Chapter Forty Eight

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I was speeding home when I got the message from Smoak.
"Sir, the code is finished being written." he said.
"I'll be home in fifteen minutes, just standby. And tell me dad to meet me there then."
"Yes, sir."
I turned back to the road.
"You sure you don't want me to come with you? What if he hacks something again?"
"Nothing will get past my firewalls. Today is the day we end him. We'll be fine. Just hang tight."
"If you say so."
After a long fifteen minutes, I dropped Peter off quickly then rushed back to the base. I drifted into a stop and stepped out of the car. I walked to the front doors and down into the lab.
"All set, Smoak?"
"Yes, sir."
"Dad?" I asked.
He was nearly asleep at another desk.
"Huh? Yes, I'm ready."
"Alright, launch program, Smoak."
We waited and watched the screen in anticipation.
I watched as data slowly disappeared from one website and then another, until he was on only one.
"Let's get to work." I said sitting down and behind to type in many different codes for viruses and bugs, but it rejected everything."
      "Son of a-" I mumbled.
      "What's it doing?" my dad asked.
      "It's vanishing, it got out of our trap, and none of my codes will work to destroy it."
      "What do we do?"
      "I'm getting whatever information I can from it before it's gone." I muttered, typing away.
      After about five minutes, it was completely gone.
      I was shocked about the information I had managed to get.
      "What? What'd you find?" my dad asked.
      "I- I think I managed to get a location." I said.

      My father and I blasted through the air next to each other, headed towards the coordinates I had decoded.
"You sure you're ready for this, Y/N? He kicked our asses last time," my dad said.
"I'm sure. We didn't have time to prepare last time. This time we're two steps ahead."
"Let's hope we can keep it that way."
I nodded and clenched my jaw.
After a few more minutes of flying my father spoke up, "We're closing in."
"Is that-"
He sighed, "One of my old Stark Industries satellites...perfect."
"Shit..." I mumbled.
"Come on. We'll just have to be careful."
      He swung his legs around and landed on the roof, I followed suit.
      We entered the building, which was dark and eerie.
      We wandered the halls looking for anything suspicious.
      There was a static sound and a long ringing sound from all around.
      Our weapons powered up and we raised our hands.
      "I thought you might find me eventually..." the robot's voice croaked.
      We continued down the hallway, as I attempted to trace where the sound was coming from.
      "The PA room is this way," my father said leading me down a hallway.
      I followed him.
      "You can try all you want, but you can't stop me. You can't stop Cipher."
      "Cipher, huh? Is that what you're going by nowadays..." my father muttered.
      My father approached a door and nodded towards it.
      "You'll never find me in this maze. That map you're pulling from the government and following is scrambled, Stark. And I made sure of it. By the time you really find me I'll be long gone."
      "Smoak, prepare Protocol Firewyrm." I whispered.
      "Yes, sir."
      My dad held up three fingers then counted down.
      He kicked the door in and there was a gravelly shout.
      The robot was standing in the room with a large metal arm covering its face.
      "What! How?" he shouted.
      "I don't pull anything from the government, Circuits. I have my own records. In my servers, which my son here, has put his firewalls on."
      "Argh!" he snapped.
      "You lose," I said.
      The robot lunged at me, its eyes glowing red.
      I dodged and it rolled into the hallway, as it was pushing itself to the feet I kicked it and it flew against the wall.
      It smacked the floor, in its frustration. I aimed my slicing laser and cut its arm off.
      I kicked the robot in the face and then reached around to its back and inserted a S-Corp hacking spike.
      "Upload, Smoak."
      "Processing request...complete."
      "No! What have you done-done!"
      "Erased you. Entirely."
      "Nothing's impossible, Cipher. Especially not in my family."
      The light in its eyes disappeared and it went limp.
      I stared at its dead body and anger rose inside me.
      I started to stomp, kick, and shoot the robot's body.
      I was screaming and shouting.
      My father was trying to stop me and calm me down.
      "Smoak, eject him. That's an order!"
      After a long moment, I was thrown out of my suit.
      My father grabbed my arms and pulled me to the ground.
      He sat behind me and held me as I leaned against him.
      "It's okay..." he said, "He's gone. He won't hurt you anymore. He won't hurt us anymore. You're safe."
      I continued to cry my anger out.

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