Chapter Twenty Seven

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      I heard a voice through the dark. Color slowly seeped into my vision, though everything was still hazy.
      When my vision finally straightened out, I groaned and slowly brought a hand to my head.
      I was still in my suit, but the faceplate was broken off. I felt the cold metal of my suit gauntlets on my forehead.
      "Y/N?" I heard a voice say. "Y/N."
      I slowly turned my head to to the side. I was laying on the floor of the old Hydra base.
      My dad was on the ground, his suit broken in several places, his helmet was missing, and I could see a long gash across his arc reactor.
      "Dad...?" I groaned.
      "Yeah, it's me."
      I pushed myself up to a sitting position.
      "You okay?" he asked.
      "Yeah, I'm fine."
      I brought a finger up to my nose to wipe away a thin stripe of blood.
      I saw Cap's shield on the ground, discarded, but Steve was nowhere in sight.
      I sighed.
      "We lost..." I mumbled.
      He nodded, slowly. "Friday's bringing the helicopter over."
      I nodded then pushed myself to my feet.
      I helped him up, and wrapped an arm around his waist, helping him towards the exit.
I slowly grabbed Cap's shield off the floor, the metal scraping against the concrete.

      I sighed as I stood in front of the windows and placed the phone next to my ear.
      The ringing tone sounded. I waited for an answer.
      "This is Peter. Sorry, I couldn't get to the phone, leave a message and I'll get back to you."
      There was a beep.
      "Hey, Pete. It's me again. This is what, message five?" I scoffed. "I know. Pathetic. But, uh, I'm back at the compound. Most of the fighting is over. All that's left is damage control. I know our relationship is still probably bent, but I really want to talk to you, so give me a call. Okay? Alright, I'll, uh, catch you later. Bye."
       I hung up and sighed at the screen, then slid my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.
      I turned to see my dad helping Rhodey work on walking with his new device. I gasped as he fell, but he was able to get up on his own.
      I heard a knock at the door. We all turned to see who it was.
      "I have a package for a Tony Stank? Is he here?" the old man said.
      Rhodey laughed. "Yes. Yes this is him. This is Tony Stank. Oh, I needed that. I'm never letting you live that down. Table for one, Mr. Stank. By the toilets."
      I began to laugh.
      I watched as my dad walked over and signed for the package.
      I followed him into his office and sat down across from him.
      "Do you think it's from-?"
      "I have no doubt in my mind."
      He sighed and cut open the package with a pair of scissors. I watched as he slid out a letter and began to read it, he rolled his eyes and sighed a couple times.
       After he was done he slid it over to me then reached into the box and pulled out an old flip phone.
      I read the letter.
      When I was done, I set it in front of me and met my dad's eyes.
      I knew exactly what he was thinking when Friday spoke.
      "Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the raft prison."
      "Yeah, put him through."
      "Tony, we have a problem-"
      "Ah, please hold." he said, causing me to smile.
      "No, no, no..." Ross said as my dad pressed the button.
      "We should've known he'd free them." I said.
      "Oh, I knew he would." he said with a smile, pushing himself away from the desk and over to the door walking towards the kitchen.
      I smiled and stayed in the office for a moment. I read over the letter again before leaving it on the desk and heading to my room.
      I walked into my closet and put on some more comfortable clothes. Before talking to Boston and having him take me to Peter's.
      Ten minutes later he parked on the side of the street.
      "I'll be back in a few." I said stepping out onto the sidewalk and heading into Peter's building. I walked up the stairs to his floor and stopped in front of his door.
      I hesitated, but finally knocked my knuckles on the door.
      I heard footsteps and then a woman opened the door.
      "Can I help you?" she said nicely.
      "Hi, I'm Y/N? Y/N Stark?"
      "Oh, yes. Yes. I've heard so much about you. I'm assuming you're here for Peter?"
      I smiled and nodded.
"Peter!" she called.
"Yeah, Aunt May?" he said rounding a corner.
He was wearing pajama pants and a t shirt.
"There's someone here for you." she said gesturing at me, then walking away and busying herself.
"Hey." I said.
"I called you a couple times. I left a few messages."
"Yeah, I got them."
I winced and let my gaze fall to the floor.
"I thought we were all right..." I mumbled.
"We were. But when I got home. And I realized that, you chose the team that was illegal. And a team that would get you in trouble. And jeopardize our relationship. And get you into a floating ocean prison. We gave you the option to make the right choice over and over, and you still chose-"
"No." he met my eyes. "I chose that side because that's what I chose to believe in. That's what I believed was best. Not for the government. Or for you. But for the people. I chose what I believe in. And for that I will not apologize."
"I heard you helped Mr. Stark."
"Yeah. I found out that Cap was right. Bucky didn't do it. And I wanted to help my dad make amends."
"Then what provoked the fighting?"
"Bucky killed my grandparents."
"The grandparents you never knew? The grandparents that didn't know you existed?"
"The grandparents that, besides my father, were the last of my family. Yes, those grandparents."
He didn't respond.
"I'll see you later, Peter." I sighed turning away.
He grabbed my wrist.
      "Wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound that way, Y/N."
      "There's not that many different ways to make that sound, Pete..."
      "Okay, well, I'm sorry for saying it."
      I didn't respond.
      "I know you were just standing up for what you believe in. And I know your father probably has brought you up that way, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with that."
      "I never said you had to."
      "Come on in." he said stepping aside and holding the door open a little more.
      I skeptically walked past him, into the apartment.
      "May, is it okay if he hangs out for awhile?"
      "Sure, lemme know if you guys need anything."
      "We will, thanks, May."
      "Thank you, Miss Parker." I said as Peter shuffled me into his room. He closed the door behind me.
      He sighed and plopped down on his bed.
      "So Spider-man operates out of here?" I asked.
      "...yeah? I guess."
      I walked around and scanned everything.
      "So, where do you keep all the stuff you need?"
      "I find space."
      I winked a little as I noticed the attic door on the ceiling.
      I picked up a robot arm and pushed the door open, he jumped up and panicked a little.
      The suit fell down from a string, dangling in mid air, before Peter tossed it back into the attic.
      "I really need to change my hiding place, you Starks can figure it out in seconds."
      "Well, there's not many places to look."
      "Just because I don't have a 430 square foot bedroom, doesn't mean I can't find good hiding places."
      "Oh, I'm sure you could. I'm just saying that looking around, I've found 30 potential hiding places for the time I've been in here, and I'm sure my dad found double that."
      "Yeah, well it's what I've got."
      "I'm assuming May doesn't know?"
      "No, she doesn't know." he said scoffing. "And we're keeping it that way..."
      I sat down on the bed next to him.
      "I missed you." I said leaning into him a little.
      He wrapped and arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.
      "I missed you too."
I sighed at the touch and smiled, my insides filling with warmth.

