Chapter Sixty Eight

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      My eyes wandered over the armies, losing hope with every alien I laid eyes on. I limped over to Steve on my slightly bruised leg and he looked over to me, while breathing heavy. I watched as he swallowed nervously, then turned back to the armies.
      I stood next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning a little against him for support.
      "What do we do?" I said quietly. "You know we can't fight them all..."
      "We can't just give up," he said.
      "I didn't say that. I just mean...there's no way we can finish this."
      "Then...we'll just have to go down fighting," he said, setting his jaw and meeting my eyes again.
      I nodded slowly and eased my weight off him, shaking my leg and activating my weapons.
      I prepared to lift off the ground, when Smoak spoke.
      "You'll want to hear this," he said, as my screen displayed a comms channel I hadn't used in a long time. A garbled voice sounded.
      "-ey, Cap...y-you read-ead me?"
      We both froze and listened to the voice.
      "Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"
      Sam...? That meant it worked. He's back. They're all back.
      Steve slowly raised a hand to his ear and prepared to speak when Sam spoke up again.
      "On your left, Cap," the familiar voice said.
      Steve and I both turned to see a small circle of orange sparks form out of thin air and slowly grow into a large circle. There was a bright light on the other side and three silhouettes were walking forward.
      My helmet dematerialized and I could breathe fresh air again as I watched the strange portal.
      The figures exited the circle and revealed themselves to be Okoye, T'Challa, and Shuri.
      I scoffed and a broad smile appeared on my lips.
      "I-it worked," I said to Steve, grabbing onto his arm.
      A small smile spread across his lips and he slowly caught his breath.
      I gasped and smiled as Sam came swooping out of the portal and flew above us. I watched in awe as hundreds of other orange portals sparked into existence.
      "It worked!" I cheered.
      I turned to Steve and grabbed him by the arms.
      "It worked," I breathed.
      I turned around to see a portal open to a strange planet and Stephen Strange floated out of it, along with Drax, Mantis, and Peter Quill.
      I could hardly contain the hope and happiness flooding my heart as I saw the thousands of warriors and wizards flood out of the surrounding portals.
      I looked back to the portal used by the Guardians, to see a figure flying through the air behind them. I gasped and took a step back as I realized who it was. The flash of red landed and their helmet dematerialized to reveal Peter. I brought a hand to my lips and exhaled, tears springing to my eyes.
      Peter and Steve shared a glance and nodded, before he realized I was there walking towards him. He smiled goofily and I stepped up onto the rock with him and slowly raised my hands to his face.
      "Peter...?" I said weakly, as the metal of my gloves connected with his face.
      "It's me, Y/N," he said. "I'm here."
      I let out a sob and laughed a little.
      "You're here..." I said, laughing.
      I pulled him closer to me in a flash and connected our lips. He moaned a little in surprise, before melting into the kiss.
      When I pulled away I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into me.
      "Don't ever leave me again," I said.
      "I wouldn't dream of it," he sighed.
      I pulled back after a long squeeze and turned back to Steve and the armies.
      The Wakandans began to chant battle cries, at the lead of T'Challa.
      Tears sprung to my eyes as I saw my former friends appear around me. I laughed as Wanda landed and immediately her gaze snapped to Thanos' armies.
      I saw Thor and my father pull themselves together from the ground below and stare down the armies as well.
      I gasped as Pepper landed in front of me and Peter in the Rescue suit.
      I whirled to the side as there was a thud and a flash of color.
      I turned to see Charlie standing next to me, his hair a mess and his face dirty.
      I chuckled and smiled as we met eyes.
      "What do you say we kick some ass?" he said with a grin.
      I shook my head, returning the devious grin.
      "I couldn't agree more."
      We all turned to the crumbled base as it burst apart and Lang ripped through it, in his giant form. He let Bruce, Rocket, and Rhodey down from his hand and put himself into a battle stance.
      Everyone's gaze turned to Thanos' armies and they got ready for battle.
      I lifted a few feet off the ground as Peter got low into a battle stance. Charlie's eyes sparked to life with electricity and crackled around his hands. I felt a slight wind pick up as he lifted into the air next to me.
