Chapter Fifty Seven

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The plane touched down around midnight, Stockholm's time.
      We got into the rental car we had reserved and drove it to the hotel room.
      As soon as we filed into the hotel room I kicked the door shut and pushed my bags aside.
      I made my way to the bed.
      Charlie was already face down on one of the beds, snoring. I walked over and began to untie his shoes, then peel them off and set them down next to his bed.
      I yawned and groaned as my back started aching. I collapsed on the other bed in the same fashion.
      I heard Peter chuckle and turned my head a little to see him undressing at the end of the bed. He peeled off his shirt and my eyes naturally drifted down to his toned chest.
      "How are you so awake...?" I mumbled.
      "I don't know," he said, shrugging.
I watched as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off, revealing his plaid boxers.
He folded his old clothes and set them on the dresser. Then walked over to me, my eyes followed his as he walked closer until he was standing right above me.
My eyes slowly fell shut, but I wasn't asleep, not yet.
I felt my feet being moved around and after some shuffling I heard my shoes hit the ground.
"Come on," he said, pulling me up by my arms, I groaned in response.
I fought to stay awake and hold myself up in a sitting position, he grabbed onto my shirt and pulled it up over my head. I fell back onto my pillow.
Peter reached for my waistband. He unbuckled my pants and began to pull them down. I shivered as all was left was my black underwear.
Peter moved the covers around, then pulled them over top of me. I heard footsteps and then the lights went out, a few more footsteps and then I felt the bed shift as Peter crawled in the other side.
After he was situated I heard him exhale and relax. I waited a few minutes before backing up and pressing my back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
"Goodnight, Peter," I said.
"G'night, Y/ you..."
"I love you too..."

"Boss, you may want to wake up. It's 9:00am."
I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
I started to push myself out the bed when an arm looped around my waist and pulled me down.
"Can't we sleep a little longer...?" Peter mumbled into my neck, leaving a trail of kisses.
"You two make me sick," Charlie said from the other bed.
Peter grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, but Charlie tossed it aside with his powers.
"Come on, you two. Get ready. We've got a two hour ride out to the country," I said.
I went to my bags and unzipped my garment bag. Inside was a nice, navy blue suit, with a black undershirt. I put the suit on piece by piece.
      "Do we need to dress nice?" Charlie asked, cocking an eyebrow at my clothing.
      "No...I just-well, let's just say I was feeling extra 'Starkish' today..."
      He chuckled and began to rub his eyes.
I went into the bathroom and began to fix my hair and brush my teeth.

"Would you please just tell us where we're going?" Charlie whined from the backseat.
"He's not gonna tell us, give up on it," Peter said.
"You'll find out soon enough...we're here," I responded.
      I sharply turned the car and everyone stumbled a little bit. I saw clouds of dirt get thrown into the air as the tires flew down the dirt driveway.
      I put my foot on the brake while turning the steering wheel and we side-skidded right next to a small porch, which was attached to a small, white ranch farmhouse.
      "Y/N Stark. Where the f-" Charlie started.
      I cut him off by stepping out of the drivers seat and facing the house. I heard some footsteps approach the front screen door.
      I smiled as the person came into view.
      I rested a hand on the roof of the car, still holding the driver door open.
      "Hey, Nat," I said with a smirk.

