Chapter Fifty Three

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I looked up and came face to face with one Trudy Sokolov.
"Long time no see, Trudy."
"That it has been."
"What are you here to teach me this time?"
"Just a little lesson on what this gas is doing to you right now. It's entering your lungs and then moving to your bloodstream, Y/N. From there it is being carried to your brain and it is slowly mutating every neuron it touches. If you don't snap out of it and fix this, you're going to be in for a rude awakening when you come to."
"Easier said than done."
"When you're down for the count you just have to get up and think about what you're fighting for. Who are you fighting for, Y/N?"
I slowly pushed myself to my feet, staggering a bit.
"For Peter."
"Then get your ass out there and fight for him. Because god knows what this woman has done to you already."
I felt my powers flare and energy surround my hands, I watched as the energy spread all the way up my arms. I put them together and then snapped them out.
My vision came back to me and I saw the purple gas get pushed away from me, forming a perfect circle, with me in the center.
I grabbed hold of the gas and pushed it back into the vents it came from, then tore open the large door and went back into the room I was in before.
I saw Charlie fighting guy after guy, with electricity dancing inbetween his fingers. He had formed a rope of electricity and was using it as a whip, knocking guy after guy out.
I lifted the last men in the room and threw them up against the ceiling then against the wall and continued to throw them about the room before letting them fall in mid air.
"Y/N!" Charlie called rushing up to me.
He wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm okay..." I said.
He pulled away then looked me in my eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
"Because there's just something about your eyes. It's different."
"I don't know, but I feel fine. Let's keep pushing forward."
      We made our way towards the door on the opposite side of the room.
      I kicked it down then immediately fell into a fighting stance, waiting to see what the next challenge was.
      It was over, yet somehow, I knew it was only just beginning. And our hardest challenge was yet to come.
      Before me was a room soaked in blood, there were bodies piled up on either side of the room and in the middle was a surgical table and lamp.
      Smoak highlighted the area across the room.
      "There," he said.
      Strapped to the table was Peter, he looked to be a mess and his mouth was gagged.
      "We're coming, Peter," I said.
      His head shot up at the sound of my voice.
      He began to try to speak around his gag, I brought a finger to my lips and shushed him.
      I heard a few footsteps and then there was a small metallic sound. I looked down to my feet to see a small circular device. It beeped and pink energy cascaded out of it.
      My suit went limp and the rest of my body was pulled down with it.
"Paradoxe's weapons are widely sold on the black market, but anything's negotiable when you're the most feared woman in New York. A Tech-Block grenade, I believe you've run into them before?" Toxin said.
      I forced my suit around and pulled the manual release.
      My suit hissed open and I stumbled backwards out of it.
      "Let 'em go, Toxin!" I called out.
      "Come and get him," she said back.
      I slowly walked out around my suit and towards the table.
      "How lovely to see you again, Mr. Stark."
      I had no idea what came over me, but a smile spread across my face.
      "Awww, I missed you too, Toxy..."
      She cocked her head and said: "Huh..."
      "You're mine, Toxin! Let's get this going!" I cheered, sarcastically.
      I reached into the pile of bodies, clothing, and weapons and grabbed a baseball bat.
"You ready to dance, Toxin?" I said.
"I prefer to keep my hands clean..."
She pressed a button on the wall and four doors slid open, with an alarm blare.
      I heard the thump of footsteps and several men began to charge into the room.
      "Where is she getting all these people?!" Charlie snapped.
      I swung my bat and a snapping noise went off as I hit the man upside the head.
      I rushed forward and slid knocking out their legs then standing up and kicking the man in the head. Charlie was on the other side of the room, fighting several others.
      I turned back to the men in front of me and stopped short.
      A man was standing with a gun pointed at my face.
      "Hey, now! Calm down! No need to do anything you'll regret," I said.
      "No regrets if you're dead," the man said.
      "Oh, wait! You've already done something to regret..."