      Thor and my father joined the ranks around Steve.
      "Avengers!" Steve called out to everyone.
      I watched him in anticipation, waiting for the call to attack. Mjolnir flew through the air and connected with his open palm.
      "Assemble," he finished.
      Everyone let out a blood curdling battle cry and charged forward. I darted forward and joined my father at his side as we flew above the people on the ground.
      I tossed a glance behind me to Wanda and she caught my gaze, giving me a wink.
      I nodded my head and turned back to the front.
      My father caught my gaze as well and even through his helmet, I knew what his eyes were saying. He nodded once and I returned it.
      As soon as the armies collided, I held my fists out and let out two long red lasers, cutting through their ranks. I twisted my hands and let out a barrage of missiles at the many aliens.
      I watched as Charlie threw cascades of wind and electricity at the aliens from the ground below, easily tearing through the weaker ranks.
      I watched as gunship started to head towards him and swooped down and raised my open palms, firing a long laser at it, causing it to explode. I swooped back up to the sky, just as my father and Pepper took out two different ships.
      The three of us floated just next to each other forming a triangle, our backs to the middle.
      We shot blue blasts of energy and turned in a circle, cutting through the enemies.
      I broke off from them as my father did and I flew down to attack an alien, shaped like a large gorilla with a helmet over its face.
      I cut its skin with lasers and fired missile after missile, but nothing cut through its thick skin enough to kill it.
      I ducked as it swiped at me with its large hand, but didn't have time to react before it head-butted me, sending me flying backwards and crashing to the ground. I raised a fist and it morphed into a large blaster, but I had no time to fire before a lightning bolt crashed into its head, sending it reeling. I pushed myself to my feet as Charlie landed beside me.
      "Alright, Charlie," I said. "Time to copy an idea from my father."
      The armor on my back morphed into a battery and four cluster cannons hovered to my sides.
"Hit me," I said.
I jerked forward a little as Charlie struck me with lightning and I watched as my energy stores shot through the roof.
I let the blast fire and the alien was thrown backwards, a hole in his chest. The orange beams died down and retreated into the cannons. The cluster cannons returned to my suit and I turned to Charlie, my helmet dematerializing.
I smiled and grabbed him by the shoulders pulling him into a hug. I smiled at the feeling.
"I missed you," I said.
"I'm sorry," he said. "That I couldn't do more."
"It's not your fault, Charlie. We all lost."
"You know, this probably isn't the best time for a reunion."
"I don't care," I said into his shoulder.
When we parted ways I flew back into the sky and returned to cutting down the aliens.
I watched as Sam cut down another large alien that was chasing Clint, who was holding the gauntlet.
"Cap," he said into the comms. "What do you want me to do with this damn thing?"
"Get those Stones as far away as possible," Cap answered.
"No," Bruce said as I exploded a gunship. "We have to get them back where they came from."
"No way to get them back," my father said. "Thanos destroyed the Quantum Tunnel."
"Wait!" Lang called. "That's not our only time machine."
I stopped in the air as I heard a horn playing the tune La Cucaracha.
"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve asked.
"Smoak?" I said.
A circle illuminated the van, right in the middle of Thanos' forces.
"Yeah," I said.
"But you're not gonna like where it's parked," Valkyrie finished.
"Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?" my father asked.
"Uh, maybe ten minutes."
"Get it started," Steve said. "We'll get the Stones to you."
"We're on it, Cap," Hope said.
I followed over Clint, providing him cover as he carried the glove. I saw T'Challa jump in his path and take out the oncoming aliens. He held out his hands and Clint gave him the glove.
He began to sprint through the forces, taking aliens out as he went, carrying the glove. I gave him cover fire when required. I gasped and hit the ground as something hit my boots, then flew and knocked the gauntlet out of T'Challa's hands.
I looked over to see Thanos with his double-edged blade.
I staggered to my feet and stood behind the glove, staring down Thanos.
"Don't even think about it, Goldilocks," I said.
He slowed down as I brought myself to my full height and raised my hands.
