen, I was talking to Ned and Mj last night. And while they're kinda pissed at you too, for going villain, they talked some sense into me. I believe you. That you're changed and wanna do better, and that it really was just for a mission. You said it yourself,
you're broken; that's where I come in. If I don't fix you, you'll never get fixed."
      I smiled and tears welled up in my eyes.
      I wrapped my arms around his neck, halting our walk.
      "I missed you so much," I cried.
      "I know...I know."
      He wrapped his arms around my waist.
      "I love you," he said.
      "I love you too..." I mumbled.
      I pulled away and wiped my eyes.
      Peter put his hands on my face and pushed some of my colored hair off my head. Then, wiped a tear with his thumb, then looked me in my eyes.
      His brown eyes were shining, with the light reflecting in his iris'.
      He pulled me into him and pressed his lips to mine. I moaned a little as he kissed me, my body ached for the heat he was making me feel.
      "I love you, Y/N Stark. And nothing will change that."
      I smiled and blushed.
      "I really don't deserve you," I said.
      "Maybe. Maybe not. But, you're stuck with me anyway."
      "No one I'd rather be stuck with..." I smiled, joining our hands and leading him down the street.

      I held my head on my fist, leaning against my desk, staring to where Peter was sitting next to Ned.
      "You guys make me sick..." Mj grumbled from next to me.
      "It's what we do. We're lovesick teenagers."
      "Uh huh. Less staring more cutting. That frog isn't going to dissect itself. At least I hope not. Otherwise we have a larger problem on our hands."
      I aimlessly pointed the scalpel at her.
      "Now, in that situation, would the problem be the frog being alive, or the frog killing itself?"
      Mj looked up as she thought.
      "Definitely the frog killing itself. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these frogs were alive. Mr. Buterr doesn't like his job enough to care to check them."
      I lowered the scalpel to the frog and began to dissect it.

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