Chapter Forty

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After Charlie and I got back to the base, I took a shower and began to prepare myself for sleep.
"Sir, there's a problem involving a transport jet that belongs to your father."
"The items being transferred from Stark tower were being transported via jet. I have confirmation that the jet is headed towards the ground."
I sighed and rushed into my closet.
"There's no use, sir, the plane has crashed onto the beach."
"Was anyone injured?"
"Not that I know of, although, sir...there's something you may want to know."
"And that is?"
"Mr. Parker was on the jet, and I have confirmation that he is alive on the beach. As is the one they are calling Vulture."
"Do I need to intervene?"
"No. Vulture has been taken care of. Mr. Parker is okay."
"Good. Thank you, Smoak."
"Anything for you, sir."
I left my closet and headed for my bed.
"In other news, I believe I have triangulated the location of your father's cell phone."
I sighed just as I sat down.
"It never ends, does it?"
"Not in this line of work."
"Where is he?"
"The call was made from the city of Salvador, Brazil. Just as the man said. Processing coordinates."
They appeared on my screen.
I scanned over them.
"Any word from my father?"
"What about Friday?"
"No sign of her, sir."
"Well, where the hell is she?"
"I...don't know, sir. Her base code is there and all systems appear in working order, but she is not operational."
"Get her online as soon as possible."
"Yes, sir. It may take a while."
"In the mean time, power up the jet, and inform them that I'm on my way."
"On it."
I got out of bed and dressed myself in a pair of navy blue dress pants, brown dress shoes, a brown belt, and a white dress shirt.
I slid my phone into my pocket and headed into the hallway.
I opened Charlie's door and leaned against the door frame.
He had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a pair of plaid boxers and a grey t shirt. His brown hair was still slightly damp and was curling on the ends.
"What's up?" he said as he made the bed.
"How you feeling?"
"On a scale of what?"
"1 being 'desperately needs sleep', 10 being 'ready for a ten hour flight to a foreign country for a mission to find my dad'."
He fell down onto his bed and looked at me with one eye and a groan.
"Well? You're not gonna make me go alone, are you?" I said, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"No. I'm not gonna make you go alone. Someone has to keep you out of trouble..." he looked at me. "I'll be down in a half an hour." he grumbled.
"Great. Pack for anything."

I walked up the steps and ducked into the plane, Charlie was right behind me. I yawned as I took a seat.
Charlie sat down next to me, looking exhausted.
"If you can stay awake long enough for us to take off, there's a bed in the back." I mumbled.
"Wake me if I fall asleep before we get to cruising altitude."
As tired as I was, I couldn't fall asleep.
I stood up and made my way to the back of the cabin.
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts till my finger hovered over one name.
I closed my eyes and pressed the name and brought the phone to my ear.
The line began to ring.
"Pick up...pick up..." I whispered.
"Hello?" the voice said.
I smiled, "Hey, Peter."
I sighed wistfully at the insincerity in his voice, "Are you okay?"
"I've been better."
"Listen, I'm sorry. About the things I said, and what happened. I just...I miss you."
There was a moment of silence.
"I miss you too." he said with a sob. I heard him slowly fall apart.
My entire demeanor fell.
One of the workers grabbed my attention by waving a hand.
      "Take off in five." they whispered.
      I nodded.
      "It was hard..." he cried. "It was a shock at first, and I thought I couldn't do it, but we had been drifting apart, and I started to like Liz a little."
      I silently gagged, causing Charlie to give me a strange look.
      "I took her to homecoming, Y/N..." he cried.
      "I know."
      "All I could think about, for months, was taking you to homecoming. And I took Liz. I took someone else. All I could think about was you the entire time."
      I didn't respond, but let him go on.
      "I kissed her, Y/N. I kissed her and I liked it."
      "I put her dad in jail, cause her father was the vulture, Y/N."
      "I know."
      "I cheated on you, Y/N! Aren't you listening to me?" he sobbed.
      "I am." I replied calmly.
      "What the hell, Y/N? Say something! Be mad! Yell at me! Hate me! Hate me! Tell me that you hate me! How are you not mad?" he yelled.
      "Because why?!"
      I exhaled sharply, "Cause I love you."
      He scoffed and sniffled. "How?"
      "Because I made a promise the first time I told you I loved you. And I intend to keep it. And I'd be lying if I said I never made mistakes."
      "And after everything I did, you still love me?"
      "Yes. Entirely."
      "Stop asking for assurance and decide if you're going to say it back."
      He laughed a little and sniffled again.
      "I love you." he said.
      "Good. Now listen, I'm going on...a trip," I said for lack of better terminology, "right now. Okay? And as much as I love you, and I wish I was there to hold you, I might be gone for a little while, but as soon as I'm back, expect a visit. Okay?"
      "Okay..." he said sniffling, yet again.
"I have to go."
"Okay..." he said quietly.
"I love you..." I said.
"I love you too."
"See you when I get back."
"See you."
I walked back to my seat and collapsed into it, buckling my seat belt.
Charlie was already out, so I leaned over and buckled him.
Moments later the captain came on the loud speakers and informed us of take off.
The jet lurched forwards and we soared up into the sky.
"I need you now more than ever, dad..." I turned to face out the window. "Please be okay."

