Chapter Fourteen

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      I woke up in the middle of the night. My body had a thin layer of sweat on it and my boxers stuck to my thighs. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and headed for the bathroom. I splashed water on my face, then got a towel and wiped the sweat off my body.
      I gripped the edge of the sink and tilted my head to the floor. I looked up in the mirror. My E/C eyes were worn and had bags under them. My H/C hair was a mess from tossing and turning. I hadn't been sleeping well. Ever since me and Peter started fighting crime, I've been having nightmares. They only got worse over time.
      "Are you alright, sir?" Smoak said.
      "I'm fine," I said with a shaky voice.
      I looked to the wall clock. It was three in the morning on Wednesday. I had been back to school for two days and I was starting to miss my time off.
      I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I opened a cabinet and grabbed a glass, heading to the fridge to fill it up with water.
      I looked into the reflection of the fridge and saw something slowly coming up the stairs.
      I moved to next to the fridge and took a drink. I set my glass down in front of me and discreetly grabbed a knife out of the knife block.
      I held it against my forearm, hidden from view. I took another drink and braces myself.
      I turned around and raised the knife in front of me.
      "Y/N...?" a voice mumbled, tiredly.
      I sighed with relief and set the knife back on the counter.
      "Yeah, Wanda. It's me."
      Wanda and I had only known each other for a little while, and she was one of the new recruits, but we had become somewhat of friends. She sat down on one of the barstools. I leaned across the counter.
      "What are you doing up?" I asked.
      "I have this thing, consequence of my powers. Whenever I feel something, like a presence it alerts me. I felt yours, with it being late in the night, I figured I'd check it out. More importantly, what are you doing up?" she said to me.
      "I've been having nightmares lately. About Peter and doing hero work. They've been getting worse. I don't get much sleep anymore..." I said, realising how tired I truly was.
      "Here. Let me see if I can help..." she said raising her hand.
      I was hesitant at first, but after meeting her eyes, I leaned my forehead towards her hand.
      Her eyes glowed a slight red and energy appeared around her hand.
      I saw glimpses of images and nightmares in my mind, but I focused on Wanda so they wouldn't get to me.
      After a short while of her easing my mind, she lowered her hand.
     "Thanks..." I mumbled, rubbing my head.
     "Of course." she said.
      I shivered slightly as the cold covered my bare skin.
      "Wanda? Did you ever have any doubts? About being a hero?"
      "Yes, I think we all do. When we were in Sokovia, Clint and I were taking cover in a building. I was scared and crying because it was all my fault. Clint met my eyes and told me 'It's your fault. It's my fault. It's everyone's fault, it doesn't matter. I go out there and fight because it's my job. You can stay in here and be okay, and that's fine. But if you step outside those're an Avenger.' You'd think I would take a while to think, but after only a moment of contemplation, I stepped outside and fought. And we won. I never thought I'd been on the side of the Avengers, but I'm glad I am. I thought, I was given these powers for a reason, so why sit by and never use them?"
      "I don't have powers though, I'm a fifteen year old in a robotic suit...What would my reason be?"
      "I can't decide that for you. You have to come to that decision. But I can say, why have a brain like yours, and never use it?" she said to me, pointing at my head.
      I nodded, and finished my water. When I was done I walked around and gave Wanda a hug.
      "And Y/N?"
     "Next time we have a late night chat, throw on some clothes before you come out?"
      I smiled and nodded, then went back to my room.

      When I woke up, I sighed with content, because I finally was able to sleep soundly. I got up and threw on a pair of joggers, a grey shirt, and grey high tops. I slipped on my glasses and went to fix my messy hair.
      When I got out to the kitchen, Peter was there, eating a bowl of cereal and messing around on his phone. I kissed his cheek and went to make coffee.
      "Morning." I smiled.
      "Morning..." he mumbled, cereal in his mouth. He blushed as I kissed his cheek.
      "So, I got word from my spies last night, they got wind of ano-"
      "Spies?" he cut me off.
      "Yeah." I said stirring creamer into my coffee.
      "Since when do you have spies?"
      "Peter, I've lived in twenty three different places. You think I didn't meet people along the way? I have a whole network of people around the world."
"You continue to amaze me..." he said shaking his head as he returned to his phone. "You were saying?"
"They got wind of another deal going down. Another big deal. It may give us a lead to the big boss."
"Okay. When and where?"
"Tonight tonight?"
"Yeah. Southern Virginia. 6:00."
"We can't go tonight." he said obviously.
"Tonight is the Spring Dance. We have to go. I already bought tickets, and it would be our first dance together."
"Peter, this could be our chance to finally catch who's behind selling all these illegal weapons." I said, crossing my arms. "You wanna waste this chance by going to some silly dance?"
He shook his head, "Never mind. Let's just go. We're gonna be late." he said grabbing his bag and heading for the stairs.
I watched him as he left, making no move to follow for a moment. I check my watch. We still had ten minutes to get ready.
I sighed grabbed my bag and grabbed my coffee off the counter. I stuffed my other hand in my pocket and headed for the stairs.
Someone caught my arm before I reached them.
"For what it's worth: To him," Nat said, nodding to Peter by the door. "it seems to be more than just a 'silly dance'..."
I nodded, meeting her eyes. Then walked out to the car and began our ride to school.

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