"That glove is Stark property, so I suggest you hightail it back to 2014...unless you want a lawsuit big enough to claim that space ship of yours."
He started to walk forward again.
"There won't be anyone to file a lawsuit when I'm done with you."
"We'll see about that," I said, as I lifted off the ground.
I darted forward and kicked the glove out of the way, before ducking under his sword and coming up behind him. I blasted him in the back with a laser and he flew forwards. He crashed into rubble, then growled and turned back to me.
"You'll regret that," he said.
"I don't regret anything."
He charged at me again and began to swing his Uru blade at me, but I dodged each swing.
I morphed my hand into a blade and ducked under a swing, then flung myself over him and sliced at his face, slashing the skin across his eye.
He winced and brought a hand to his face, feeling the wound.
"How'd you like that, bitch?" I taunted.
"Insolent child," he muttered, then in a flash his blade was flying towards me.
It crashed into my chest and I flew backwards through the air.
I crashed into a pile of rubble, then pushed myself up and shook my head.
"Anything serious?" I asked.
"No, sir," Smoak said.
I looked back to where Thanos was to see him staggering against a barrage of red energy, thrown by Wanda.
A familiar shout caught my attention and I turned to see Peter holding the glove as he used his mechanical limbs to kill the aliens surrounding him. I flew over and joined the fray, protecting him from being overwhelmed.
I hit the ground as a large alien tackled me and began to snap at my throat. The ship above us began to rain fire and the ground shook.
"Help! Somebody help!" Peter screamed.
My instincts kicked in and I chest blasted the alien on to top of me to shreds. I blasted to my feet just as Peter was ripped free from the aliens, pulled along by Mjolnir.
I darted after him and gasped as a blast from the ship ripped the bond between him and Mjolnir.
I caught his wrist and lifted him into the air.
"I got you, Peter," I said. "I got you."
I tossed him up and Valkyrie caught him, putting him on the back of her horse. I flew around them, shooting blasts.
I winced in pain as a blast grazed my shoulder and tore through my armor, it quickly molded to fix the damage.
I darted after Peter as he fell towards the earth, the horse and Valkyrie also falling.
The legs of his suit caught him, and I saw that he was holding the gauntlet tight to his chest. He began to continue on his path to the van, but a blast landed in front of him and he flew backwards.
I landed next to him and pulled him closer to me as he winced in pain. A circle formed around my wrist and I raised my fist, creating an energy shield above us.
He leaned against me as I shielded us from the artillery above.
I strained against a blast that landed against my shield and steadied myself as the rumbling increased.
I wrapped my other arm around Peter and held him close as he held onto the glove. We both looked around confused as the fire suddenly stopped.
I waited a moment then removed my shield, looking up at the ship. The ship aimed its guns at something above us, shooting into the clouds.
"What's going on?" Peter said, looking up at me.
I shook my head.
"Smoak, what are they firing at?"
"I don't know, sir. Something's entered the upper atmosphere."
I watched as a streak of orange blasted through the sky and collided with the ship, tearing through it and ripping it clean in half, causing the fire to stop.
Smoak zoomed in and revealed Captain Marvel soaring through the sky.
I chuckled and raised a fist in cheer.
"Perfect timing, Danvers!" I called out.
      After the ship crashed into the lake, I saw her streak across the sky and land in front of us. She gave me a nod, then turned to Peter, who was cowering next to me.
      "Hi," he said weakly. "I'm Peter Parker."
      "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?" she said.
      He pushed himself to his feet with a groan, tossing a glance to Thanos' now advancing forces.
      "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that," he said.
      Wanda landed next to her, as Valkyrie and Okoye appeared by their sides.
      "Don't worry," Wanda said.
      "She's got help," Okoye said.
      Pepper landed in front of us, as Mantis and Shuri joined them as well. Hope appeared from her miniature form as Gamora and Nebula joined the women.
      Peter handed the glove to Carol as the women began to charge and attack the forces.
      I turned to him.
      "Will you be okay on your own?" I asked, worried.
      "Yeah," he said. "I'm okay now. Go. Help everyone."
      I brought him into my arms once more, then turned away and took to the air once more.