I unbuttoned the top few buttons of my white dress shirt, revealing the top of my chest and I grabbed a pair of sunglasses out of the adjacent room. I slipped them on my face then headed for the stairs, stepping down onto the tarmac.
I immediately felt the heat wash over me.
"Smoak, were you able to get us a hotel?"
"Yes, sir. Five stars located right in the city of Salvador."
"Forward the directions to the driver." I said.
"Right away, sir."
I went around to where some of my workers were standing and they handed me my travel duffle, Charlie grabbed my suitcase, before I had a chance to grab it.
I didn't protest.
I began to walk towards the car and as I approached the trunk popped open and the driver stepped out, taking our bags.
Charlie and I filed into the back seat.
"Once we get to the hotel, we'll get settled maybe get something to eat, and then I'm gonna investigate the area where Smoak found my father's phone. Then we'll go from there, okay?"
He nodded slowly as he began to drift back into sleep.
"How long can you possibly sleep?"
"Huh?" he mumbled drowsily.
"You slept nearly the entire plane ride."
"Well, I would've woken up sooner if I hadn't slept in the bed."
"Yeah, you're welcome by the way."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm the one the carried you into the bed because you wouldn't wake up."
"Oh..." he smiled a little, "Thanks."
After a moment he spoke again, "You can lift me?"
"I used to get training techniques from Captain America. Yeah, I can lift you."
"You continue to impress me, Y/N Stark."
      I smiled and looked out the window as the car pulled onto the streets.

      I shot flew through the air, occasionally turning or dipping below a traffic sign. I turned and watched the reflection of my royal blue suit.
      I heard people cheering and watching from below.
      "It's Renegade!" they yelled.
      They whooped and hollered.
      I slowed, then landed just outside the alleyway where my father's phone was located. I stepped out of my suit.
      "How's Charlie?" I asked.
      "Still asleep, sir." Smoak said.
      I stepped around the corner and into the alley. I scanned the ground and an object was circled on my glasses interface without prompt. My father's phone lie just inside the circle.
      "It's still here." I said, bending down to pick it up.
      I clicked the button on the side and the screen flickered to life.
      I pocketed the phone, then stood back up dusting my knee off.
      "Smoak, where are we on the Friday situation?"
      "No headway yet, sir."
      "Keep me updated."
      "As you wish."
      I placed a hand on my forehead, over my eyes, as I looked up to check for any cameras.
      I saw two on a building across the street.
      "Smoak, get the footage from those cameras."
      "On it."
      A loading box appeared in the middle of my glasses, the shrunk and lowered to the corner.
As I waited I placed my hands on my hips. I let my mind wander and before long I heard a familiar voice. I walked out of the alleyway and glanced down the street. I saw a man standing outside of a building, attempting to sell some exotic fruits from a stand.
I walked forward quickly and stepped up to him. He recognized who I was immediately.
"Y/N Stark!" he said with a heavy accent.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Remember that phone call you got a few days ago?"
He nodded, then his eyes widened.
"That was you?"
"Uh huh..." I said nodding my head.
He attempted to dart away, but as soon as he moved I reached out and grabbed him by the collar, slamming him against the wall.
"Where is my father?" I spat.
      "I-I don't know!"
      "Well, as of right now you're my only lead. So get to talking."
      "I was working the early shift, and then I began to hear ringing from the alley. There is always shady things going on in these parts, so I went to investigate. That's when I found the phone!" he yelped as I pushed him tighter against the wall.
      "So no one saw anything or anyone?"
      "Yes, yes! I swear!"
      I looked into his eyes and cocked my head, ever so slightly.
      "Your eyes..." he pointed out.
      I slyly pressed a button on my watch and my suit approached us on its own. It raised a hand and aimed for José's head.
      "Wait! Wait!"
      "Anything else you wanna tell me?"
      "Mila! Mila said she saw something!"
      "Who's Mila?"
      "Another worker here! She told me she was walking home late at night and she heard the sounds of fighting. She hid and when the sounds stopped she saw three men drag a man to a van and carry a woman to the same van. They sped away."
      I took a deep breath through my nose, my jaw still clenched.
      "Thank you," I said releasing him.
      I stepped into my suit and took off for the hotel.

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