Chapter Fifty Two

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I sighed as I waited for the chemical analysis to finish.
Peter was sitting in the chair next to mine, sipping on a root beer float. He appeared half asleep.
I watched him as his eyes trailed the loading bar.
He swallowed his drink then looked over at me.
"How'd you know I would be paralyzed?"
"The blood work on the corpses came up with several chemicals used in common paralytics. I figured I should come prepared."
"You came just on time, too. I was nearly pumped full of that."
"Well, at least we have a sample. Now, after a long time. We have a lead."
"I still don't understand how you knew I was in trouble..."
"Call it a gut feeling. I knew something was off, I figured it best to investigate."
"You're too smart for your own good, Stark..."
I chuckled then went back to the many math and science equations in front of me.
"What are you working on?"
"I'm trying to come up with a new chemical formula for a cleaner output from my car line. I might need Charlie's help later..."
"I heard he's got a job now, with S-Corp."
"Yeah, he needed something to keep himself busy."
"That was kind of you."
I smiled just as the computer sounded.
A long list of chemicals came up on the screen.
"How is this going to help us?"
"Smoak, narrow this list down to some of the rarer, and harder-to-come-by chemicals."
"Right away, sir."
After a brief moment the list drastically shrunk and a few chemicals were left.
"Save this file, Smoak. And create a memo of the items left, put it in my notes," I stood up and took out my phone, "I need to make some calls."
I began to walk a little ways away.
"Who're you calling?"
I gave him a knowing look.
He mumbled something that sounded like: " and your damn network of people...
The phone rang for a few breaths before the line picked up.
"Hey, Harvey, it's Y/N. I need some help, again."
"What's in it for me?"
"You know I'm always good for whatever you need, Harv."
" of my buddies, Reggie. He was just locked up. Think you can bail him out?"
"I'll see what I can do."
"Alrighty then, we're in business. What can I do?"
"I'm sending you a list of chemicals. I need you to find me whoever sells them and where I can find them."
"I'll get to work on it. Keep me updated on Reg. Name's Reggie Stone. Good luck."
"You too."
I pocketed the phone and returned to the desk, gathering up some of the papers and stowing them away in some folders and binders.
"I've gotta drop by my office, you wanna come with?"
"No, I need to get some rest. I'm exhausted."
"Alright, I'll see you tonight."