      "I'm sorry, I still don't understand how you managed to find us. We took every precaution to make sure we wouldn't be found," Nat said.
      I took the glass of water Steve was holding out towards me.
      I took a sip, "Thanks, Steve."
      "Hello?" Nat said.
      "Well, it's quite simple actually. Around a year ago, before-well, everything happened, when I was city jumping, I made quite a few friends. All over the world. But it wasn't until I got back to New York, that I realized they could be so much more. Once I got settled in the base I started to create a more organized network of spies, it was messy at first, but I straightened it out into what it is today."
"And what would that be?" Steve asked.
"The Ivin Network."
      "The what?" Nat said.
      "The Ivin. International Viable Intelligence Network. It's made up of agents and spies located all around the world who communicate and interact to come up with data of possible criminal activity. They usually take care of it, unless they need help, in which case they notify me and I take care of it. I often use their abilities to my advantage, such as three unique individuals coming off a plane and heading to specific locations."
      "You had spies on us?"
      "I didn't know it at the time, but yes. That ride-share you took to get here? The driver was part of the Ivin."
      Steve and Nat were gaping.
      "Okay, so that explains how you got here. But, now I'm gonna ask you why. Why are you here?"
      "I missed you guys and I needed some counseling, I need a clear head."
Steve and Nat shared a glance.
"So where's Sam? Wanda and Vis?"
"Sam should be back soon, he went out to the store a little while ago. Wanda and Vis aren't with us anymore," Nat said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"They went off on their own. They didn't tell us exactly where they're going, but we're pretty sure they're somewhere around Scotland, though," Steve said.
"I'll find them, stop and say hello before we head back."
      A silence settled over the group.
      "Can I speak to you outside, Y/N?" Nat said.
      I nodded, pushing myself away from the wall and followed her out to the front porch. She leaned against the railing.
"What's going on?" she asked.
I sighed and chuckled a little, "I may be a genius, but I can't get anything past you, can I?"
She smiled a little.
"No," she said.
"I did some bad stuff, Nat. Some really bad stuff. I lost my mind for a while. I got so focused on hunting down these remnants of people from my past, that I lost track of who I was. I killed, Nat. A lot of people."
"But, you've told me that you've killed before."
"I haven't killed in cold blood since before you guys took me in. I've only ever done it if I felt as though I had no choice."
"I see."
"I killed, so many people, Natasha..."
She slowly nodded.
"Have I told you that I have a photographic memory?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think you've mentioned it before."
"I can't get their faces out of my head, Nat. All of them. I can see everyone of their faces. I can see their eyes go cloudy as they collapse. I can see the blood drain from their faces as my bullets entered their bodies. I can't stop thinking about it..." I felt the urge to cry creep into my head.
"You need to relax. That's what you need. What do you say: night out? Me and you?" she said.
I smiled a little, "Let's do it."
We turned back to the house as shouting sparked up.
"Oh, God. What did Peter start?"
We rushed into the kitchen and saw Charlie holding Peter back from Steve. Peter appeared as though he was trying to attack Steve.
"What the hell is going on here?" Nat shouted.
"It's a long story..." Charlie said, grunting as he pulled Peter back.
"Let me go," Peter growled.
"Make it short, Charlie," I said.
Steve spoke up: "I asked him how Tony and you were doing? But I included the words traitor and backstabber. He didn't take kindly to me insulting your father a little, even though I was playing."
"You didn't sound like it!" Peter snapped, "You and your team are the traitors!"
"Hey!" Nat snapped.
Peter, Steve, and Nat all erupted into shouting and yelling at each other.
Charlie rolled his eyes as he continued to restrain Peter. He gave me a glance.
"Do something," he mouthed.
I glared at the group and my eyes flared blue. I looked at each of them. Then slammed my hand on the counter, small blue sparks shooting off my palm.
"That's enough! All of you!" I screamed.
"He was joking, Peter. I looked in his head. Nat go wait outside, I'll be right out. Steve watch what you say. Charlie let go of Peter."
Charlie reluctantly let go of Peter, who began to rub his arms.
"Me and Nat are going into the city, you guys are staying here," I took my wallet out, not taking my eyes off them, and put a fifty dollar bill on the counter, "Do something. Anything. Order a pizza. Get some beer. Watch a movie. Play cards. I don't give a shit what you do, but when I come back. They're better of been no more fights."
"What if we fight before you come back?" Peter asked, tauntingly, with a smile.
"Then Smoak will notify me and I will be here before you can throw another punch."
He shrunk back into the couch.
"Charlie make sure they stay out of trouble."
Charlie gave a small salute and scooped the money off the counter making his way to the hallway while pulling out his phone.
I gave a glance to Peter and then to Steve, before turning on my heel and making my way to the front door.
      Nat was leaning against the rental car.
      "Ready?" she said, a slightly angry tone in his voice.
      "Yeah," I said stepping into the driver's seat.
      Nat got into the passenger seat and buckled in, then propped her phone up, which was displaying directions.
      I put the car into drive and began to head back towards the city.
      "I don't know what's gotten into him..." I mumbled, she turned to me, "He was fine on the ride  here and then something must have got inside his head. He usually loves Steve, he looks up to him..."
       "He knows you came here because of him," she said.
      "How did you know that?" I looked to her.
      "Nothing gets past me, Y/N."
      "That was the original reason, yeah, but he already knew that. I told him before we came."
      "You know how you told me you couldn't stop thinking about how you killed those people?" I nodded, "Well, he probably couldn't stop thinking about how you were ready to travel across the world because he broke your heart."
      I let a breath of air out as I realized what she meant. She was right.
      "And then Steve made him snap..." I sighed.
      "Shit..." I mumbled.
      "Hey, it'll be fine. You'll talk to him when you get back and you'll work it out. You always do."
      "Yeah, thanks, Nat. So where are we going?"
      "Well, I said earlier, you need to relax, calm down, let it all go. So, we are going to get the full treatment. Spa day: massages, acupuncture, exfoliation, the whole deal. And you, my friend, are going to finally relax. And we're definitely doing something about that hair..."
      I chuckled a little, "Yeah, the masseuse will probably think my shoulders are made of stone. And I am on board with the hair thing..."
      She laughed.
      I absently reached for the radio and turned it to a station with some music playing.

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