I sighed and walked up to the kitchen and set my bag down. I grimaced at the homework I knew was inside. I plopped myself down in a seat and pulled out my phone. I had several notifications. Peter, asking what was up and to see if I wanted to go to a movie with him later. Ned, asking about Halloween which was coming up soon. Mj, asking for answers to the homework. And several other friends from school who were all asking different things.
I answered the people I felt like answering, then went to my homework. I finished it within a few minutes, then sent the answers to Mj.
I tossed my bag into my room kicking my shoes into my closet and placing my wallet and keys on the dresser.
I walked over to the window looked out over the base. The usual liveliness was gone. There were no people wandering or training on the lawn, it seemed empty.
I guess that's what losing a few team members can do.
I went down to the lab and pulled up the schematics for my suit.
I began to make adjustments.
"What are you doing?" a voice asked.
I turned to see my father in the doorway.
"When we were fighting, I noticed several times that the suit was affecting my flexibility, preventing me from executing moves I usually can do with ease. I'm working on a fix."
"And how are you gonna do it?"
"I'm thinking about changing some of the key joints," I moved several parts of the hologram. "and adding some form of magnetics as the joint."
"How would you keep external things from getting inside the suit if there's a gap with nothing sealing it?"
"If I place the parts of the suit, just right, and only put magnetics where the joints are, there shouldn't be any problems."
"Need any help?"
"No...I think I'm gonna leave it there." I said saving the new schematics. "I'm going to the movies with Peter."
"Oh okay, well, have fun. But not too much, kid."
I scoffed and nodded, walking past him up the stairs.
I began to get ready for our date.

      Peter and I walked out of the theater, our hands intertwined. I tossed the empty bucket of popcorn into the trash, then headed towards the doors. As soon as we pushed the doors open flashes began to go off and I saw a crowd of people taking pictures of us.
"Y/N Stark!"
"Y/N Stark, over here!"
The crowd of reporters and paparazzi began to let out question after question, mostly revolving around me being with Peter.
I was stuttering like an incompetent.
I had me hand held out in front of me, protecting my eyes from the flashes.
Peter slowly led me throw the crowd and into Boston's awaiting car. The windows were tinted so we were safe from any prying eyes.
I sighed heavily, then tapped on my seat.
"Go. Drive. Now."
"Yes, sir." Boston said.
I felt Peter place a hand on my knee, which caused me to jump.
He retracted his hand as I jumped, but then slowly put it back, rubbing his thumb over my knee to comfort me.
I smiled, slightly, then returned to looking out the window.
A few minutes later we pulled up to Peter's building. I gave him a kiss and said goodnight, before telling Boston to take me home quick as possible.
"I'm sorry about that, Y/N. I should have texted you a warning."
"It's okay, Boston. It wouldn't have done anything. I just want to go home."
"Now that, I can do."
Ten minutes later we arrived at the compound, I stepped out and jogged inside.
"Pepper!" I called.
No response.
"Smoak? Friday?"
"She's in her office." they both said.
I nodded and jogged off towards her office, I swung into the room and she looked up startled that I had shown up all of a sudden.
"I have a situation." I said.
She raised an eyebrow.
"I was caught. Out with Peter. We were holding hands. There was press and reporters and paparazzi everywhere. They were asking me questions, I couldn't respond. The point being, they know. They know that I'm with Peter, so they're going to piece together that I like guys. Which means, being who I am, it's going to be everywhere. So I need help, PR help. Press help. Pepper help."
She smirked and typed a few things into her computer.
"I've been dealing with Stark press for years, I have plenty of experience."
"Thank you..." I sighed sinking into a chair.
"Yeah, I won't lie, people are already talking. But, I can't do much right now. And you're exhausted, you need sleep. Go to bed. Wake up refreshed. Then we'll deal with this. Together. Okay?"
I was going to protest, but I couldn't lie. I was extremely tired.
I nodded slowly and got up, heading for the door.
"And Y/N?"
I turned to her, raising my eyebrows.
"I'm sorry this happened."
I nodded once, then headed up to my room.

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