Chapter Forty Five

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      (There will be a break a little while down, if you want to skip the sex scene, I will mark it so you know where to stop scrolling)

      After most of the guests had left, I made my leave from the front door and left Pepper to deal with the last of them.
I wandered around helping some of the workers take some decorations down as I saw them.
Someone standing in a doorway caught my attention and I looked to see who it was.
He was staring at me, an interested and aroused look in his eyes. As if he were imagining me somewhere else.
I smirked at him and he was shaken out of his daze.
Even from a distance I saw a bright, red blush flood into his cheeks and he looked to the side sheepishly.
I set what I was doing aside and walked over to him.
"What's up...?" he asked awkwardly.
I shook my head and smiled, taking his hand, and nodding my head down the hallway.
"Oh, o-okay..."
I pulled him after me, then pushed him into my room, stepping inside after him and locking the door.
He stumbled back a little then regained his balance.
"Y-Y/N, I was a little more confident earlier, but I wanna make s-sure you're sure you wan-"
I put a finger on his lips.
"Sh." I lowered my hand and looked down at his lips, then back up to his eyes. "Just kiss me."
He nodded and smashed his lips against mine.
I lifted my hands and tangled my fingers in his hair.
I smiled against his lips as his hands drifted from my waist, to my lower back, to even a little lower.
I started to walk forward a little bit, forcing him towards the bed.
Once his knees hit the edge he was forced to sit down, I straddled his lap and he placed his hands back where they were.
      After a while of kissing I traced my hands from his neck down to his waist and tugged on his shirt. He lifted his arms and I peeled it off him.
      I tossed his shirt aside and placed my hands on his chest.
      I pulled off my own shirt, then pushed him back so he was laying down. I laid down on him and resumed kissing.
      I reached down in between us and began to unbutton and unzip his pants, he then pushed them to his ankles and kicked them off.
      I stood up and took my pants off then got back on top of him.
      I attacked his lips again.
      "You...wanna...go first?" he said in between our lips connecting.
      "You can go first..." I mumbled.
      I reached over to the end stand and into the drawer, I felt around for the small square plastic package and ripped it open taking the contents.
      I looked back over to see that Peter had removed his underwear and was stroking himself.
      I replaced his hand with my own and then after a while I slid the protection over him.
      I removed my underwear and crawled on top of him. I looked into his eyes as I pushed him inside of me.
      He placed his hands on my hips.
      "You okay?"
      I nodded and let my eyes falter shut.
      I began to move up and down and Peter began to moan.
My own moans and groans grew louder and louder.
      After around five minutes he moaned my name.
      "Y/N...I'm so close..."
      A moment later he lifted his hips and his legs spasmed.
      He collapsed onto the bed.
      I lifted myself off of him and winced a little.
      "My turn..." I panted.
      He nodded, breathing heavily.
      He grabbed himself and removed the protection and threw it aside. He spun around and pushed himself onto all fours.
      I grabbed another condom and slid it over myself.
      I knelt behind Peter and pushed myself into him.
      He gasped and threw his head back.
      "You good?"
      "Yeah, just gimme a adjust..."
      I waited, trying not to move too much.
      "Okay...go ahead."
      I grabbed his hips and began to move in and out.
      His moans began to grow a little louder and I grunted as I picked up speed.
      I continued to thrust for around seven more minutes before finally I felt a wave of pleasure inside me.
      "I'm close..." I groaned.
      I picked up pace and Peter began to move against me.
      I called out his name as I pushed myself deep inside him and held it there.
      We collapsed into a heap and I tore the condom off.
      Peter curled up under my arm and sighed.
      "That was amazing..." he groaned.
      I chuckled, " was..."
      I pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
      "I love you..." I said.
      I heard an incoherent mumble in return and moments later my eyes drifted shut.

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