      I swung my leg around and kicked the gun out of the way. It shot wildly at the wall. I cracked the bat against his head and then grabbed the gun off the floor.
      I began to fire rounds at several men around the room.
      When I shot a sufficient amount, I turned to see Charlie finishing off the last of them.
      I walked towards Toxin where she was standing at her chemical table.
      I slowly lifted the gun and aimed it at her.
      "Step away from the table, Toxin."
      "Or what?"
      "Or I fill your body with lead."
      She turned around, a small vial still in hand.
      "I've done what needs to be done. You can kill me here and now, but my reign will last over this city."
      "I don't think so."
      "And your friend here, will always be ruined."
      "I won't let you touch him."
      "Too late. My toxin is already coursing through his veins, he'll be dead in a matter of five minutes."
      "You're lying!"
      Toxin reached over and removed the sheet that was covering Peter from the neck down. His shirt had been removed and there were strange markings from his right forearm, stretching up to his bicep.
      "I call them Toxin Tattoos. The toxin is slowly destroying parts of his body in a pattern. Creating these strange shapes. And as it reaches his heart, know what happens then."
      I clicked the hammer back on my gun.
      "Fix him."
      "No. I can't. I intentionally gave him my incur-"
      I pulled the trigger back and my heart fell as the gun made a clicking sound.
      She began to laugh.
      "Ah, shit..."
      I swung my leg around and pushed her back. She crashed into the tables knocking chemicals everywhere.
      "Get Peter out of here, Charlie!" I shouted.
      Toxin came at me swinging a knife. I dodged and pushed her to the ground.
      "What about you!?" he yelled.
      "I'll be fine! Just go!"
      Toxin tackled me to the ground and tried to stab me, but I grabbed her hand and pushed her hand away. I kicked her in the crotch and she doubled over.
I turned to see Charlie helping Peter to a window, getting ready to take off.
I turned to see Toxin storming at me, I grabbed onto the edge of a table, then threw my legs up into the air and wrapped them around her neck. I threw my weight backward and flipped her onto the ground.
I hit the ground next to her and the impact shook me a little. I smiled at the slight pain, then swung on top of her and straddled her.
I pulled my fingers into fists and began to punch her. After three hits I tore the hood off to reveal a young woman with dark hair and green eyes. She had a strange burn on the left side of her face. I continued to punch her, until she was bloody and her right eye was puffy and purple.
"I'll never let you touch Peter again!"
"Beat me all you want. A part of me will always be in that damaged brain."
"Fuck you!" I screamed, bringing my fist down one last time, knocking her out cold.
I pushed myself to my feet and kicked her limp body once, before making my way over to my suit and pressing a hard reset button.
After a few brief moments it powered to life and stood tall again.
"Smoak, send the suit back. Do some quick repairs then put it back in its case."
"Yes, sir."
I turned back to the room and began to search through Toxin's things.
I found a small letter written in scratchy handwriting. I read over it.
It was an order for the Tech-Block grenade. Courtesy of the Remnants of Paradoxe.
"Remnants of Paradoxe...? Huh," I said smiling. I tucked the letter in my pocket then moved to Toxin's body.
I grabbed the cuffs that Peter was bound with then locked her to a pipe. She was beginning to regain consciousness.
"Thanks, Toxy. I've got everything I need. We've got about ten minutes before the cops arrive, so you know what that means?"
I waited for an answer I knew wasn't coming.
"We've got ten minutes all to ourselves..."
I laughed.
"Go ahead and kill me, Stark. My work is done."
"Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm not gonna kill you. That would be too easy. I'm just gonna make you bleed. I'm just gonna make you hurt, really...really...really bad. And I'm gonna love every minute of it."
I laughed as I grabbed a surgical scalpel off her table.
"Let's have some fun, Toxy. Try not to be too loud, okay?" I cocked my head and smiled.
"Actually, let's start with that!" I grinned grabbing her face and forcing her mouth open, then slowly inserting the scalpel into her mouth, despite her wiggles and screams.
"Here comes the airplane..." I cooed.

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