      I flew over the forces, attacking the armies, covering Carol as she flew the Stones towards the brown van, not that she needed much help.
      I noticed Thanos charging her, just in front of the van. I smirked at his confidence. Pepper, Shuri, and Hope appeared behind Carol and blasted him with lasers. He fell to the ground and rolled backwards.
      I darted over to the van and made sure it was in working order as Carol flew towards it.
      I jumped as a long piece of golden metal flashed by my head and landed in the machine. My helmet rematerialized as I was thrown backwards and my vision went white.
      When it cleared I threw some rubble off me and scanned my surroundings. The van was gone and the glove was on the ground several meters away. I saw my father get up a few feet from it.
      I pushed myself to my feet and rolled my shoulders, then went to hold my stomach as I began to jog towards the Stones.
      I gasped as Thanos ran for them, but my father tackled him out of the way.
      Thanos spun around and punched my father in the face, causing him to fly backwards and slide across the ground. Thanos turned to the glove again, but Thor flew into view and held the glove down with his foot. Attacking Thanos with both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker.
      He crossed them and began to push the blade closer to Thanos' chest. Steve jumped onto his back and began to help him pull the blade closer to him.
      I flew off the ground as Thanos hit the blade away, then head-butted Thor, and grabbed Steve off his back, tossing him aside and punching him.
      Thanos crawled over to the glove, heading to put it on. I yelled out and shot a barrage of energy at him, he staggered back as Carol dove down and took out his knee, then punched him in the face.
      He went to punch her, but she dodged them grabbed his other fist and shot blasts of energy at him. She went to punch him again, but Thanos caught her wrist and winded up throwing her aside.
      I darted at him tackling him forward, causing him to drop the glove. I rolled off him and aimed my fists as him, launching two rockets. He staggered backward, then growled and lunged at me, dodging an energy blasts and punching me in the stomach, then lifting me into the air by the throat.
      "I'll enjoy watching you die," he muttered, then ripped my helmet off and punched me before my suit could make me another one.
      I felt blood drip from my nose and over my lips and chin.
      I gasped as he threw my form aside and I slid through the dirt colliding with concrete. I told my suit not to make another helmet and I winced as I lifted my hand to wipe blood away from my nose.
      I tried to push myself back to my feet, but I gasped in pain and fell on my back.
      I watched in horror as Thanos lifted the glove to put on.
      "No!" I called out.
He slid it onto his hand and colorful energy immediately sparked up his arm and he winced.
"No..." I whispered.
Just before he could snap his fingers Carol flew overtop of him and pulled his hand to the ground, not allowing him to close it.
He tried to pull his hand free, but she wouldn't let him as she slowly stood to her full height. Thanos grit his teeth and snapped his head forward, smacking it against hers, but she didn't budge an inch.
His mouth dropped open slightly in surprise.
She hovered off the ground and held his fist open with one hand, while energy surrounded her other fist, she aimed it at him.
His hand shot forward and he grabbed the Power Stone, then closed his fist around it and punched Carol, she raced through the air, flying hundreds of feet away.
I screamed and darted towards him, but he turned his fist on me and a blast of purple energy sent me soaring back into the rubble. I groaned as my mind slipped in and out of consciousness. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring my body to move.
I watched as he lowered the Power Stone back into the gauntlet.
"No..." I mumbled, defeated.
I gasped as my father grabbed his gauntlet and began to pull on it.
"You can't beat him, dad..." I mumbled, even though he couldn't hear me. "I love you, but you can't beat him."
He continued to pull on the glove as Thanos kneed him in the stomach, then brought his fist down on his back.
Thanos ripped free at the same time he threw my father aside.
I sighed and winced in pain at the sudden movement of my lungs.
Thanos reached over and situated his glove again. He turned to my father's recoiling form.
"I am...inevitable," he said slowly.
I winced as he snapped his fingers, waiting for the surge of energy. But nothing happened, expect for the clang of metal echoing in the clearing.
He whirled on the glove with a confused expression and turned his hand over.
Even from where I was sitting, I could see that the Stones were no longer in their places.
