Chapter Twenty Five

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      I sat in the passenger seat of a white van, next to Clint. We pulled up to the street and stepped out onto the road.
      "First stop, Wanda." he said jogging towards the back of the base.
      I jogged after him.
      He stopped at an area away from the base and rigged a bomb then continued towards the base. We snuck in through the back and I led him through the hallways.
      We stopped just outside the door.
      Clint pressed the detonator and I heard the distant rumble of the explosion.
      A moment after he set it off we stepped into the room. I saw Wanda looking out the window towards the explosion.
      As soon as we stepped into the room her hand shot to the side and a knife flew through the air stopping an inch from Clint's head.
      He carelessly pushed it aside.
      "Guess we should've knocked..." he said.
      The knife clattered to the ground.
      "Clint, Y/N, Oh my god. What are you doing here?" she said.
      Clint walked past her and shot two arrows into two different sides of the room.
      "Disappointing my kids..." he mumbled. "We were supposed to go water skiing. Cap needs our  help. Come on."
      I took her hand and led her after Clint towards the door.
      I heard a whoosh behind us.
      "Clint. Y/N. You should not be here." Vision said.
      "Really? I retire for like, what? Five minutes and it all goes to shit."
      "Please consider the consequences of your actions."
      Clint looked around.
      "Okay, they're considered."
      Electricity shot out of the arrows he fired and trapped Vision in place.
      "Okay, we gotta go." Clint said.
      I jogged after him but turned when I realized Wanda wasn't following.
      "Wanda, come on." I said.
      "It's this way." Clint said.
      "I've caused enough problems." she said.
      "You gotta help me Wand, look you wanna mope you can go to high school, you wanna make amends you'll get off your ass." his face changed as he saw Vision shoot an arrow, freeing himself. "Shit."
      Vision charged Clint fading as Clint shot an arrow. The arrow passed harmlessly through him, and he disarmed Clint.
      Clint panted. "I knew I should've stretched."
      He took out a night stick and charged Vision. I attacked him from behind throwing elbows and kicks.
      He dodged and blocked our attacks. Clint's night stick broke when he smacked Vision in the face. Vision twisted his body and kicked me backwards. I slid across the floor and crashed through the window.
      "Y/N!" Wanda yelled.
      My hand shot out and grabbed onto the ledge of the window. I was dangling fifty feet in the air.
      "God, I miss my suit..." I groaned.
      I threw my other arm up, grabbing onto the ledge. I started to pull myself up.
      I saw Vision holding his arm around Clint's throat.
      "I know I can't." Clint said. "But she can."
      Wanda summoned energy in her hands.
      "Vision, that's enough. Let him go. I'm leaving."
      "I can't let you."
      Wanda's hands stretched the energy out and the stone on Vision's head glowed a soft red. He faded and Clint fell to the ground.
      She pushed Vision to the ground and the floor began to crack.
      "If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you."
      "I can't control their fear, only my own."
      With a surge of energy, Wanda forced Vision into the ground and fell through the floors of the base and down into the earth.
      I swung a leg up onto the ledge and rolled fully into the room.
      I sighed and caught my breath.
      I staggered to my feet and walked over to Wanda.
      "Come on. We got one more stop to make." Clint said headed for the door.
      I took Wanda's hand and led her away from the hole Vision was at the bottom of.

Many hours later, the van pulled into a parking garage and came to a stop. Clint stepped out, followed by Wanda, followed by me.
I walked over to the window and looked down onto the tarmac. I watched as planes soared through the air. I heard Scott Lang step out of the van and begin a conversation with Steve.
I smiled as he sputtered on and fanboyed out.
I turned as an alarm went off and a foreign voice came over the loud speakers.
"They're evacuating the airport..." Bucky said.
"Stark." Sam said.
      I perked up at the sound of my name.
      "Suit up." Steve said.
      Steve walked over to his car and popped the trunk. His shield and gear were waiting, along with Sam's gear. He reached inside and handed me my suit, folded into the case.
      "Ahh...hello, old friend." I said setting it on the ground. "Smoak?"
The suit reconstructed itself to become a normal suit of armor. It opened and I stepped inside.
I sighed as it closed around me.
The data display powered on and Smoak's voice box appeared in the corner.
"Welcome back, Sir."

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