Chapter Twenty Three

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I crouched on the roof the building Bucky was supposedly in. I was in full gear, prepared to fight if I needed to.
"Smoak, what's our status?"
"Captain Rogers is speaking to Mr. Barnes."
"The authorities?"
"They are currently entering the building."
I peered over the edge and saw SWAT teams rushing into the building.
I pressed a finger to my ear and the piece was activated.
"Cap, the SWAT is here. They're entering the building."
"Buck, c'mon. I can help you. You just have to let me."
I heard the tone of Steve switching channels.
I sighed.
A loading box appeared on my screen and then a box of surveillance footage appeared. I saw the SWAT rush up the spiral staircase.
"C'mon, Steve..."
I saw the SWAT team get out a bartering ram and line up outside the door.
I watched as the door got busted in and battle broke out. Bucky rushed into the hallway and began to attack the team.
Cap rushed after him and began to go after Bucky.
I heard Cap's voice over my ear piece.
"I'm going after him."
"I'm coming down."
"No, if he sees other people he might panic."
"No! No, Y/N. I'll say if I need you."
I sighed and made my helmet retract, letting myself get some fresh air.
I ran a hand through my hair and looked to the sky.
This is a mess...
I heard shouting and looked to see a SWAT member be thrown out of the building.
I jumped off the roof and my helmet covered my head again.
I raced after the man falling, he was screaming and he was faced towards the ground.
"Smoak, thrusters to 85%." I said as I felt myself go faster.
"C'mon, c'mon." I mumbled. "95%!" I snapped.
My thrusters pushed me faster and I grabbed the man by his vest right before he hit the ground.
I swooped my legs around and landed on the ground, setting him on the ground lightly.
He looked to me, his eyes still huge.
His arms shot up and he aimed his gun in the air.
"Put your hands up!" he shouted.
"C'mon, man. I just saved your life, is this anyway to repay me?"
"Shut up! I'll shoot you!"
"You seem a little nervous. First day in the field? Yeah, that feeling will pass."
"I said shut up!"
"I heard you."
"One more chance. Hands in the air."
"Sorry, I can't do that."
"That's it!" he snapped releasing fire.
The bullets ricocheted harmlessly off me. I reached out and grabbed his gun, twisting his arm, and causing him to release the gun.
I tossed it to the side.
"You're gonna end up hurting someone."
He whipped out a pistol and aimed it at my head. I lunges forward and placed my back to his chest grabbing his arm, then twisting his arm around his back. He dropped the gun.
"Why do they even try..." I mumbled tasing him.
He fell to the ground.
I lifted off the ground and headed towards the building.
"Captain Rogers is in trouble, Y/N."
I blasted into the building and flew into the middle of the staircase, all the men began firing at me, but I ignored them darting to where Steve was and landing on the platform. He was pinned up against the wall with several men holding him down. There were two other men who had their guns trained on him, his shield was left on the ground a few feet away.
       I flew into the air and blasted towards the men about to shoot him, I turned my body around and round in a spiral and hit them like a torpedo. They fell to the ground and I knocked the two out.
      I blasted and punched the rest of them.
      "Good timing, kid." Steve sighed.
      He rushed over to grab his shield.
      With a whir of mechanics a small rocket protruded from my forearm. I aimed at the stairs a floor beneath us and blasted a crater in them.
      The men weren't able to continue up the stairs.
      "Bucky!" Steve yelled running after someone.
      I lifted off the ground and flew after him.
      I landed just behind him as he watched something on another building.
      A man dressed in an all black cat suit, was attacking Bucky and attempting to sink his claws into Bucky.
      "Southwest rooftop Sam." Steve said into his earpiece.
"Is that a frickin' cat...?" I said.
      I jumped off and zoomed into the air.
      I saw Sam circling the building, occasionally shooting at the man in black.
      A helicopter came into view and began to shoot at the two fighting.
      Steve ran backwards then leaped off the rooftop.
      "Someone take care of that helicopter!"
      "On it." Sam and I said.
      I darted towards the chopper and flew into the open doors, grabbing the gunner and blasting out the other side. The gunfire ceased and the helicopter veered.
      I watched as Sam flew into view and kicked the tail of the helicopter, throwing it in circles.
      I flew through the air to several buildings away and set the man down on the roof, before blasting back to the building the fight was happening on.
      I watched as Bucky, the man in black, and Steve all jumped off the roof and ran into the streets.
      Bucky jumped down into a tunnel, the man in black soon after, and Steve after him. I flew into the tunnel and flew after Steve.
      I watched as Bucky grabbed onto a motorcycle and flung himself onto it, the tires squealed as he raced down the tunnel.
      Steve stopped and jumped on the windshield of a car, causing it to stop. He reached into the drivers seat and threw the driver out, while he was doing that, I flew to the front and ripped the windshield off, allowing him to see. His car screeched down the tunnel.
      I flew after him and saw the man in black jump towards Bucky, Bucky grabbed him by the throat. The man in black pushed himself away on the wall then pulled Bucky to the ground. Bucky pushed himself off the ground, back upright, causing the man in black to fall backwards.
I watched as Steve zoomed by him, then the man in black jumped up and grabbed onto Sam's leg as he flew by. Sam raced towards Bucky, while trying to get the man off.
I saw Bucky throw something onto the roof.
"Mr. Stark, Mr. Barnes has thrown an explosive device." Smoak said quickly.
I forced myself to go faster and broke out from under the tunnel just as the roof collapsed, Steve bailed out of his vehicle and sprinted over to the man in black.
He tackled him off Bucky and started to fight.
I aimed a hand at Bucky to be sure that he wouldn't try to run again.
I heard the sound of many police sirens and soon several cars surrounded us, all of them aiming big guns.
I saw Rhodey fully decked in his War Machine gear land in the center of the area.
Steve stepped in front of Bucky. With a whine Rhodey's hand blasters powered up and aimed at Steve and the man. The machine gun on his shoulder aimed at me.
"Stand down. Now." he said.
None of us moved and the police continued to stream into the area.
"Congratulations, Cap, Kid. You're criminals."
Steve put his hands up as the men forced Bucky to the ground to put cuffs on. Sam walked into the clearing his hands raised. I stepped out of my armor.
"Smoak. Manual transportation mode."
"Yes, sir..."
The suit compacted into a small brief case. The light from the arc reactor died down. I raised my hands. A man in armor rushed forward and grabbed the case.
Someone came over and forced my arms behind my back, clicking cuffs over them.
I watched as the man raised his arms and removed his helmet.
Mumbles spread across the area as we realized that is was none other than T'Challa.
"Your highness." Rhodey said.
T'Challa's eyes traveled down to where Bucky was being wrestled on the ground, then up to Steve.
"Smoak, notify Natasha of what's happened."
"Yes, sir."
I was led over to a car and a hand pushed my down into the vehicle. Steve was shoved in next to me. Soon after Sam and T'Challa were thrown in. After they loaded Bucky into a large heavily armored truck, the car began to move.

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