I immediately turned to my father at the same time Thanos did.
He was on his knees and I could see his nanosuit morphing to carry the Stones that were swirling around his wrist.
My eyes widened and I put a hand on the ground starting to push myself to my feet and stagger towards him.
"No," I said firmly.
My father began to groan as the Stones snapped into place and the energy traveled up his arm.
He slowed his breathing and pushed himself through the pain, he met my eyes and the look that they held made me freeze for a moment.
Somehow, in some way, the bond we held allowed me to see everything he was telling me.
I love you. I'm sorry. I'll miss you. I have to do this. Be strong. Take care of Pepper. Take care of Morgan. Tell them I love them. Be there for Peter.
I love you.
He slowly turned back to Thanos.
"," he began to speak through heavy breaths.
He met my eyes once more, just briefly, with a hint of mischief in his gaze. Then he turned back to Thanos.
He set his jaw and met Thanos' eyes.
"Iron Man."
He brought his fingers together to snap and I leaped forward with newfound adrenaline.
"NO!" I screamed as blinding light surrounded me. I felt a surge of energy and I was thrown out of the air and onto the ground.
It took several long moments for my vision to flood back to me. When I picked my head up to scan the battlefield, I saw my father lowering himself against a large chunk of concrete.
I looked around to see the enemy armies slowly crumbling to dust around us, saving several of my teammates.
I turned back to my father and quickly pushed myself to my feet running over to him. His armor was broken, charred, and sparking.
I crouched down in front of him.
"No, no. Dad..." I cried.
He met my eyes as he continued to breathe heavily.
I put my hand against his chest.
"Smoak?" I said.
"Life functions critical, sir. He's not going to make it."
I let a sob escape my lips.
I gasped a little as he slowly grasped my hand.
His lips moved in the shape of the words 'It's okay' and 'I love you'.
His head started to grow heavy as his body failed and he started to slump a little. I helped keep his head high.
I swallowed my tears away and met his eyes with kindness.
"You took me in just seven short years ago," I said. "I didn't want to at first. But it was the best thing I ever did. You made me love being a hero. And love having such a large family, with you at the head of it. You taught me what the meaning of love and family was, and for that I thank you with all my heart. You made me feel unstoppable and so, so loved. We only had a short time together, but I would never trade it for anything, dad. You gave me a lifetime's worth of love in just those years. Thank you, dad. Thank you for all the work you put into me and the Avengers. But, it's finally time for me to take care of you, dad. It's okay. You can rest now. It's your turn."
He nodded so slightly it was almost imperceptible. I moved to his side a little, holding his hand.
Rhodey came over and put a hand on his face and gave him a small smile, then stepped aside as Peter swung into view and jogged over.
"Mr. Stark?" he said. "Hey! Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter."
He began to cry and let out soft sobs.
"Hey," he said. "We won, Mr. Stark. We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir, you did it."
Pepper appeared behind him and gently moved him aside, over to me where I wrapped my armored arms around his crying body.
"I'm sorry, Tony," he cried.
Pepper took his spot in front of my father.
"Hey," she said.
"Hey, Pep," he said, incredibly quiet.
She put her hand on his chest and he covered her hand with his.
"Friday?" Pepper said.
"Life functions critical," she confirmed.
My father smiled at her for a moment, then began to slip away.
"Tony?" she said. "Look at me. We're gonna be okay."
She shot a glance at me, then looked back to my father.
"You can rest now," she said.
Her face scrunched up as she began to cry, her gaze fell to his chest, where the light flickered off and his hand slipped away from hers.
Tears streamed down my face as I stared at his distant gaze.
She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his undamaged cheek and holding on to him, not wanting to let go.
She began to sob into his chest and I felt a hand fall on my shoulder.
I looked up to see Charlie behind me.
He met my sad gaze and squeezed my shoulder. I looked away as he looked over to my father. Behind me I heard him whisper.
"Thank you for everything, Tony..."
I stood up and brought Peter up with me. I wrapped my arms around Peter, and Charlie wrapped his arms around both of us.
"I love you, dad..." I sobbed into Peter's shoulder crook.

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