Chapter Thirty Three

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      The helicopter touched down on the helipad and the blades slowed to a halt. The door slid open and I stepped out onto the concrete.
      Charlie got out behind me, slowly, and hesitantly.
      I saw the door to the base open and Tony and Pepper walked out towards the chopper.
      "Well, Y/N, how was your little illegal mission?" my dad asked.
      "It was great, thanks for asking."
      "Uh huh. And who's your friend?"
      "This is Charlie Beaufont. If it's okay with you guys, he'll be staying here for awhile. He was being held captive, for months at a time, experimented on, beaten, starved, he's a hot mess, but he's an ally. And he needs help."
      "Well, the more the merrier. I'm sure we can make room for him somewhere," Pepper said. "I never am sure what you Starks will bring in, am I?"
      My dad chuckled.
      I felt Charlie standing awkwardly behind my shoulder.
      "Uh, Charlie, this is my dad, Tony Stark. And my dad's girlfriend, Pepper Potts."
      "Nice to meet you,'am." Charlie said.
      "Likewise." my dad said, with a suspicious look.
      "We had a tip from someone that you'd be bringing someone back with you, you don't know who could've possibly tipped us off, do you...?"
      I could practically hear Charlie gulp.
      "No. Not at all."
      "Huh...well, anyway, the room across from yours has been prepped for a guest, he can stay in there, pending possible relocation, you're in charge of the tour. Have fun." he said grabbing Pepper by the arm and leading her into the base.
      I turned to Charlie and smiled a little.
      His brown eyes seemed more brave in this new place, there was a newfound excitement to them. His brown hair was still messy and he seemed a little dirty, and the clothes he borrowed from Steve were a little too wonder my dad was suspicious, he looks like trash.
      "I'll show you to your room, and then you can get a shower, and then maybe we can get some food, and go shopping for new clothes or something?"
      "I wouldn't want you to spend too much money on me...we just met, maybe we could just eat something here?"
      "Charlie, I'm the richest fourteen year old alive right now. I think you'll be okay, come on." I said gesturing for him to follow me into the base. "I'll call Peter too, that's my boyfriend, he's nice I'm sure you guys will get along. We'll all go together."
      He was getting nervous again, maybe he was getting overwhelmed.
      I showed him to his room and then continued to give him the rundown of the rest of the base.
"And that concludes our tour, don't forget to visit the gift shop on your way out." I said, jokingly.
He laughed a little.
"No, I'm serious...there's a gift shop near the guest exit, but we don't have time for that because...Peter's here." I said, clicking a button on the side of my glasses. "C'mon, I'll introduce you."
We walked up the stairs to the main floor and up to the kitchen, Peter was leaning up against the island doing something on his phone.
He smiled as soon as he saw me.
He came up to me and planted a quick kiss on my lips, "I missed you..." he said, pulling me close.
I smiled and nuzzled against him.
"I missed you too, we could've used your help out there. We managed though."
"So, this is Charlie?" he said holding out a hand to Charlie.
Charlie hesitantly shook it, "That's me."
"I hear that I have you to thank for saving my boyfriend's life. That makes you good in my book."
Charlie smiled at Peter.
"So what's the plan, Y/N. What are we doing?"
"We're gonna stop for dinner, I already made reservations, and then we're gonna head to the shopping district and buy him some new clothes to fill his new room."
"Alright, let's do it." he said grabbing his things and linking our hands.
He pulled me towards the stairs and I gestured for Charlie to follow.
      "Smoak, have Boston pull the car around."
      "Right away, sir."

Boston pulled up to the street twenty minutes later and we all filed out onto the curb.
I walked into the restaurant and the waitress led us to our table.
After we ordered our food and began to eat, the table fell under an uncomfortable silence.
Peter and I glanced at each other every once and a while, communicating through our eyes.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his seating position, before looking at Charlie.
"So, Y/N tells me you have powers over the weather? How'd that happen?"
That was good. Good conversation starter.
"Lightning," he said quietly.
"Lightning? What about it?" Peter said.
"It struck me."
This is gonna be a long night.
"Charlie, I know you're probably still adjusting, and you're probably nervous, but you need to learn to trust us."
"It's not you I don't trust..." he mumbled.
"Oh- Peter? Charlie, you can trust Peter, he's on our side."
"I know. It's just-I...last time I told people about my powers I got locked away and bad things happened to me."
"The whole reason we're here is to make sure that the bad things don't happen."
He nodded and cleared his throat a little, placing his hands in his lap.
A moment later he spoke again, "My dad worked at a chemical plant. He had to bring me that day, because he couldn't find someone to watch me...He told me to stay put, but since when has a teenager listened to their parents? I started wandering around. I was walking across this huge walkway, this big skylight above me. I see that it's raining, and the next thing I know a flash happens and then I'm falling into a chemical vat. I woke up in the hospital and I started to get scared, not knowing what happening...and suddenly, it was snowing in April. More and more crazy weather things happened around me, I eventually learned to harness them a little, but the weather-even naturally- is unpredictable. That's why I sought after help, and we all know how that went..."
"Jeez...he's got a cool story...I just got bit by a spider."
"Family inheritance," I said raising a finger.
Peter and Charlie chuckled.
"What happened to your dad?" Peter asked.
The smile fell from Charlie's face.
"He, uh...he dove into the vat after me and got me out, but the chemicals affected him more than me...he died in the hospital."
"Oh...I'm sorry." Peter mumbled, embarrassed.
Charlie seemed uncomfortable with the attention on him.
"I lost my mom, when I was really young. And Peter lost his parents too, we get it. We understand what you went through, at least on some level." I said, swooping in.
"Well, aren't we just a bunch of messed up teenagers..." Charlie snickered.
Peter and I chuckled.
We finished our food a few minutes later and left to hit up the shopping district.

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