      I sighed and leaned on my hand, rubbing my eyes.
      The papers around me were a mess and my head was pounding.
      "Knock knock," a voice said.
      I looked up, tiredly.
      It was Pepper.
      "Hey, what's up?" I said.
      "I was talking to Peter and he mentioned how you seemed exceptionally stressed today. I figured I'd stop by and check on you."
      I smiled, "Thanks, but I'm alright, Pep. Just a little frazzled. With Doctor Toxin and the company, it's just a lot sometimes."
"Yeah. I get it. Your father gets this one sometimes too, but sometimes I believe it's best to take a step back and take a break every once and a while, okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Pep. I appreciate you stopping by to check on me. I know we're not related by blood, but you are with my father, and I consider you family."
"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you for saying that...sometimes I feel a little out of place at the base. Surrounded by heroes and I'm just the fiancé of one."
"I felt that way at first too, Pep. Of course, I didn't stay that way, but believe me, it got better for me. You're an anchor, you keep us down when we try to fly too high."
"Well, Starks are notorious for trying to fly too high..."
I laughed and nodded, just as my phone began to ring. I read the call ID.
"I'm sorry, Pepper. I've got to take this."
"No problem. I was just about to head out. Thanks again, Y/N."
"You're welcome and thank you, Pep."
She smiled a small smile, then nodded once and left.
I answered the call.
"Hey, Pete, what's up?"
"It's the chem analysis, Y/N. You're gonna wanna see this. I already sent Charlie towards you, I didn't wanna send this electronically."
"You're scaring me."
"I don't think we have anything to be scared of yet, but I want you to see this before we jump to any conclusions."
I nodded, even though he couldn't see.
I heard something behind me and turned around to see Charlie hovering outside.
I pressed a button on my desk and the glass doors slid open. He touched down on the balcony and stepped inside, the doors closed behind him.
"What is it?" I asked.
He handed me a folder of papers.
I sat down and slowly opened it, my eyes scanning the data.
"I don't understand, this all looks normal, Peter," I said into the phone.
"Page four, second line to the bottom."
I flipped through the pages and my eyes flicked to the bottom of the page.
It was a list of chemicals, non-active ones. I stared at them for awhile before realizing something. The first letter of each word spelled something out.
Fun House on Baker Boulevard
"She...put a location in her toxin?" I said.
"It seems to be. I don't know what her angle is. What does she gain from this?"
I thought about it. Then continued to read.
My eyes scanned then next page and slowed to a halt on a list of materials that were analyzed as an error.
      But I knew that list of materials anywhere, I stood up and briskly walked over to the filing cabinets to the left of my office.
      "Peter, where are you?" I said as I pressed my hand against the filing cabinet drawer. A white line appeared a bounced up and down.
      "Where are you! Tell me now!"
      "I-I'm headed ho-" his voice cut out and there was a shuffling sound on the other side. Then, silence.
      The line turned green and a squared illuminated the same color. I took a step back as the cabinets began to move mechanically.
      "...Peter...?" I said quietly.
      My heart sunk as there was nothing but dead silence as a response.
      I slowly lowered the phone and hung up, slipping it into my pocket.
      "What happened?" Charlie asked.
      "...she got to him."
      "What do we do?"
      "We get him back."
      When the cabinets were done moving, a foggy glass door was revealed. It slid open with a hiss as I walked closer.
      I motioned for Charlie to follow me.
      Behind the door was a small hallway, that descended down with a slight ramp.
      When we reached the bottom, I turned to the right and another foggy glass door slid open.
      The room opened up and revealed a long corridor with glass display cases on one side and shelves and drawers on the other side.
      I began to walk down the side of display cases, stopping in front of one labeled Prototype X.
      I began to type some things on the panel next to the display case.
      "Smoak, have a drone bring me Project Cyclone, and fast."
      "Right away, sir."
      I finished typing something in and then pressed a final button. The glass case slid open, and the full suit was revealed. The suit was all matte black, with a few grey accents. The helmet was a different shape than usual, it was a mask that only covered my face from the eye sockets down. The suit was a light build and was less protective.
      The circle the suit was standing on spun around, so I was looking at the back of the suit. The back revealed a long black cloth cloak bound to the shoulders of the suit. A hood hung at the back of the neck.
      The suit continued to spin around as diagnostics were done.
      "I see no reason that the suit should fail. It should operate at peak efficiency, but be careful, sir, we haven't fully tested it yet. Your requested project should be arriving."
      I heard the buzz of a drone and one was floating next to me with a white box a moment later.
      I grabbed it from the drone and held it out to Charlie.
      "What's this?" he asked.
      "Open it," I said.
      He opened the lid and smiled a little.
      "I'm glad you like it, now suit up, there's no time to waste."
      I turned around and stepped into the suit.
      It closed around me, it was nice that it was lighter. More freedom to move. I lifted a hand and looked at it. My fingertips were free and were poking out of the gloves. I ran a hand through my hair to make sure none was caught in the mask, then reached back and pulled the hood over my head.
      I turned to where Charlie was removing his clothes and pulling the new suit on. When he was done I took in a full look at my newest project.
      His suit was just leather and kevlar, pulled tight around his form. It was mainly whites and different shades of grey. It had a long 'cape' in the back made of many skinny strips of black leather. They were there to help him steady himself when flying.
      "This is awesome..." he said.
      "It sure is," I said pushing past him and making my way to the other end of the hallway. I pressed a button and it opened up on a indoor heli-pad.
      "What's so special about your suit?" he asked.
      "I've been working on it for a while. I replicated the energy emitted from Loki's staff. And made it into a chemical form. Then used the energy to create a battery of sorts, that I can feed off of."
      "So that does what?"
      "Allows me to do this," I turned around and reached a hand out. In less then a second, blue chemicals filled many tubes around my suit and dark blue energy surrounded my hands. I reached out and lifted several crates from the side wall and threw them at Charlie.
      He dodged them last second and rolled to his feet.
      "Your learned how to harness them."
      "Only while I'm in this suit, but yes, in a sense. Come on, we've got to get to Baker Boulevard before it's too late."
      The large hangar doors slid to the sides and I lifted into the air.
      I turned to see Charlie pulling wind to him, his feet lifted off the ground and he lifted one leg higher than the other.
      The strips of leather of his cape lifted up at different heights behind him, creating a menacing appearance.
      "That's what I like to see..." I mumbled, then turned to the outside and blasted towards the destination.
      "Alright, Peter. Just hang in there..."

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