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I was flipping through the channels on my television as I waited for my roommate to come home and apologise for making him uncomfortable this morning. It's been hours since he's been gone and I thought he abandoned me. Why would he abandon you if he left his stuff here in the apartment?

I was right.

I started getting bored after several minutes of not finding any good shows on so I turned off the television and got up off the couch. As soon as I got up, I heard someone knock on my door. Could it be him?

I opened the door and saw Nari standing there with a huge smile on her face, "so, how do you feel about this roommate of yours?"

I shrugged a shoulder, "I don't know, we barely talked at all today. Plus, I ruined it this morning by bringing up his parents."

Nari shook her head in disappointment and walked into the apartment, "oh, honey no, Wooyoung is sensitive about his parents. Especially what his dad did but it's not my spot to tell you about what he did."

"I believe I have that right to know about what happened since I'll be living with him from now on,"

Nari wrapped an arm around my neck and patted me on the back, "don't worry, Wooyoung will tell you everything when he feels comfortable around you. He was that way around me. It took a while for him to tell me that his da — never mind."

I grumbled when she stopped talking, "ugh."

Nari chuckled, knowing she did that on purpose just to edge me on, "you're so nosey."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "what are you doing here anyways?"

"Seriously, I'm here to check up on Wooyoung and see if he was okay,"

"What could possibly happen that you have to check up on him?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, "it's complicated, Miyeon."

I threw myself on the couch and groaned, "I don't understand you sometimes, Nari. You're complicated yourself."

She nodded in agreement, "I really am. But you should thank me since I introduced you to Wooyoung."

"So what?"

She scoffed, "don't tell me you don't think he's cute."

My face flushed, "what do you mean by that?"

"Oh come on, I'll even admit it, he's cute,"

"Then go out with him,"

She laughs, "you're funny when you think I'll date someone younger than me."

"Anything can happen,"

"But for real though, you don't think he's cute?" She stopped laughing to ask me.

"Maybe a little," I said measuring a short distance between my index finger and thumb.

"A little my a — "

Just in time, I heard someone knocking on the door. Both of our heads snapped up to the front door and I got up to open it. I saw Wooyoung with a couple grocery bags in his hands.

"What do you have there?"

He hid one of the bag behind his back and lifted up the other one up, "food."

I was curious as to what was in the bag that he's hiding but I didn't want to snoop so I did my best to ignore it, "Nari's here."


He came in and Nari jumped up, waving her fingers at Wooyoung, "good timing, Miyeon and I was talking about you."

I saw his eyes go wide, "you didn't — "

Nari shook her head, "don't worry, I didn't. I said that you were the one to tell her everything when you're ready."

Wooyoung adverted his eyes to me and gave me a tiny smile, I was so eager to find out what he's hiding from me.

"Want to eat, Nari?" Wooyoung questioned, holding up the bag.

But Nari shook her head, "I should leave so you guys can spend time together."

"But — "

Before she could leave, she stopped in front of Wooyoung and gave him a serious look, "you better tell her," her expression changed when she waved at me with a bubbly grin, "bye, Miyeon."

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