Chapter Thirty Four

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      "Perfect. Thank you. Okay, bye." I said into the phone before hanging up and setting the phone down onto my desk.
      "Knock knock." a voice said.
      It was Charlie, standing in the doorway of my office.
      "Hey, come on in, what's up?" I said.
      "Nothing much. I just got back from training. It was..."
      "Yeah, that's one word for it."
      "Yeah, I've been there. It gets easier, once you adjust."
      "What's up with you?" he said.
      "Oh, the usual, attempting to manage a company."
      "Right. And how is the attempting going?"
      "Rather well. As of now, the watches are being shipped out to the sites we have prepped to sell them. They need to be ready to sell as of tomorrow otherwise I won't make enough money to keep us going, but I'm hopeful."
      "Yeah, well, you'll show that Olsen asshole that he'll regret not making a deal with you. I have faith that you'll make it through."
      "Thanks, Charlie." I smiled. "I'm about done here, believe it or not, wanna go walk around a bit?"
      "Alright, let's go." I said grabbing my phone and heading for the door.
      It was ultimately silent until we hit stepped out onto the sidewalk.
      "So, Tony said that I'm gonna have to start school next week..."
      "Ah, great, I've been wanting to introduce you to Mj, I have a feeling you guys'll get along."
      He smiled a little.
      "You don't seem as excited as I am?"
      "It's just- I've never been the smartest...or the best at school...I've always kind of been the mediocre student-dumb jock stereotype, and now I'm getting sent to a school full of pretty smart people."
      "My dad wouldn't send you there unless he thought you could handle it, so I'm sure in someway you'll excel."
      He nodded slowly.
      "Hey, can we hit up this coffee shop I heard about? It's supposed to be really good. It's up
just a few blocks."
      "Yeah, lead the way." I said.
      He smiled down at me then looked back to where he was walking.
      "Before I was taken, I had this friend, her name was Emma. She was my best friend. You remind me a lot of her."
      I smiled up at him then nudged him with my shoulder.
      "I knew there was more to you than the shy kid I found in that room."
      He scoffed and rolled his eyes, with a smile, and looked away.
      "Come on. The shop is just up here."
      I followed him into the cafe and up to the counter. We paroozed the menu for a moment or two before ordering and taking a seat at a table.
      "I'm uh- I'm sorry." he said.
      My eyebrows furrowed, "Why?"
      "That I was so reserved at first, I didn't really trust you, and I didn't give you a chance."
      "It's fine. I wasn't that trusting of everyone here when I first got here either, but they grew on me and became my family after a while. Besides, I think I have a pretty good profile for you..."
      "Oh yeah? How so?"
      "By piecing things together you've told me and reading my father's files of you."
      "Your mother died from complications during birth, leaving just you and your father. You were relatively popular in school, and surrounded yourself with friends because you needed that comfort to fill in the absence of your mother. When your father died you shut everyone out, which caused you to lose some friends and become more reserved. Something terrible happened to your friend Emma, and you hate yourself because you think she died thinking you didn't like her anymore. After all that happened you left school and began to live on your own on the run. With all these emotions in your head your powers became more volatile causing you to search for help, and leading you here to me."
      "You got all of that from things I've told you and a  file?"
      "Oh no, I haven't even gotten to the file yet."
      He cocked an eyebrow.
      "Name: Charles Elliot Beaufont. Age: 15 Birthday: December 18, 2002. Place of Birth: Boulder, Colorado. Height: 6'1" Weight: 162 lbs Hair: Brown. Eyes: Brown. Known Family: Father- deceased. Mother- deceased. Uncle-presumed alive. Education: Fairview Highschool. Et cetera. Et cetera..." I said.
      "How did you know all that?"
      "Photographic memory."
      His jaw dropped.
      "Being a genius has its perks." I said smiling.
      He rolled his eyes.
      We continued to talk and tell stories for a while longer before I had to go back to the company and wrap some stuff up, before long I was receiving numbers from Maggie.
"Nearly all the stores are ready for launch, sir. Thanks to our publicity sections, we already have people, by the thousands, preordering the watch. So, as of now, things are looking good. And, the watches are all in working order."
"Oh, thank god, thanks Maggie."
"Of course, sir. It seems you have finally have time to take a break, you might wanna take advantage of the time while it's here."
"I plan on it. It's late Maggie, take the rest of the day off, okay?"
"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."
I smiled and grabbed my bag off my chair, heading for the elevator. Sighing in relief as I waited for the doors to open.
"Smoak, send a text to Peter: managed to get off work can i stop by?"
"Sent, sir."
I stepped into the elevator, when it reached the bottom lobby floor, a chime sounded in my ear.
"Response from Mr. Parker, boss: yes please i need a break from school work."
"Reply: lol on my way."
"On it."
      I sank down into the back seat of Boston's car and instructed him to take me to Peter's.
After fifteen minutes of driving, Boston pulled up to the edge of the street and unlocked the doors.
"Thanks, Boston. Take the night off, okay? I'll call an Uber home."
"You sure? That might not be a good idea, giving who you are..."
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I can handle myself. Go home, Boston." I smiled.
"Alright, thanks, boss."
I walked up to the door and stepped inside jogging up the stairs to Peter's floor and knocking on his door.
The door swung open immediately, Peter was standing there in his pajamas. His hair was a mess, he smiled goofily at me.
"Hey!" he said.
I smiled at him.
"Hey, Pete." I leaned forward with a smile and pressed my lips up against his.
      "May has Happy over, I needed some saving."
      I chuckled.
      "Well, lead the way." I said as he grabbed my hand and led me into his room, flopping onto the bed.
      I fell back into his desk chair.
      I sighed, letting my eyes fall shut.
      "What's on your mind?" he asked.
      "Just...this whole company thing."
      I pinched the bridge of my nose
      "Yeah, sometimes I worry about you, Y/N. Are you sure you're not in over your head?"
      "Of course I'm in over my head, Peter...when am I not? I'm a fourteen year old who flies around in a nuclear powered suit-or used to, I guess..."
      "Maybe that's the problem, maybe now that you're not a hero you have nothing else to relieve your stress with."
      "Yeah, well, I can't really do anything about that, can I?"
      "Yeah, I guess..."
      A brief silence fell over the room.
      "Or maybe not..."
      "Huh?" I cocked an eyebrow.

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